Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1222: Parisian Women (9)

After nightfall, St. Luke's Palace was brightly lit, and there were many carriages pulling building materials in and out.

Its scale is actually no smaller than Versailles, but its reputation is not as great as Versailles. After the Great Revolution, Versailles has become synonymous with corruption and depravity, and has been abandoned after being robbed.

St. Luke's was also robbed, but now it's a working palace, and it's being rebuilt, and those building materials are used for repairs and decorations.

A troop of cavalry wore green-backed and red-edged cloak-style jackets, rode Arabian horses, and wore bearskin hats on their heads. They patrolled vigorously, as if it was daytime rather than nighttime.

These soldiers were the "favorite" guards of the French emperor in the future, and they were selected from the elite cavalry.

If Versailles is like a dignified lady, then St. Luke's Palace, as a royal resort, does not have that solemn atmosphere, it looks relaxed and charming, and it is a very suitable place for mistresses to live.

But it is such a place, but it is the seat of the Senate, the House of Five Hundred and the Army Staff. It is located in the suburbs of Paris. Set up formation training for infantry and cavalry.

St. Luke's Palace was both their camp and the place they defended. Even when the First Consul was away, St. Luke's Palace was the center of intelligence, battle planning, communications and military mail.

It is not easy to break into such a heavily guarded place, not to mention the secret police and the purgers hired from the United States. They are mixed among these soldiers, and it is difficult to distinguish them at all.

Severus took out his pocket watch, but it stopped at four twenty-five in the morning without moving any of the hands.

He put away his pocket watch, cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself, and stalked in the shadows.

He wanted to find someone who was alone and "borrow" his clothes.

Peeves also has a hat, these ghosts who don't know they are dead should be able to wear it, but the polyjuice potion is probably useless here, hair is also part of the "substance", these ghosts don't have it, although regardless of their The complexion and complexion looked more like a living person than the pale Severus.

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After Maria, Miss "Georgiana" had a new maid, Leah. I am afraid that no one in St. Luke's Palace had any reaction to the death of a person except her.

When she bowed to Miss "Georgiana" for the first time, she looked terrified, as if she felt that her life was in danger.

Napoleon had two servants, one was French, he wore chaps and stockings, similar to the nobles of the old days, the other was dressed as a Turkic, with a Mamluk sword on his waist, he was beautiful and tall, but cold Yes, as if he doesn't like to talk.

They are packing Napoleon's luggage. As a person who has been wandering outside all the year round, his luggage really doesn't have much, at least it is much less than Ross's luggage when he was on the Titanic in the movie.

The suitcases are placed in the bedroom, and his latest books are placed in the small conference room outside the bedroom. There is a red velvet recliner, the kind that the psychiatrists let him lie on when he sees patients. There is no desk. , but there is a small gold-plated round table for afternoon tea.

After Severus gained some social status, he didn't want to live in the wooden house he lived in when he was a child. He went back to Spider's End Alley because of work needs. Only women would foolishly stay in the noble suites for the sake of love, and instead ran to the commoners. Place to "experience life".

The founders of Rome were two baby boys raised by wolves. It is very difficult for them to remember the human emotion of gratitude, which is the case in wolf society.

If Napoleon divorced Josephine just like this, it would inevitably make her feel cold. Could it be that he forgave her a lie? Acting for the world to see?

"Oh, so you are here." Napoleon's sister, Pauline, suddenly appeared at this moment.

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were silky, and she looked...

"Let me help you. Where are Napoleon's clothes?" Pauline asked.

"That closet." Pomona trembled, pointing to the closet where the clothes were best kept.

Polina opened the ivory door.

"Why do you need so little clothes?" said Pauline in surprise.

"I don't need that much," said Pomona dryly.

"It doesn't matter, I have to buy a new one anyway." Polina walked to the door between the small conference room and the bedroom and closed it. "Don't care what he told you, don't let him get what he wants tonight, That's what he is."

Pomona felt a thunderstorm in her head, shaking her almost to death.

"How many guys have you dated?" Polina asked as she opened her suitcase.


"Just one?" Polina held a blue colonel's uniform in her hand.

"Should I be ashamed or proud?" Pomona rolled her eyes.

"Then you probably haven't experienced how good a man is at pleading in order to achieve his goals, and how many promises he makes that cannot be fulfilled." Polina put the uniform in the cabinet, with Pomona hanging next to it. Her white pajamas, the visual impact made her mind go blank.

Look, you slut, with such shameful thoughts in your head.

It was all she could think of.

She quickly took out her nightgown, her cheeks flushed.

Polina looked her up and down with Napoleon's eyes.

"What are you doing?" The old professor became annoyed when he was seen by a 20-year-old girl.

"You are British, we are negotiating peace with Britain, now you understand the purpose of Napoleon moving to you?" Polina said in a sophisticated tone, "I hope you can take this opportunity to squeeze that old woman down , but Napoleon has a deep affection for her, and the more he can't get her, the more he will focus on you, so don't be soft-hearted and listen to his sweet words."

"What can I do? Drive him to sleep outside?"

"You dare to rush to the first consul's bed, you are so brave." Polina said with a smile, like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Then what do you say?" Pomona roared angrily.

"That's your problem." Polina said irresponsibly, and started packing Napoleon's luggage again.

According to historical records, Napoleon's feelings seem to be quite simple, and it is really hard to see that he also has this side.

But Napoleon didn't understand women anymore, he was also a victorious general, he compared fighter planes with women, although he seemed to have a less angular face, he had an ambition.

Modern Hannibal, the god of war Napoleon, how many women are not fascinated by his "heroic deeds"?

Even if you are not fascinated by this, the feeling of being in the limelight is intoxicating enough. Otherwise, it is difficult to stay awake in this dazzling, after all, the bustling Paris is not the ice and snow Scotland.

After defeating Grindelwald, Albus returned to Hogwarts. He saw through many things, but there were also things he couldn't see through, and power was one of them.

Queen Regent is a dazzling title, but Pomona feels that she probably does not fit it.

This is a bait, Napoleon is good at words in addition to his military command, unlike his lame love poems, it seems that there is nothing but kisses.

When he wasn't angry or accusing or abusing people, his eyes were charming and deep, like just now, reminding her of animals like deer.

"You told him you told me about the rumor?" Pomona asked.

"I don't need to say it at all. It's all over the streets and alleys now." Polina said, "Napoleon attaches great importance to this matter. You should be careful about this topic."

'You can't control other people's tongues, and you can't control other people's thoughts, so why should you control me? '

Pomona remembered what he said just now, which was a pun, and you can't understand it until you read it carefully.

She sighed, not knowing what to worry about for a moment, whether it was the turbulent situation, or how to spend the night tonight.

"I hate you, Hathor." Pomona muttered, putting the nightgown in the closet next door.

A big room meant more wardrobes, and the bed was so big, she thought she was living in a tent by herself.

Sleeping in a dream, will Napoleon wake up?

She was really curious.

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