Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1223: Parisian Women (10)

"...only England remains."

As Severus passed by a room in St. Luke's Palace, there were voices of conversation in English.

So he stopped and looked inside.

The two people who spoke were not British. Although their clothes were not much different from the British in the 18th century, wearing wigs and stockings, they were not as pale as the British who were shrouded in clouds all the year round, and they spoke with an accent. Not the same.

"When Britain also surrenders to Bonaparte, who can stop him?" said the middle-aged man sitting on the wooden box.

"The British don't know how to negotiate peace, just wait and see." Sitting across from him, a man dressed as a worker said that they were using a wooden box as a table to drink at the moment. "The land belongs to Napoleon, but the sea belongs to the British."

"That's right, the French navy can't cross the Atlantic Ocean." The middle-aged businessman said, "This is a good opportunity."

Severus, who was eavesdropping outside, raised an eyebrow.

"What chance?" the worker asked.

"Whether England or France needs food now, Mississippi produces the most abundant food and fuel, and we can take this opportunity to make a fortune."

"I don't have as much capital as you." The worker sneered.

"But you know the workers on the docks. Don't you think it's too risky to be in the business of smuggling cotton yarn?" The middle-aged businessman said to the workers. "I know some friends who ask Napoleon Bonaparte to continue to block British goods. It will be more difficult to do business in this area in the future.”

"What do you want?" the worker asked.

"What about taking your friend with me?"

"What can I do with you?" The worker sneered.

"I can find a warship to transport food, but I can't find someone to unload. The US Navy won't let the French on the warship, and you are an American."

"I'm a criminal," said the worker.

"Do you think that Napoleon Bonaparte has less blood on his hands than you? And I need your 'boat'. Warships can't enter the port to dock..."

Severus didn't listen to the conspiracy of the two men any more, and continued to explore in St. Luke's Palace.

Thanks to these two people, he remembered something.

In 1803, the United States bought St. Louisiana from France, a state four times the size of mainland France.

The turmoil in Europe was an excellent opportunity for the rise of the United States. Although St. Louisiana belonged to France in name at that time, in fact there were more Spaniards than French. In the end, Napoleon sold Louisiana for 80 million francs.

Because of the Peace Treaty of Amiens, the relationship between France and the United Kingdom has tended to ease, but no one has seriously implemented the peace treaty. France is secretly still wooing other countries, including the United States far away in the sky.

The relationship between the newly independent United States and the United Kingdom is not harmonious. The enemy of the enemy is his friend. Napoleon not only won the support of the Americans because of selling land, but also the American warships. It took 10 years for the French Navy to recover. Battleships lost at the Battle of Aboukir. With warships produced in the United States, France was able to launch a naval battle against Britain in 1805 with the old Spanish "Invincible Fleet".

"Napoleon Bonaparte." Severus whispered the name.


Just then, Severus heard a dog bark.

He followed the voice and saw a huge black dog standing in the middle of the corridor.

"How about a tail wag, Blake," Severus sarcastically said.

But the black dog turned and walked away as if he couldn't understand what he said.

Severus followed, continuing to walk in the shadows.

==================================================== ===============

After Leah and Polina had left, Pomona lifted up her skirt and looked at the shackles on her ankles.

It looked like two black gold bracelets, with no chains or keyholes in between, and it seemed that there was no other way except for other wizards to help her untie them.

She didn't believe in evil, and looked around the bedroom for tools that could be used to break it open, but after searching for a long time, there was no metal product except a pair of scissors.

If you wear this thing, even a wizard will have to be slaughtered. Pomona understands why Duke Vincent Pique cast an invisibility spell on his neck instead of apparating and fleeing.

In fact, it is very good that he can use the invisibility spell in such a situation. He has surpassed his own limit. Sure enough, the desire to survive can stimulate people's potential.

Pomona believed that if Severus knew that she was secretly with other men, he would never forgive her the way Napoleon forgave Josephine.

For the safety of her own life, she must resist the temptation.

"You bad woman, do you just love to fantasize about men with smart brains and tough personalities?" Pomona kept shaking her head as she looked at the scissors, and then used it to file the shackles on her ankles.

The kind of scissors used for female sex work had no effect on the metal on her feet, and she paused in frustration, wondering if she'd cut off her leg and let Severus use a potion to make it grow back , at this moment, the bedroom door latch rang.

She quickly put down the skirt and stuffed the scissors into the drawer again.

Napoleon came in, handed his three-cornered hat to his French servant, and quickly began to unbutton his uniform.

"What are you doing?" Pomona screamed.

"Taking a shower." He said in a very normal tone while unbuttoning his shirt, "Have you packed everything?"

Pomona was again speechless about the habits of the Bonaparte house.

It is common for both men and women to take off their clothes and reveal their bodies.

The ancient Greeks advocated nudity, and many of their sculptures did not wear clothes, especially Venus.

The Corsicans still retain the style of Rome and Greece, which is not at all like the medieval Western world.

"I'll get you some hot water." Pomona said listlessly.

"No, Louis will take care of these things. Do you know Latin?"


"Go outside and choose a book, and translate it for me later." Napoleon stared at her, "Or do you plan to continue enjoying it here?"

Pomona, who was in a daze, left the bedroom.

Napoleon lived in the king's suite. Apart from the small conference room, there were several other small rooms in this suite, but none of these rooms had sewers, and the hot water could only be supplied by manpower. There was a bathtub in the "bathroom". The attendants were pouring hot water into it.

The water felt very hot just by looking at it, Pomona didn't continue to focus on that, but instead kept her eyes on the bookshelf.

She inexplicably felt that those books were very pitiful. When her fingertips touched them, the touch was exactly the same as that of real books, which made her almost unable to distinguish whether she was in reality or a dream.

She closed her eyes and rested her forehead on one of the books, and a gentle force came from the back of her neck.

She recalled a scene, when she was in St. Mungo's, and someone put a salamander ring into the nape of her neck.

He transported a limited human life into her body, made her wake up briefly, and then asked her what she wanted to eat?

She remembered the smell of honey cake, and lemon sherbet, and the stench of dragon dung.

That is a good fertilizer, which can make magic plants healthy and strong.

She also thought of a lot of things, and although the two of them had an affair in the castle, she didn't feel guilty at all, even though Albus would be very disappointed by it.

He was like a father to her, and sometimes girls insisted on marrying what their parents thought was a bad boy, despite their disapproval.

But Severus wasn't her father, and she would be ashamed if he disappointed her.

A French general once said that if Napoleon said that the destruction of Paris was part of his plan, such as burning Moscow when the Russians practiced scorched-earth warfare, then he would not hesitate to implement it.

That Muggle emperor might not know the Imperius Curse, but he also has wizard-like mind control.

Men go through fire and water for him and strive to be the first, while women hope that they can replace Josephine and become Queen of France.

How many people do not envy and desire to own the luxurious decoration, furniture, clothes and jewelry?

Even without that, Napoleon himself was a charming man, though not based on his physical appearance.

Those who sometimes despise him at the sight of his short stature are fortunate enough not to fall into the charm of Napoleon's personality and laugh at him to their heart's content.

Some people may think that he and Poor are so shabby and desolate, and they still insist on their pride, refusing to bow their heads to the world, and find a decent job to support themselves like an ordinary person.

However, this is also the reason for the outbreak of the French Revolution.

The Bourbon royal family led a luxurious lifestyle, and not every noble fief was as wealthy as Burgundy. They had no money for extravagance, so the king lent them money to buy gorgeous clothes and wigs, so that they had no money to build up armies in their fiefs, and even because they owed money to the king, they had to obey the king's orders.

Generally, poor and cold places will exercise people's will. The Sun King Louis XIV used this trick to disintegrate those ambitious nobles who threatened him, and maintained his rule, but those nobles were no longer nobles. It's like a good dog raised in the palace. When the owner's handkerchief is dropped, he will scramble to pick it up, gain the master's favor, and then get a piece or two of meaty bone as a reward.

The food that comes is also eaten. If you don’t eat it, you will die. Of course you have to eat it in order to survive.

Napoleon III only learned the superficial aspects of his uncle's rule. Just in appearance, he is essentially the same as those royalists who tell vicious rumors to children in order to seize power.

This rumor established a woman like Joan of Arc, but questioned the justice of the French Revolution. The nobles became victims, and they were tortured and killed by a group of mobs.

They took advantage of people's sympathy and swung the scales of justice. It is no wonder that Napoleon became so angry and shouted at the secret police at the Tuileries Palace.

She remembered that there was a painting of Napoleon in the Louvre. At that time, he had become the emperor, wearing an emperor's dress, holding a scepter in his right hand, and a hand of justice in his left hand. Blood, and black water, like what seeps out of those books.

A pair of hands clasped her shoulders. They looked clean and beautiful, as if they had been carefully groomed. Although they were not large, they were well proportioned, like the hands of a pianist and violinist.

Someone or some kind of animal took a deep breath behind her, as if to smell the aroma of food before eating.

"I smell benzoin. What perfume do you wear?" asked Napoleon.

"Lover for a day," she whispered, "in honor of Cleopatra and Antony."

"Why Antony and not Caesar?"

"They died together."

After a moment of silence, he said, "Do you think Cleopatra loved Antony or Caesar?"

"Neither, she is the queen of Egypt, and she loves Egypt."

A cold, moist lips kissed her neck.

She didn't know that dead people would have such thoughts.

But does he have that idea, does he have that ability?

"Shouldn't you take a shower?"

"You can wait for a while." His "hands of justice" moved over her body.

"I've chosen the book." She stretched out her hand and randomly picked out a book.

"I'll make you forget about him." Behind her ear, Napoleon said "mon amour" in weird French.

"You love Josephine, do you think I'm that woman in Cairo, a tool you use to take revenge on her?" Pomona said coldly.

"Are you jealous?"

"Where is that little Cleopatra now? Her husband divorced her?"

He walks away.

"You said you want to maintain the honor of marriage, but what is the difference between what you do and those feudal monarchs? Oh, hell!" Pomona turned her head and found that Napoleon was actually only wearing a shirt.

She didn't see what she shouldn't have seen, but she still turned her gaze elsewhere.

"You think so too? I'm an autocratic king?" He didn't think there was anything wrong with his appearance, and argued with her confidently.

"Can you wear a dress?" she begged.

"I'm going to take a shower right now!" he roared, "Come in and rub my back!"

"I'm not as strong as your manservant." Pomona said contemptuously, she didn't want to use "donkey".

"Get out!" Napoleon snarled at the servants who were pouring the water, and they immediately left the bathroom with the buckets.

Although there are still two people, the ambiguous atmosphere just now is gone.

Pomona hesitated for a moment, but put the book on the couch and went into the bathroom.

She should be bathing the baby, although the "baby" is a bit big.

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