Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1177: Misunderstanding (5)

Concey had been giggling ever since he left the Pensieve.

He looked like he was under the Imperius Curse, or drank the love potion, and suffered from the incurable terminal disease of love brain.

Severus hadn't wanted to bother him, let him go insane like this. But after the initial fun wore off, the old bat lost his patience and slapped Conseil hard on the back of the head.

He has used this action many times in the ten years of teaching, most of the cases are aimed at boys, no matter whether the boy is a pure-blood family or a Muggle, he has experienced it before, and the "snap" echoed in the classroom, It sounds very refreshing, and no matter how drowsy the students are, they will suddenly become energized after hearing that sound.

Who would have guessed that Snape, who always went around the school with Filch to catch students who didn't obey the school rules, and took pleasure in deducting points, was actually an unruly person. In other words, if he was really so lawful, he wouldn't take shortcuts and join the Death Eaters to realize his ambition of becoming famous.

"Do you know where this is?" Severus said in a greasy voice.

"The Louvre." Conseil touched the back of his head, then looked down at the scarab amulet in his hand, "I'm in France now?"

"Where did the Pensieve take you?" Severus handed Conseil a small bottle of Firewhiskey.

Conseil immediately took it and drank it, and the pungent taste made him exhale loudly.

"You can't believe where I am?" Conseil began to giggle again.

Severus took his wand out of its sleeve.

"If you're not going to say it, I can use Legilimency. Have you ever learned Occlumency, Monsieur Leroy?"

"I went to the temple of the Queen of Egypt, and all the priestesses in white dresses lived there. What a beautiful picture." Gong Saiyi said with a smirk, "The clothes are almost translucent in the setting sun or the morning sun." , I can see their charming curves."

Pomona slapped Conseil.

"Did you delay so long because you were looking at women? We thought you had an accident!"

"I hope I can stay there, but they are more focused on following the footsteps of the God of Light, and they don't notice my existence at all..."

"You know how the Pensieve works, right?" Severus said dryly, "They're just memories and won't interact with you."

"How could it be? I can almost smell the balm in their hair, and I can hear the mosuo of their long skirts as they walk." Gonseil looked at Severus sadly. "They are holding lotus flowers in their hands." Walking towards me, the skin is shining like gold, the eyes are as bright as the stars, and the lips are like buds stained with morning dew..."

"He's hopeless," Severus told Conseil, who was daydreaming again.

"French." Pomona kept shaking her head.

"Aren't you curious about the Egyptian priestesses, Madame?" Conseil said sweetly, as if eating honey. "They have to bathe in the baths before worshiping the gods, just walk through the sycamore and fig groves... Aww."

Gonseil stroked the back of his head, which Severus had just given him again.

"Can we trust him?" Pomona asked deadpan.

"I don't know, should we trust you?" Severus asked the Frenchman with a smirk.

Gonceil was muttering in French, which Severus didn't understand but Pomona did, was saying "a Brit with no romance or sense of humor."

Pomona smiled mysteriously, but did not expose him.

"Need some potion?" Severus said sarcastically, "it will help you dispel the pain of disillusionment, those beauties you just saw are all mummified now, maybe one of them is lying here , are you going to wake her up like a prince kissing a princess?"

Conseil's smile faded slowly, and gave way to extreme terror.

"Have a drink." Pomona kindly reminded him, and Conseil immediately poured the rest of the wine into his mouth and swallowed it.

"What an evil person." Gonseil looked at Severus in disgust. "How could you have the idea of ​​kissing a mummy?"

"It's you fantasizing about those Egyptian beauties, not me." Severus warned coldly, his lips hissing. "Don't tell me that you've been spying on the priestess taking a bath for so long."

"Of course not." Goncey put down the empty wine bottle, "Maybe they wanted to keep me with good memories, but they still mixed in some bad memories. They don't like being away from home, that's why there are so many accidents." .”

"They want to go home?" Pomona asked.

"It's hard to tell." Goncei said after pondering for a while, "There are many pharaohs in Egypt, and not all of them are so wise. They want to go back to the good old days."

Severus shook his head, seemingly no longer interested in listening.

"That's all?" Pomona frowned.

"The Egyptian name of Thebes is Ouaset, which means the city of scepters of power. I think those 'big men' still miss the feeling of holding power after death." The love of flesh and blood, what flows in their veins is not blood, but cold politics, there is no place in the world that is more hypocritical than the court. After he divorced Josephine, he married the princess of the Habsburg family , He started from the family concept of an ordinary citizen, thinking that the Austrian royal family would marry Luisa in consideration of kinship, but unfortunately he was wrong. Or after death."

There was a moment of silence.

"I heard that there is a mysterious man in England," said Gonseil. "He is a descendant of Slytherin, and he is also a half-blood of the Gaunt family."

"Is your mother pureblood?" Severus asked.

"No, she's a Muggle. My father doesn't want to go down the road my grandfather walked. He said he was fed up with the smell of conspiracy and the life of swords and swords." Conseil said, "after losing everything He wandered around and met my mother in the vineyard and she made him feel hopeful, so he stayed and pursued her like a normal man."

"How do you know what Napoleon thought of the nobility?" asked Pomona.

"I hope I can tell you about a legendary process, but if you go to a bookstore and buy a biography related to Napoleon, you can see this letter he wrote to his cronies. My father also said that there is no need to revive Leroux. The idea of ​​the Wa family, he will not stop me, but he will not be proud of it, are you blood purists?"

"No." Severus said dryly, "I'm half-breed."

"You-Know-Who is also a half-breed." Gonseil looked at Severus.

"You're curious about my scar." Severus revealed the scar on his neck, "It was left to me by the mysterious man himself the last time I participated in the battle."

"Can you let him do it himself?"

"It's not as noble as you think, Mr. Leroy. The Dark Lord has lost his mind in the end, and he will kill people whenever he is in a bad mood. I just escaped by chance."

"It seems that we probably understand the 'people' who are playing chess with us." Pomona looked at the chessboard. "I can't believe that the power is in their hands."

Conseil hesitated to speak.

"Go ahead." Severus said coldly, "I need real information."

"The priestesses are generally managed by the queen, and the queen sometimes even assists the pharaoh in managing the country." Goncey said, "The queen is as busy as the pharaoh, not only attending religious ceremonies, but sometimes going out to fight. Pasha once gave it to Napoleon III A gold dagger, and a lion amulet that belonged to the pharaoh Kamose, who drove out the Hyksos who invaded Egypt, are in the Louvre.”

"That Kamose is the female pharaoh?" Severus asked.

"No, Kamose is the last pharaoh of the seventeenth dynasty of Egypt. The seventeenth dynasty is the last dynasty of the middle kingdom of ancient Egypt or the first empire of Thebes. The eighteenth dynasty is the era of the new kingdom. The first pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty was named Ahmose I, and he was the second son of Princess Yakhhotep."

Pomona was completely dizzy.

"Get to the point," Severus said impatiently.

"Princess Yahhotep (Ih-hotep) was born in Thebes. Her name means full moon. It can also be understood as 'Ih' for war and hotep for 'peace'. The fly was a supreme decoration in Egypt, meaning They are extremely disturbing, as annoying as flies and cannot be driven away. Only a brave warrior can use three golden flies as a necklace. Princess Yakhhotep still insists on driving the Hyksos out after the death of her husband. , her eldest son, Pharaoh Kamose, died in the war, so she was qualified to use the golden fly necklace. Later her second son Ahmose I became Pharaoh, Ahmose means It was the Son of Luna, who, having driven the invaders away, did not pursue them, but reopened the mines and trade, and continued to build structures that the Middle Kingdom was incapable of carrying out, including the last pyramid, the 18th The dynasty was one of the most glorious eras in Egyptian history, and it was from this time that Thebes became the capital of Upper and Lower Egypt. The princess completed the mission of "peace". The Karnak Temple is the largest temple in Egypt and the world , which is directly related to ZTE in Egypt.”

"Don't tell me there's something from the Temple of Carnac in the Louvre," Pomona interrupted Conseil.

"I hope I can say no." Gon Seil said awkwardly, "but a French painter and traveler brought back hundreds of boxes of cultural relics, and had a lot of conflicts with Pasha. Amon means 'in Egyptian' The Hidden One, we have found the Apollonian dagger of Pharaoh Kamose, and perhaps now we are looking for the Luna dagger of Ahmose I."

"I thought the moon should be represented by silver." Pomona asked Severus. "You see a 'golden' dagger?"

"It's so dark, how can I see clearly." Severus said coldly, "The sacrificial ceremony of the Nile turning blue is carried out at dawn."

"The real name of Ahmose I was Ahmose, and his royal title was Nebpehtire, a name related to the Egyptian sun god Ra, and his mummy is now in Lu Thok, and his dagger, besides, he also gave a golden blade with a bronze inner core to his mother, Princess Yakhhotep, and this dagger has now been found."

"Then what dagger are we looking for?" Pomona asked.

"I'm just saying that 'power' may be controlled by this family, not those schemers who like to intrigue. Kamos means the birth of power. The relationship between the pharaoh and the priest is very delicate. They are not a relationship between monarchs and ministers. The ancient kingdom During the period, the pharaoh consolidated the kingship through sacrifices, and the sacrifices obtained political benefits through the pharaohs. Later, in the middle and late eighteenth dynasties, the power of the priests in the temple of Amun was so powerful that they threatened the pharaohs. When Tutankhamun came to power, he regained the status of Amon as the creator god..."

"Where's that Kamose dagger?" Severus interrupted Conseil rudely.

"I don't know." Conseil spread his hands. "I rarely come to the Louvre."

"It seems that we are looking for a staff member of the Louvre." Pomona looked at her "partner" Severus Snape. "Let's use Veritaserum, Legilimency is too tortured."

Severus turned and left the hall.

After he had gone, Pomona looked at Conseil.

"What else did you see?" she asked, "I was told you only watched women take a bath."

"There is also the story of Pasha Muhammad Ali and his sons." Goncey said with a strange smile, "This family is related to the Suez Canal.

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