The Tuileries Garden is large enough for the soldiers stationed at the Tuileries Palace to practice.

The noise of the men and horses attracted Pomona, the same Napoleon in civilian clothes, who was now on his horse, watching them fuck.

At this moment, the temperament of ordinary people disappeared from him, and the aura of being arrogant and everyone is inferior to him returned to him.

No ordinary person would worship another ordinary person. In the eyes of these guards looking at Napoleon, Pomona noticed a feeling called "fanaticism", as if they were not looking at a person, but is a god.

This kind of look would also appear when Bella and his group watched Voldemort, otherwise they wouldn't be so crazy that they would go to prison in Azkaban guarded by dementors in order to express their loyalty.

Napoleon wasn't the king in the wizard's fairy tale who would be tricked by charlatans in order to gain the power of the wizard.

He is very smart, but he lacks self-confidence, especially when it comes to women. This is a weakness that many men have. Pomona doesn't know if he is influenced by the Egyptians, or he has a bit of taste for political nouveau riche Well, it's a waste of money to gild everything, especially now that the turmoil is over in France and everything is waiting for a new one.

The pink diamond he was going to give to Hortense just now, even if the cutting technique is not very good, it is definitely not cheap just judging by its size. Maybe he bought it by relying on the booty he robbed in Italy.

Soldiers are like this. The usual military salary is not enough at all. When the war comes, they will inevitably be robbed everywhere. People like Jacob participated in World War I, but there are very few people who don’t even have a mortgage to the bank. After returning to the civilized society, he was out of tune with the whole world and couldn't find a good job. If he hadn't met Queenie, he would have spent his life doing nothing in a cannery with the dream of opening a bakery shop.

Pomona still remembered the smell of feet mixed with allspice, which was actually not the worst smell. The smell of running horses and soldiers who hadn't bathed for a long time was like a zoo. No wonder Gryffindor The lounge will be set up in the airy tower.

Male animals have a lot of body odor and are more aggressive in addition to that. Unicorns don't like boys and only let girls approach them not because they are lustful, but because of their pure nature.

Hathor said that when they crossed the Alps, the soldiers complained that Napoleon did not respect human beings and treated them as draft animals. Are they still following Napoleon's orders to practice?

Soldiers also have pure emotions, but she really can't figure out what lever made them pry the cannon stuck in the snow, just like Napoleon didn't understand women's minds, even a teenage girl can Fool him on this.

But is such "smartness" necessary to exist?

Men are not fools. If Josephine hadn't had an affair with her dance teacher, and had been concentrating on waiting for Napoleon's triumphant return at home, then no matter how Napoleon's sisters introduced women, she would not have cared. In such a chaotic battlefield, Napoleon would have It is possible not to find a lover, and he waited until there was a scandal about Josephine in Paris before he found a mistress in retaliation. After going through that kind of thing, it was her luck that Napoleon didn't divorce her. Now that she had a clue in Napoleon's hands, how could she justly accuse Napoleon of being unfaithful?

No matter who withdrew Napoleon's love letter on the battlefield, that person knew Josephine's character very well. She was a woman who couldn't bear to be lonely and restless. , I don’t know what it’s like to be anxious for a long time.

However, the nobles in the old era were like this. There was no relationship between the husband and wife, and they just married for various interests. After the marriage completed the mission and gave birth to children, they played their own way. It is difficult for "ordinary citizens" to accept this kind of lifestyle and values. .

This is why Sirius desperately wants to leave Black's house, there are hypocrisy everywhere, and all kinds of superficial prejudices, just like Ross doesn't like the first class, but likes the party of the third class so much, Sirius Leaving Black's house and fooling around with James.

There are many pure-blooded nobles, they have never been really happy, so they cannot use the magic spell of calling gods to protect them. It requires the power of happiness from the bottom of the heart, and at the same time, this power can make people's hearts lighter, called the heart. when the heart is no heavier than the feather.

It is really difficult for people from different worlds to find a common language. This does not refer to their birth and growth environment, but their worldviews are completely different, and if they continue to be together reluctantly, they will rely on "blood relationship" to maintain it like Josephine. And she couldn't give birth by herself, so she had to sacrifice her daughter's happiness to maintain it.

Some people feel that life is hard, not because life is really hard. The Weasley family is very poor, but they also live happily.

She should really be like Fei Liwei, stay away from humans, keep a distance from them, so that if there is no friendship, she will not feel pain when she loses it in the future.

She wants to go back to Hogwarts, and she doesn't know if there is England in this world.

Just as she was about to apparate and leave, a black dog suddenly bit her skirt.

This dog is exactly the same as the dog that Sirius became.

At the same time, the cavalrymen who were practicing ran towards her, formed a circle easily and neatly, and trapped her inside.

Looking up at these cavalrymen, she suddenly felt that she was the hunted prey, to be precise, the hunted witch.

It's a pity that she can't fly, and... Apparation seems like a bad idea here, as if she can't get out of these cavalry with guns without a wand.

"The woman in the red dress, we meet again." Napoleon rode over leisurely and said aloofly.

"Hello, General," she said with a dry smile.

Napoleon sneered, "You don't call me consul anymore?"

"I think you prefer the title General now."

Napoleon looked her up and down.

That look made her feel very uncomfortable. The inside of the invisibility cloak was black velvet, and she wrapped the cloak around her body even tighter.

"Please forgive my rudeness last time." Napoleon said politely, "I shouldn't have made a big noise and asked you to leave."

"You don't need to be so polite to me." Pomona shook her head. "I prefer truth to happiness."

The soldiers peeked at Napoleon together, and then stared forward as if nothing happened.

"I'm here to talk about business. Can I talk in another place?" Pomona said.

"Of course." Napoleon steered his horse to the side, "We can go to the study..."

"I want something more formal," Pomona interrupted. "How about going to City Hall?"

"I've never been to a city hall with a woman except when I got married," a soldier murmured.

His voice was not too loud, and it happened to be heard by other people, and the guards suddenly laughed.

Napoleon looked a little angry, but managed not to attack, with a stiff smile on his face, "Why don't we go to Louis XIV's reception room?"

"You mean the Apollo Room in the Louvre?"

"It seems that you are very familiar with the palace."

Ask any 21st-century tourist and they'll know what the structure of the Louvre looks like.

"Don't go indoors, let's go outside," Pomona said. "Will you walk with me in the garden, General."

"Of course." Napoleon got off his horse very neatly, unlike Louis XIV, who had to be supported by a servant and wore high-heeled shoes.

Napoleon politely let Pomona go ahead, and she kept a half-step social distance.

With so many pairs of eyes watching, Josephine should not be as suspicious as last time.

Only when you care about it will you feel worried about gains and losses, and I don't know if this "soldier" can understand this.

==================================================== ===============

The basilisk let out a wail, fell to the ground and remained motionless.

A baby baboon had its heart removed from its body, chewed it in its mouth, and threw up after two mouthfuls.

They turned their gazes to the three humans who were dealing with the guardian of the south gate, showing what could be called a smirk.

" careful." Champollion stopped chanting and pointed behind them.

Severus took a test tube from his deformed lizard skin pocket and dropped it in front of the baboons. It immediately emitted a horrible green smoke, and the baboons backed away a little, then started to move forward again.

"Keep their ribs." Goncey said loudly while outputting his magic power. "Put their ribs on the boat to protect the boat from being overturned by things in the water."

"Where is that friend of yours going?" Nadia asked.

"Don't count on him," Severus said through gritted teeth.

"Him? I'm talking about her, the woman who was with you." Nadia said, "Her plant magic may work at this time. You don't need to kill them, just tie them up with vines."

Severus immediately pulled out a hand, fished in his pocket, dug out the mixture of resurrection agent and rejuvenation agent, threw them on the ground, and then threw a small section of devil's net, which immediately started to touch the green smoke. It grew wildly, and before it came to disguise itself as a crab claw orchid, it directly tied up those bobby with vines.

Immediately, Severus exerted his strength suddenly, and the two sides who had been in an arm-wrestling stalemate suddenly reversed, the golden flame became hotter, and the strange snake finally neighed and disappeared with a "poof".

Not long after, the black liquid on the ground disappeared, and darkness and silence returned to the exhibition hall, only the heavy breathing of three people could be heard.

"Why help us?" Severus asked Nadia.

"That thing doesn't belong to the human world." Nadia gasped, "I'm a human being."

"What shall we do next? I think your magic power should be almost recovered." Conseil said.

"No, I have other things to do." Severus took the pharaoh's dagger and walked towards the tied baboons. They looked very pitiful at the moment, and kept whining, as if begging for mercy "You Said their ribs are useful, right?"

"That's right," said Conseil.

"If you find it disgusting, you don't have to read it, it will be over soon." Severus said to Conseil and Nadia.

"You do it, I'm not so fragile." Nadia said.

Conseil turned pale, but the lady had said so, and of course he could not say no.

So the two of them watched Severus dissect the babybies alive.

The scene was similar to preparations for Potions class.

After having his left rib removed, Bobby stopped barking and it quickly turned to a cloud of sand.

"Looks like I've found their weakness." Severus said, looking at the rib in his hand, it was white and stained with something like black blood.

"That's why beheading doesn't work, that idiot," Severus murmured, setting aside the ribs and dissecting the next Bobby.

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