Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1243 Wealthy Life

Generally speaking, the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning cloth is clothing. Pomona remembers the last time Napoleon mentioned fine cotton cloth. That kind of cloth is very cheap. If it is worn like St. Louis to welcome the crown of thorns, it is fine. It is not a daily wear. fit.

But if it is used as a medical bandage, it is a very suitable material, provided that its water absorption problem is solved.

Mr. Jenner claimed that he felt unwell due to the cold wind on the day of the reception, and he didn’t leave his room very often for the next week. Pomona felt that it was still necessary to make preparations for the medical school. Her first thought was to solve the problem of bandages. question.

The bandages produced by the school-run factory can not only save expenses, but even create a surplus. Most of the servants who stay in the manor are newly recruited. Most of the servants of the previous dynasty have gone into exile with their masters or disappeared without a trace.

This shows how much Napoleon worked hard to find the former court steward.

These nearby peasants could not salute or utter flattery, but they could weave, a craft necessary for working-class women in pre-industrial France. What's more, not far from Versailles is Saint-Quentin, which used to be an important fine-grain cloth manufacturing base, and two of these maids were born as weaving women.

They changed the old dog tent into a weaving room, and 9 looms worked together. The water absorption capacity of fine Gebu is good, but it is still a bit worse than she expected. At this time, the female workers will discuss what plants to mix fibers go in.

It would be nice to use the magic bandage.

However, this idea only turned in her mind and disappeared without a trace. Doing so would expose the magical world, and wizards participating in Muggle wars would bring curses. Even if she wanted to use it, she could only use Muggle methods .

There are bandages that need to be disinfected. Doctors now usually use sage smoke to disinfect the wards, and Pomona intends to soak those bandages with herbs.

The fountain is useful, and it can be changed into several potion pools in the future, which requires masons again. It's a pity that such a beautiful and luxurious stable was demolished. She plans to use it as the school's chapel in the future, which can be used for assemblies. In addition, there are student dormitories, anatomy rooms, and classrooms. It's so busy that a week will soon be over.

Sometimes she would think, how much time has passed outside? Is it a day, or a year?

But soon her thoughts will be interrupted by others.

She didn't remember this incident until the luxurious carriage that took her to the ball stopped at the gate of the manor.

"Miss Georgiana, Miss Georgiana!" Aunt Ola, the cook and in charge of cleaning, waved her hand and shouted at her from a distance, "Look who's coming!"

Pomona felt a strong stomachache, and she wanted to retreat to the weaving room and continue working.

The rural women in France were very enthusiastic. They pushed her to the manor, and they probably pushed Marie Antoinette to the guillotine with the same vigor.

Then she saw Napoleon in the colonel's uniform in the luxurious hall.

She had a very strong sense of unreality, and felt that she was dreaming an Arabian Nights dream. How could she have thought of having an extramarital affair with Napoleon? It would be normal for her to think of having an affair with any movie star.

If she didn't use magic, she was definitely no match for a group of rural women who had been doing farm work for a long time. No matter how much she resisted, she was pushed in front of Napoleon.

The women snickered and left, closing the manor door behind them, so they were alone in the hall.

She stood at a loss for a while, feeling that she was about to solidify into a sculpture, and then a hand picked up the cotton stuck to her hair.

"How's the test site?" he asked.

"Go on." Pomona said, "If it's not a bandage for hemostasis, it's just a bandage for fixation. The gas cloth has good air permeability."

"Wherever you go, do you bring wealth with you?"

"I still hope that there will be no more wars. You won the Portuguese war this time." Pomona said helplessly. The newspapers have been talking about this these days.

"It's not 'you', it's 'us'." He corrected, "Lucien has returned to China, today is his welcome party, go and freshen up."

"Where's Josephine?"

"She's in another carriage," he said calmly.

She didn't ask why the two of them didn't go to the opera together in the same carriage after the last Christmas assassination.

What she was thinking about was that she was going to ride in a carriage with him later, this man would become very abnormal in the carriage, and she had to be protected by Mr. Jenner.

"I'll call Mr. Jenner."

"He won't go." Napoleon said, "If the flag in a man's heart is so easy to change, he will not be respected by me."

Pomona froze on the spot.

How much patriotism can a woman have? Just look at her now.

Perhaps in the eyes of other Britons, she has become a traitor.

He stroked the black swan necklace on her neck, stared at it and said softly, "You still don't want to take it off?"


He let go of the necklace that he would have pulled off with a slight tug.

"Go and dress up." He said politely, but Pomona knew that if she didn't do anything, he would use her as a trophy later in the carriage.

She hesitated, and went upstairs along the stairs, hoping that time would pass more slowly.

Napoleon did not follow her upstairs, standing erect with his hands behind his back, looking like a lion about to charge a gazelle.

Pomona finally went to Mr. Jenner's room.

He is the only one she can rely on at the moment.

"Open the door, Mr. Jenner, please open the door." Pomona slammed the door and shouted, "I need your help, please help me."

"You can say you're unwell," Mr. Jenner said from the room, "or just tell him you don't want to go."

Pomona's mind went blank.

"I'm not blind, Georgiana, you don't really want to reject him that much, do you?" Mr. Jenner said in a hoarse voice, "You've been busy and happy these days, but have you ever thought that the things you made They are all for our enemies, and for every soldier they heal, we gain an enemy, and we are not superior in numbers to the French."

"But they are also human lives, Mr. Jenner. When you promoted vaccinia in other countries, did you ever think that people in those countries would one day become Britain's enemies?"

"I know." Mr. Chenner coughed twice in pain, "but I can't let this technology that can benefit all mankind be lost because of our own reasons."

Pomona didn't know what to say again.

"You're a good boy, but sometimes being kind isn't enough for us. We each have our own choices in this matter. I chose mine. Now it's your turn."

Pomona covered her face and wept.

She cried so sadly that she didn't know why she was crying.

It was as if what she was about to attend was not a ball but a funeral.

She should be in black mourning instead of bejeweled and glamorous.

To make matters worse, she found herself unable to say "no" so firmly.

I don't know how long she cried. Mr. Jenner opened the door. His hair was disheveled and he looked like he hadn't closed his eyes all night.

She immediately hugged the old man and wept in his arms, even though she knew he was not really a living person, or a ghost.

"I'm going back to England after this ball," said Mr. Jenner. "You'll do your own thing, Georgiana."

History seems to be moving forward according to its route, so is it possible for the Amiens peace talks to take effect after the two countries are at war?

The British will not be so easily defeated.

No wonder the wife of the Russian ambassador was so shocked when she talked about peace talks between Britain and France in the Louvre that day.

After a while, Pomona wiped away her tears, bowed her knees to Mr. Jenner, and then went back to her room.

When the door light was turned on, she looked at the big bed that was neatly made up and covered with silk, and felt that it was like a beautiful trap, capturing everyone who lay on it.

==================================================== ================

"I think this is what you're looking for." Giovanni spread a copy of the blueprint on the dining table.

"What's this?" Severus asked while looking at the blueprint in a black vest.

"The city of beggars, in order to solve the problem of too many beggars in Paris, the police department planned a new city dedicated to housing beggars." Giovanni said.

"Will he be that nice to a beggar?" Severus asked.

"Many of those beggars are veterans. At the last meeting, I heard that there are nearly 100,000 beggars in the city." Giovanni said, "They cannot live with ordinary citizens, and the people are afraid of those soldiers, so Bonaparte It is planned to build another city on the outskirts of Paris."

Severus stared at the blueprint.

"This is a big deal." Giovanni sighed, "The French are really rich."

"What can you do with money?" Severus said scornfully, "It's not just about squandering."

"I have never asked you, what is the difference between you and Bonaparte..."

"Just because he's French and I'm British." Severus yelled angrily. "What idiot thought of building that damn Tunnel!"

Giovanni stared at him blankly.

Snape returned to his room with a cold face, and slammed the door shut with a "bang".

This strength was so great that it splashed the ashes on the door.

Giovanni sighed, and focused his attention on the blueprint of the city of beggars, and then he seemed to be caught in some kind of fantasy, and began to write and draw on the map.

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