Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1176: Misunderstandings (4)

Gonseil buried his face in the Pensieve, and although no one had tried it, the substance in the Pensieve was probably not drinkable, even if it was not the green liquid in the cave basin.

Pomona subconsciously took a step away from Severus.

It was enjoyable just now, but now she is starting to regret it.

Once he said that the two of them were weird together, which made him very angry, but this time he said it in front of him, and he didn't know how angry he was.

"If anything happens to me." Severus said, "I hope you can find a way to get me back, this Frenchman, if you feel unreliable, you can go to Bill."

"Don't say that." She interrupted him angrily, "I know I can't stop you, but at least please don't talk to me like you are telling your last words."

"You said just now that you don't want to be a widow." He grabbed her words and didn't let go.

"I didn't think about it carefully, okay?" She said angrily, "We are definitely not as proficient in Senet chess as they are. The only thing we rely on is luck. Don't say such unlucky words."

She started looking down into her pockets, then handed him a bar of chocolate.

"for you."

Severus didn't answer.

"It's better to eat some food when you have time to despair. Food makes people happy." Pomona added.

He stared at the chocolate for a while, then took it, but he didn't rush to eat it, as if he was thinking about what to say.

"What are you trying to say?" Pomona said, chewing her chocolate.

"Food is not allowed in the Louvre," Severus said.

Pomona stopped chewing chocolate.

"Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

"I don't know where to start," Severus said. "We're all order breakers."

"I don't think bringing a piece of chocolate into the Louvre is the same as cheating at chess with the dead!" Pomona said. "Are you crazy?"

"Maybe so," Severus said. "I've never been in that situation."

"I know you're not a gentleman," said Pomona, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm telling you my feelings, sister, I offended you, but if I hadn't struck first, I don't know if I would have won Sirius Black."

"Why are you bringing him up again?" Pomona shook her head, "Sirius and I are just friends."

"Why do you think it's impossible for him to like you?"

"Impossible is impossible." She said firmly.

"It's because you don't think you're good enough for him, right?" Severus laughed. "You think he's still the prince of the school."

She couldn't answer.

Severus wiped his face, as if trying to sort himself out.

"I've always hoped that you could learn more from Furong. Maybe this is the beginning. You chose me to be your dance partner. I feel very lucky to be chosen by you."

"Don't say that." Pomona rubbed the goosebumps on her arms.

"When someone compliments you, you should say thank you." Severus put the chocolate into his mouth. "This is the etiquette that a noble lady should have."

"I'm not a noble lady."

Severus let out a long sigh.

"I know it's hard to break a habit after a while, but at least you have to try."

"No." Pomona said uncomfortably.

"Why not?" Severus asked back.

"It's weird." Pomona twisted her back.

The old bat looks like he's going to lose his temper!

"Aren't you angry when I said that about you just now?" Pomona quickly changed the topic, although the new topic she chose was not necessarily a good one.

"Why should I be angry?" he asked slyly.

"Because, I said I don't know why I fell in love with you." She whispered.

The old bat raised an eyebrow.


"What else? You were mad when I said something like that last time," Pomona said.

Severus recalled.

"I said I was weird with you, and then you got mad," Pomona warned. "Don't tell me you forgot."

"It was different that time, and this time I'm glad you said that."

"What?" she asked inexplicably.

"I like your attitude. Fleur was also like this in school. All the male students were waiting in front of her to be selected by her."

"I don't want to be proud and obnoxious."

"Sometimes I think you're being too humble, and only that old guy, Albus, can teach pretty women without taste or confidence."

"Your taste is not much better. Why is your attitude so different if it is similar?"

"You mean, last time you said we were weird together?" Severus asked.

"That's right."

"Did you say that to my face?"


"What woman would talk about herself to others like you do." Severus frowned.

"Is there any difference?"

"Leroy thinks it's our taste for you to say that. Women always like duplicity."

The old bat said as if he understood women very well.

"You still don't understand what I'm doing, do you?" Severus smirked. "I think I've made it obvious. Use your bright mind to think about it."

She still felt very confused, but the "Love Saint" didn't intend to answer her doubts. Instead, he looked at her confused expression and laughed at her as if enjoying himself.

"What are you laughing at?" She glared at the man who built his happiness on the pain of others.

"Now you know what it's like to be helpless?" He smiled smugly. "Does it feel bad?"

"You're so moody," Pomona muttered. "Why are you so difficult to understand?"

"You can't even solve my problems, let alone anyone else." Severus said indifferently, "French wizards don't want to deal with French Muggles' problems, so why bother with that?"


"If the British Ministry of Magic hadn't sent Aurors to France, Rita Lestrange wouldn't have died, she would have stayed in England, had children with Twitter Scamander's brother, and been an ordinary Woman, you are very worried about becoming a widow, so have you never thought about what will happen to me?" Before she could finish speaking, Severus said, "Anna Sui told Emerton to revive her, and then committed suicide , he did as she said, you also want me to summon you back from the underworld like him?"

She looked at him in surprise.

"Is that why you took the risk?" Pomona asked tremblingly.

"The Dark Lord has been successfully resurrected, turning the impossible into a possibility. You don't know how tempting it is to the old fool." Severus said in a word, "Do you know that it is necessary to call someone back from the underworld?" How difficult is it?"

She backed away subconsciously.

Severus approached her step by step.

"The heaven of the Egyptians is on earth, and they will return to their cemetery after death and use the utensils they used when they were alive, so hell should also be here." He whispered, his tone flat, like an undercurrent Rough Sea "Do you want to know what happened to me while you were unconscious?"


"Then forget about that prophecy." Severus said indifferently, "Besides, the demonstration in that crystal ball is a fragment. You may not have anything to do with the commotion."

"Didn't you say you would spend all my money?" Pomona muttered.

Severus glared at her with a death stare.

"I can't stop you, and you can't stop me, but I don't want to leave you." Pomona bravely approached him. "You need strength to protect me, don't you?"

"Are you being too self-indulgent?" Severus sneered.

But he didn't dare to look her in the eyes.

"Look at me." She supported his head with her hands, and forced him to look at herself. "Who am I?"

He stared into her eyes without speaking.

"Am I Lily?"

"You are the mother of my child." Severus said dreamily, "but I failed to protect you."

She laughed.

"You are so lovely, Prince." She stood on tiptoe and kissed his forehead.

"Say it again," he whispered.

"You want me to call you Sev?" She narrowed her eyes and smiled slyly.

He immediately woke up a little bit, with a displeased expression on his face.

She jumped on his back in one fell swoop, not caring if she would hurt the ancient artifacts in doing so.

"Let go!" he yelled angrily.

"No!" she said, laughing, and the laughter echoed in the empty pavilion after nightfall, like an echo.

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