There was the sound of wheels spinning outside the palace.

Pomona raised her head from a book about the Renaissance, and before she knew it, the sky had begun to darken.

She looked out of the window, and Napoleon was wearing a bright red uniform of the First Consul sitting in an open four-wheeled carriage, with guards clearing the way in front and Mamluk cavalry escorting behind, as if he had just participated in some kind of inspection ceremony.

After the carriage stopped, a guard opened the door for him, and he walked down vigorously and swiftly, which made the girls in the room who were concentrating on writing discuss excitedly.

Youth itself is a kind of capital. Napoleon is not tall, but he still has a figure, especially that thin waist...

Pomona slapped her forehead to get her strange thoughts out of her mind, and then walked back to the sofa where she was reading a book from the window, leaned on the back of the chair, and put her two legs on the low stool in front of the sofa.

You must use a comfortable posture when reading, so that you can see in. She will not force girls to read with a correct sitting posture. Anyway, even if you are short-sighted, you can wear glasses.

If people who don't know the details are easily confused by him, then the young first ruler will definitely have many female admirers, but Pomona remembers Dubois' eyes, and it is definitely not ordinary people who can control such a terrifying hyena.

Napoleon's later wife Luisa once said that Napoleon was the scum of hell, and he did have blood on his hands during the battle, and it wasn't just soldiers.

He feeds on wars for his supplies, which is a nightmare for the people of the occupied territories.

In Palodo, where they went before, many civilians were hiding in the deep mountains to escape the military disaster. Those generals would not care about ordinary people's life and death in order to achieve their own military goals.

Pomona suddenly understood how Josephine wanted to be an ordinary couple. The blood debts on soldiers were too much for ordinary people to bear.

Some people are only suitable for viewing from a distance, and it is difficult to truly live together.

She was thinking blankly, without reading a single page of the book in her hand. At this moment, the sound of crisp riding boots footsteps had already been heard. She raised her head and found that Napoleon was standing in front of her with a straight military posture.

"How do I look?" he said flippantly, like a young man returning home in uniform for the first time.

"You look handsome," she complimented. "Did you go to the parade?"

He walked over to Pomona and sat down next to her, and the others left immediately.

"I came back from Fontainebleau, and I plan to turn that palace into a military academy." He looked at the messy desks and chairs in the gallery. "It seems that you use this place as a classroom."

"I want to return some of the church's books. I will let the children copy them first, and leave them the original version. We will just keep the copy."

"What if I don't pay it back?"

"Then find something for the children to do. I see that there is a harp and a piano in the music room next door. Can you find two people who can play?" Pomona looked at the book and said, "I think heaven That's what a library should look like."

"Just now I saw a lot of boxes in the malachite room, where did they come from?"

"Your men, Dubois sent it." Pomona said weakly.

"What makes you sad?" Napoleon asked like a sweet little lover.

Pomona put down her book and stared at Napoleon, "I'm afraid of that man."

Napoleon looked into her eyes, as if listening intently.

"If I don't accept the gift from him, I'm afraid he will hold a grudge against me. I don't want to fall into the hands of someone like him."

"You don't like his present?" asked Napoleon.

"I like it." And she wanted to wear it for you to see, she said in her heart, she would take this idea to her grave.

"You don't believe I can protect you?" he asked again.

"Can you take off my shackles?" she begged. "As long as the magic power is restored, I can not only protect myself, but also protect those girls."

He didn't say yes right away.

"If you like those presents, why don't you wear them?" said Napoleon.

"If I wear it, will you undo my shackles?"

"I'll think about it."

Pomona got up immediately and went to change clothes.

When people do bad things, they always find excuses for themselves. Just like Hathor asked Pomona to put her residence in Napoleon's dream, Pomona also thought of many excuses beforehand.

So many soldiers died of thirst in the Egyptian desert, but even a girl in Baolin insisted on finishing the walk. Why couldn't they finish the walk as men?

Look, the benefits of excuses are really many. Pomona, who was originally guilty, happily changed into that white Egyptian dress, and she even turned around in front of the mirror twice with a good feeling about herself.

"Your necklace does not match that dress," Napoleon said at the door, startling her.

How long has he been standing there?

"It looks nondescript, how about taking it off?"

Pomona looked at the black swan necklace around her neck.

"Tomorrow I want to take a day off, how about we go shopping in the street?"

Napoleon walked into her bedroom. As the host, he had a bedroom of his own with a light yellow background, and her room was purple.

"You want to take off the shackles?"


He lay down directly on her bed, patted the place next to her, and the soft mattress bounced, "Chat with me for a while."

"We can go outside and talk," she whispered.

"Okay." He easily agreed, "I'll talk about your taking off the shackles another day."

Now she had nothing to say, and slowly lay down beside him.

"Have you ever been to Italy?" he asked.

"Been there."

"Which cities?"

"Venice, Padua, Turin."

"Which one is your favourite?"

She ruled out Turin first, then struggled between Venice and Padua.

"There are eighteen million people in Italy, and there are only two people." He stared at her thigh and said, looking very gloomy. "They are all trash."

"What happened to you?" Pomona asked.

He quickly adjusted his expression and asked with a smile, "Since you said you were a teacher before, do you know Dandolo and Miles?"

"I know the Venetian Governor's surname is Dandolo, and Miles needs a hint."

He smiled interestedly.

"How do you know Dandolo?"

"When I go to a place, I usually go to their library." Pomona thought for a while and asked, "I ask you a question, you don't have to answer it, but please don't get angry."

"go ahead."

"Did you attack Venice because you wanted to find out the whereabouts of the Knights Templar?"

"What?" The smile on his face was exaggerated, as if he had heard a fairy tale.

"Don't worry about it." Pomona shut up humiliatingly.

"Why do you have this idea?" He asked with interest.

"It's just imagination." Pomona shook her head, not realizing that he was getting closer.

"I'm really short of military expenses, but I don't plan to find those Templars who have disappeared for many years. I'm looking for living people." He said in a murderous tone, "It's a pity that Venice is no longer the powerful country it used to be."

Even France became weak after a few hundred years, though Pomona dared not say so.

"Would you like to eat your dinner first?" she said calmly, his eyes now glowing horribly in the darkness.

There was silence for the next few minutes, save for the rustle of cloth rubbing against each other.

The feeling of kissing a dead person was a little weird, but it was still within the tolerable range, and she didn't feel very disgusted.

"Tell me, what do you think of Enrico Dandolo?" He stroked her lips.

"Are you French or Italian?" she whispered.

"Honestly, I'm not going to be mad."

"He's a profiteer who has fooled a bunch of fools," said Pomona. "My husband says that the Duke of Champagne can completely escape his threats and attack Venice instead of robbing Constantinople."

Napoleon laughed. "It's not the spirit of a contract to do that."

"I think this reputation is better than the seller's Judas. In order to make Venice independent, unlike Portugal being controlled by Spain, he was controlled by Constantinople. He dared to think of any evil ideas. He was a crazy adventure at the time."

"I'd rather say it's a gamble, but it's a pity that the Duke of Champagne is bound by the rules and can't think of the idea you just said." He tapped the tip of her nose with his index finger. "I'm beginning to understand what kind of person your husband is."

"Don't you think this idea is whimsical? Where is Venice so easy to attack?"

"It's very good for me to play, if it is replaced by you, what can I do?"


"You can try other methods, such as connecting the floating battery with iron chains, so that you can fire on the water without a battleship." He squeezed her leg hard, just like Hades hijacked Perse Furne.

"Can my chains be undone?"

"You should hope now that the chains on me won't be untied now." He closed his eyes, panting heavily in her ear.

She didn't dare to speak, and it took a while for his breathing to calm down.

It doesn't look like a dead person this way.

"After untying the shackles on my feet, how are you going to deal with me?"

"You would not hurt me with your Mamluk sword if I had not done something to anger you," she whispered "I would not have hurt you with my wand if you had not done something to anger me."

"So are you angry now?"

"Not now, I will be angry if you don't let go."

He didn't let go of his hand.

"Call me by name, princess." He rubbed his head against her neck like a big cat.

She didn't bark.

"My husband will know."

"If he can protect you, why should you need the strength to protect yourself," said Napoleon. "It's strange that I didn't think so when I first saw you."

"Me too," she said, and she saw a lively, short man, a little haughty, but never expected to lie with him.

They are separated by two hundred years, where else can they meet besides in a dream?

So she wasn't betraying Severus, she was just living a dream where the hero wasn't his.

"It's time for you to get up," she reminded.

"Lie down a little longer." He begged, "I can only meet you in a dream."

She stopped talking and waited for the time to pass.

"I have a passion, a mistress, with whom I sleep, who never offends me, and who gives me blood and treasures generously." Napoleon said after a moment, "Her name is France, and I am French, When I die I also hope to be buried among the French."

"My shackles..."

"Let's talk about it tomorrow." He interrupted her calmly, sat up, and turned his back to her, "Someone told me that you are a British spy, and I should send you to the execution ground instead of staying with me. Are you a spy?" ? Georgiana?"

"Do you think Mr. Jenner is?"

"It doesn't matter if you are or not," sighed Napoleon. "You wore what you are wearing when you were at court."

"Yes, General." Pomona said indifferently, she was just a prisoner who changed clothes.

Then he stood up, straightened his uniform, and left her bedroom.

==================================================== =============

"That's a trap!" John said to Severus, clutching his bloodied arm.

Severus ignored him, smoking a cigarette.

"Thank you for saving us." John said gratefully, sweating from his headache.

He threw a bottle of white moss in front of John.

"Specific drugs," Severus said. "It's better to let them do it themselves than us. Want to hear my plan?"

John looked at Severus.

"Do you have new information?"

"Bonaparte is going to start another war, and we will stop the army he sent out," Severus said.

"How can this be?"

"Blow up the bridge, so they have to go around for several days. As long as Napoleon Bonaparte's army has no military exploits, his brother Lucien will return home." Severus said with a smile, "We will then have It’s a good show to watch.”

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