Napoleon did not come to the Grand Trianon for two days after the rowdy day by the canal.

If it is a "normal" mistress, she should be sighing at this moment, worrying whether he has gone to another woman.

Pomona just wanted to invite future historians one by one to teach them. How could Napoleon Bonaparte be so dedicated?

If she thought from the beginning that he was a person who became arrogant after he made a fortune, and liked the new and hated the old, then she would not have a good impression of him.

Without a good impression, no matter what he does, she will feel that he has sinister intentions and ulterior motives, instead of being so curious about him.

If there is a gap in the defense, this victorious general who is good at attacking will seize the opportunity to attack. Once the enemy enters the city, it will be difficult to form an effective defense.

Wrong information can lead to wrong judgments. Napoleon asked her "what are you thinking?" In fact, she didn't think about anything. People who fall into passive defense can only play tricks. She thinks she's doing a good job , so far only lost a kiss, and this kiss was a sneak attack.

Fortunately, he retreated temporarily, so she was not so tired of parrying. The book that the robber snatched from the Holy See could pass her time.

Every hostess has her own style. Josephine of Malemaison likes to hang those famous paintings on the wall for appreciation, while Pomona asks the maids in the palace to copy those antique books.

When she was studying, she basically didn’t move, and she didn’t look for lively and cheerful entertainment. The children had nothing to do and found something for them to do, so that they wouldn’t have to rack their brains to figure out how to complete Josephine’s task and seduce Napoleon.

Regardless of the attitude of the Holy See and what it wants, returning these stolen books to them is always a kind of gesture. Looking at the blonde girls sitting around the small wooden tables copying books in the gallery, Pomona felt a sense of accomplishment, as if she had regained her previous identity and became the evil teacher who assigned homework to the students up.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand Latin, it’s just for practicing calligraphy. French education has not yet been popularized. These girls know some characters, but their writing is terrible. , a little paper and ink he should be able to afford.

She divided the girls into three groups. While others were copying books, the other group would prepare tea and desserts for the others, so that everyone could enjoy eating while "copying homework".

Among these people, Pomona found a girl who was very intelligent and seemed to have a little foundation. Her name was Sophie de Villepin. From the name, she should be a remnant of the former nobles. She not only knew how to copy , and even corrected the spelling mistakes of the priests, Pomona made her the leader of the "study group" to check and correct the transcription of other girls.

Shouldn't normal women win people's hearts at this time, suppress and promote some people, and eliminate those who may pose a threat to themselves?

Although the kids at school are just as annoying when they're naughty, she'd rather spend her time teaching them something useful. Hathor is horrific, but she has a lot of priestesses around her, and Pomona likes that vibe. . The kind of Pomona who is so lively that she can't calm down at all has a solution, go to work, there are so many things in the palace, you just work from morning to night, and you are not allowed to sleep until you polish the glass.

These glasses are not only window glass, but also the glass of the mirror gallery. The mirror gallery of the Grand Trianon Palace is not as big as Versailles, but it takes a long time for one person to clean it.

This is the inspiration she found from Filch. The girls must have scolded Pomona in their hearts, thinking that she is terribly bad, but this kind of library-like atmosphere made her feel very comfortable, and her restless heart also felt very comfortable. Calm down.

Women shouldn't oppress women, and if possible she still hoped that Napoleon and Josephine could get back together, it would give her hope that Severus would forgive her after hearing about her bad reputation.

There is no book that records how to solve the problems she is currently encountering, so she can only find a way to deal with it by herself.

Napoleon donated a lot of property to her, but in fact he took this opportunity to donate those properties to Edward Jenner. Anyway, as long as he has the signature of the guardian, he can dispose of the wealth at will.

No matter whether he plans to print books or convert the manor given to her into a school, Pomona believes that Jenner will not squander it. He is an upright man with a pedantic attitude, but everyone longs for the feeling of being valued. Jenner, who is not valued in England, is praised in France. How long can he maintain his loyalty to England?

Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian, but he was loyal to King Francois I of France, and he lived in France all his life. Sometimes literati are not as loyal to the country as warriors, they are loyal to those who appreciate their talents.

After robbing money, works of art, and manuscripts, Napoleon began to rob people. In his words, the human heart is the most precious thing in a person. No wonder Marx said that he is a rare ruler who can use his brain.

"Oh, hell!" Pomona wailed, covering her face with her book, it was so indecent that she had thought of another person instead of Severus.

Although the secular notary declared her marriage invalid, she had sworn an oath before God, and she didn't want to be punished by God, so she put away her crooked brain just now, you shameless woman.

The term social season comes from the United Kingdom. London will be extremely hot in summer, and most landed nobles will leave London to live in country houses.

Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy met during the social season.

She wanted to see the Pride and Prejudice premiere, and she wanted to wear a high-waisted Regal dress, but that kind of dress didn't exist yet. The Greek long skirt was popular for a period of time in the era of the Directorate. It completely abandoned the magnificence and delicacy of the Rococo style of the previous dynasty, and appeared simple and plain. One is because they don’t have the courage to be as luxurious as before. The nobles who go to the guillotine are not necessarily criminals, because they are too rich and framed by others. The second is to express their position and support the revolution. At that time, the clothes were red, white and blue. The three colors are the main colors, exactly the same color as the flag of France. Later, when women traders suggested that women should not be involved in political conflicts, the red and blue dresses gradually disappeared, leaving only white.

There are also some radical revolutionary women wearing men’s clothes, wearing riding boots, and riding on the streets of Paris with machetes and short guns. They use this to express that they are not inferior to men’s ability to defend their homes and the country. Pomona also wants to get one. Set, she misses the feeling of wearing pants.

Napoleon’s era saw a retrogression. Rousseau’s book called for the division of labor between men and women, and women should stay at home, guard the family, and take on the responsibility of cultivating the next generation of the republic.

Before the Wars of the Roses, England was ruled by the House of Plantagenet.

It was an era of martial arts. Although it has been gone for many years, it still left an impact on England. Unlike France, women can also be queens in England. The monarchs of the European continent did not learn the lessons of the Spanish throne war at all, and still insisted that there must be a male heir to inherit the throne. When will this patriarchal thinking be eradicated?

"Miss Georgiana, M. Dubois is here," Sophie said softly to her.

Pomona thought of the round-faced head of the secret police, who was not a kind person, with the eyes of a hyena.

Offending this kind of person, it will not be good for him to hold grudges in his heart.

"Where is he now?"

"I told him to wait in the Malachite Hall."

Pomona put away her relaxed mood, left the shadow under the umbrella, and immediately went to meet the unexpected guest.

Napoleon liked Egypt very much. The malachite hall was not all decorated with malachite stone, but some malachite ornaments were placed. The green and pink unexpectedly matched well.

This hall is not big, and the head of his secret police carried a lot of gift boxes, which almost filled the whole hall. When he saw Pomona coming, he bowed immediately, with a flattering smile on his face, but his After catching sight of Sophie, his eyes became more radiant.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Director." Pomona stretched out her hand to let him kiss the back of her hand, and Dubois immediately reached out to catch it.

"You are as beautiful as ever, miss." Dubois flattered greasyly, "just like Cleopatra."

Pomona frowned.

"Look." DuBois motioned her to look around. "These are all from Egypt. This exotic attire will definitely make you look more beautiful at the ball."

Pomona felt that Dubois might have misunderstood it. Napoleon asked her to wear silk to revive Lyon's silk industry, not just to show off at the ball.

But she opened the boxes with great interest, and the first thing she held in her hand was a floor-length dress similar to the Egyptian dress worn by Hathor.

She really liked this style, so she put it on her body for gestures. She also instructed Sophie to open other boxes to find the belt and other accessories that matched it.

"How about changing it?" said Dubois cheerfully. "Master will like it very much."

Monsieur is what the servant Gundance called Napoleon, but it should not be what a police chief called the First Consul. This appellation disgusted Pomona.

"What made you think of giving me a gift?" Pomona asked. "Is there anything you want to do?"

"No." Dubois opened his eyes wide in surprise, "No, no, no, why do you think so?"

Pomona waited to see what he had to say.

"I just want you two to be happy." Dubois clasped his hands together, as if begging, "It's my happiness that you two are happy."

Pomona didn't believe a word of it.

But she still accepted these gifts. If she didn't accept them, she would offend him, and he would feel that a woman didn't give him face.

This is the general nature of men, afraid of being looked down upon by women, although doing so is tantamount to taking bribes.

Then, when Pomona opened the gift box, Dubois kept complimenting her beauty. He seemed to have memorized a lot of opera lines, which didn't sound like a lower class person could say it.

But Pomona noticed his stubby fingers and the black mud in his fingernails. He should have a bad background, but he gained his current status after experiencing the turmoil of the Great Revolution. He is completely different from Fouche's gentlemanly style. different.

Unexpectedly, one day she would become a member of the "mistress group" criticized by the world.

Pomona shook her head helplessly, and after listening to the flattery for a while, Dubois left.

Not long after he left, Sophie came to whisper in her ear.

"When the First Consul was in Egypt, General Verdi's wife introduced Pauline Frye to him. She used to be a respectable woman. When other soldiers fell across the desert, she was still walking. Two Many soldiers of the 12th Infantry Regiment admired her. Later, the news came that Mrs. General Verdi asked the dark-skinned woman to wear Parisian women's clothes, which looked nondescript and ugly. .”

Pomona didn't make a sound. She could hear that it was Sophie's reminder, but she didn't know if it was kind or not.

Now there was a question in her mind, she wanted to wear it, not only for herself, but for Napoleon, and what could be worse?

In addition to being profligate by nature, a woman will also fill the void in her heart with material things if her marriage and love life are not happy.

I heard that Louis XVI didn't like trimming, he had a meek personality, and he also had problems in that area. It wasn't until the Austrian King Joseph II came to Versailles and suggested that he undergo a minor operation, and their married life improved.

After being taught by her elder brother, the young queen also has a sense of responsibility as a wife and mother. She sometimes educates the royal children at the Petit Trianon Palace.

If the successor of the French Republic was not Napoleon's son, but an unrelated heir chosen by him, would everyone still be so opposed to his monopoly on power?

The next person to monopolize the power may be himself. This kind of temptation can make many people dizzy.

She had thrown away her Egyptian dress and left the Malachite Hall, and now she badly needed a clear head, or she was going to be a real fool.

==================================================== ================

Although the French navy suffered heavy losses in Egypt, it was not completely destroyed. Last month, Napoleon tried to get the French navy to take the Egyptian soldiers back from the port of Brest, but because of the poor command of the leading general, In the end, his plan failed.

Severus used the Disillusionment Charm to hide in the bushes outside St. Luke's Palace, and used binoculars to monitor the staff coming and going.

Portugal is a fief of the United Kingdom. After returning to the original world, Severus consulted the historical data in 1801. Godoy, the former Prime Minister of Spain, launched an invasion of Portugal under the persuasion of Lucien Bonaparte. France will also send generals to join the expedition.

Godoy attacked without waiting for the French, won the battle, and captured such a large amount of booty that Lucien Bonaparte took it back to Paris.

If there is any weakness of the great Napoleon, except that women are family members. His parents gave birth to a litter of wolf cubs, and none of them had the heart to repay their kindness.

Lucien is Napoleon's younger brother, the hero who helped him in the Brumaire coup, and also a strong opponent of Xiwen. Realizing that Lucien was his threat, Napoleon "exiled" him to Spain, but Lucien was obviously unwilling to stay away from the center of power.

Severus felt that feeding mosquitoes in the forest at the moment was more useful than going to Fontainebleau with John and the others to ambush Napoleon.

The commander-in-chief appointed as the commander-in-chief of the invasion of Portugal was Gouvion Saint-Cyr. The English version of the history book he found from the French National Library did not describe in detail why he was late. If he won the battle, then the credit is also To him, Lucien Bonaparte would never have returned to Paris.

The white wizard turned hostile to Grindelwald because of the pain of losing a loved one, which is obviously not the case for everyone.

"You will lose everything, Napoleon Bonaparte." Severus said with a cheerful smile. When he was alone, he could not only monitor, but also think about future plans.

Napoleon's men are full of generals, but these generals are also his greatest threat, especially after his brother returns.

He can't wait to see the fratricide behind this play.

Hope you don't disappoint, Bonaparte.

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