Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1209 The Pretend Of Civilization

Pomona noticed that Napoleon had a scarab amulet in his coat pocket.

This amulet was exactly the same as the one that Conseil had received from the pensieve.

"Oh, you want to see this?" Napoleon followed Pomona's line of sight to his coat pocket, and took out the scarab amulet. "This was taken from the tomb of the Pharaoh, and scholars say this is ancient The Egyptians used it to dispel evil spirits."

"It's hard to imagine a Catholic carrying something like this," Pomona said flatly.

"Always be ready to plug the loopholes, God will help me if it doesn't work." Napoleon put the scarab amulet back in his coat pocket.

"Which pharaoh?" asked Pomona.

"I didn't remember it carefully. Is it important?" Napoleon asked.

"No." She felt very strange in her heart, but she didn't show it. This is another special skill of women.

"You just told me business, what do you want to say?" Napoleon asked.

"It's what I told you last time, the issue of food prices." Pomona said, "I remember that the Girondins were eventually kicked out of power by the Jacobin Club because they ignored speculators who took advantage of the chaos to drive up prices."

Napoleon sighed, "I'd rather talk about Egypt."

"Okay then, talk about Egypt, when are you going to pick up your soldiers and go home?"

This time Napoleon showed obvious displeasure.

"I know the British took Egypt shortly after you left." And the Rosetta Stone was shipped back to London, she thought, "But think about where you were, General, you've been leaving them for a year gone."

"What do you suggest?" Napoleon said grimly.

Pomona was not so blank, she would talk about that period of "history" at this time-the French expeditionary force was finally transported back to the country by British warships.

The current relationship between Britain and France is still hostile, and thanks to Pomona being a woman, otherwise Napoleon would not be so polite to a "British".

"How do you avoid flatterers?" asked Pomona.

Napoleon tilted his head, "It seems that you came prepared, what do you think of flatterers?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or something that pleases you?"

"When everyone is telling the truth to you, they will lack awe of you." Napoleon quotes the book as saying "Two or three people telling the truth are enough."

"You are amazing, and you have brought peace back to France." Pomona said with a smirk, "while we in the UK are in turmoil."

"It seems that the information I received is true. Last year, you were in turmoil because of the decrease in food production, didn't you?" Napoleon smiled. It's also amazing."

"With your country's current national strength, how many years will it take to rebuild the navy?" Pomona asked again.

"It's not easy to build a ship. The key is to find someone who stays on the warship all the year round and understands naval warfare. I can design cannons, and I can also find sand and cast them. I can install every screw on the cannon, and repair every wheel and shaft. What's missing is a great admiral."

"Wow, how dare you say it." Pomona couldn't help but imitate the children's vocabulary.

That megalomaniac James Potter would call himself humble in front of Napoleon.

"If you can introduce such a person to me, I can meet all your requirements." Napoleon said without hesitation.

"How do you know if he is Zhao Kuo on paper?" Pomona asked.


"You know that straw boats borrow arrows, but you don't know how to talk about wars on paper?"

"I heard people talking about it in the salon. What kind of story is that just talking on paper?" Napoleon said that idiom lamely.

Pomona thought it best not to tell this military genius about this pivotal battle in the unification war of the Qin Dynasty. If he had learned to be less aggressive, Napoleon might not have embarked on an expedition without sufficient supplies. The scorched-earth tactics of the Russians If it doesn't work, maybe he won't defeat Waterloo, and history will be rewritten.

"The story of a loser is not worth mentioning." Pomona casually perfunctory "Even if I really introduce such a person to you, I don't think the Navy will sit idly by and let him treason so easily, I think This famine is God's will, let Britain and France cease war, why not take this opportunity to conclude a peace treaty?"

"Hahaha, is this the business you said?" Napoleon laughed. "Why don't they come by themselves, but send a woman instead?"

"I was not sent," said Pomona. "Gentlemen in London have no shame in making peace with you."

"What if I don't agree?" Napoleon said arrogantly.

"Don't forget the prophecy I said. Your country's grain harvest will also be poor this autumn. In fact, I don't really understand why 'bread' will become the key point of the outbreak of the Great Revolution?"

"You should ask my brother Lucien, he is an expert in this field." Napoleon said.

"Because he is a literati?"

"No, because he did the business of reselling grain, although he lost all his money in the end." Napoleon said loudly, "In the pastoral month of 1763 and the hot month of 1764, Louis XV passed two laws allowing the liberalization of grain." The reform of the Physiocrats who proposed it at the time was introduced by Madame Pompidou, and then they passed the Freedom of Grain Export Act, and you know what that means?"

"My God," whispered Pomona.

"Quesnay is a surgeon. His medical skills are good, so he is trusted by the royal family. However, the knife he used in the Corn Law cut directly on the main artery, causing the Bourbon royal family to perish. His original purpose was to protect the species. farmers in the land, to revitalize agriculture, but the final result was counterproductive. Food prices soared. I'm busy with tax matters for a year, how much do you know about that?"

Pomona shook her head honestly.

"You are like most women who are not sensitive to numbers, but I am good at dealing with numbers. A doctor should focus on improving his medical skills. Similarly, a woman should also focus on doing what she is good at. Now that you are married, Have you ever had a baby?"

Pomona stared at the pig coldly.

"Answer my question, have you ever had a child?" said Napoleon in an unmistakable tone.

"No," Pomona said. "I've never had a baby or been pregnant."

"It's a pity." He looked her up and down, and then turned his gaze away. "What do you do for a living?"

"We used to be school teachers."

Napoleon looked at her in surprise, "Is education in Britain so popular?"

"It's a noble school."

"What is your name?"

"You can't find it."

Napoleon laughed. "You're lying."

"Why are you asking this question?"

"I know your plan. You want to withdraw our troops from Egypt by signing this armistice agreement, so that Britain can monopolize Egypt?" Napoleon stood in front of Pomona and blocked her way. You hope that the real purpose of my mercy is that you can not only occupy Egypt, but also use this opportunity to concentrate on quelling domestic turmoil."

"I didn't think that far ahead."

"But you can see the future. How could a prophet who can see the future not know?"

"This is a win-win solution, Mr. Bonaparte. If you have a clear head, you will know that this is the best choice for both countries."

"Do you know where Lucien is now?" asked Napoleon.

"How do I know where your brother is?"

"He is now in Madrid. I think your country's intelligence department should already know that Spain is willing to support our six warships. Now we are an alliance." Napoleon folded his elbows and raised his chin, almost looking at people with his nostrils. "You should prepare War, instead of expecting peace, how many soldiers do you have on all the British islands combined?"

"Don't you care about the life and death of your own civilians at all?" Pomona said incredulously.

"You Brits are always accusing me of all kinds of 'atrocities', including shooting the citizens of Paris. Now I tell you that if you sympathize with the rioting people, these people will naively think they are safe. If you ruthlessly At one point, they will withdraw from this game, and the matter of killing prisoners, don’t think those people are innocent, they also like to kill prisoners in the local area, and they once made an agreement with me that they would never send troops to fight against the French army, but They have breached their covenants, and I have never been merciful to defaulters, and I know that every one admits that such good qualities are commendable in a prince, such as Louis XVI, but human nature does not allow it In this way, Louis XVI ended up not only losing his country and crown, but also his head, and I will not let myself end up like him."

"You didn't end up in the same fate as Louis XVI." Pomona sneered, "But did you know? In the first administration, women have another accusation besides having children, and that is when the husband's heart is shaken." , support him bravely and firmly, do you know Emperor Justinian?"

Napoleon laughed again.

"You can talk about it."

"He was also besieged by the riots of the citizens. Just as he was about to leave along the secret road of the palace, his queen told him, 'Purple robe is the most beautiful shroud'. He finally stayed and suppressed Ni Card riot, do you know what 'Nica' means in Greek? It means freedom, if Marie Antoinette supported Louis XVI to leave a constitutional monarchy..."

"They'll be eaten up by those greedy selfish people." Napoleon interrupted, smiling. "Have you dealt with those who legislate? I've tried. Theory and practice are not the same thing, sir. "

Pomona turned pale with anger.

She had forgotten what a disobedient soldier Napoleon was.

"I know what you said. Justinian was tired of suppressing the continuous riots in the country, but France didn't. Do you know why?" Napoleon suddenly bent down and picked up a pile of white pebbles on the ground. "We had cannons at that time. But there are no cannonballs, they are too heavy, so I made some cannonballs on the spot, and ordered the soldiers to shoot towards the densely populated places. There will be almost no complete corpses in one shot, until then their brains are clear, and they exit That stupid uprising, I think that's the biggest difference between me and Chastainy, he was in the cold weapon era, and I have cannons, I make a living off of it, so I understand it well, and you have so much for the books you read Do you understand?"

Pomona felt guilty when asked.

"I'm Napoleon Bonaparte, remember my name." Napoleon said in a soft, love-like tone, "you will mention it when you teach history classes in the future."

"No one questioned you on that, Archon."

"Call me Napoleon," he said with a smile, and took a step forward, and she immediately backed away.

She looked around, no one was looking this way, as if they were invisible.

"Please consider my proposal, General, what the people want most now is peace."

After she finished speaking, she bowed her knees, turned and left.

By the way, she was also looking for the black dog that bit her skirt just now, and now she desperately needs a bodyguard.

Recommend the book Judiciary and Kingship, published by People's Publishing House

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