"hoo hoo"

As the ground personnel unloaded the weight outside the basket, the colorful hot air balloon lifted into the sky.

The heat from the overhead spray gun nearly set Pomona's hat on fire, and she immediately grabbed Severus' arm.

It is morning, the sun is not so bright, and against the clear blue sky, the vineyards stretching along the hills look extraordinarily peaceful.

Occasionally, they can still see sheep on the ground, as well as monasteries, churches, castles, and manors in the mountains and forests. It seems that they are witnessing that in addition to the vines, humans have performed a different kind of magnificent epic on the land of Burgundy.

"Look, Severus." Pomona pointed to the depths of the forest, where there was a Quidditch stadium.

"Stay away from that lake," said the Muggle piloting the balloon. "Some say there are witches there."

"Lake?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"People who have been there have lost their memories. It is said that some people have donkey ears. There are many interesting places in Yeqiu, so there is no need to take risks there."

Severus grinned maliciously.

"Where's your camera?" the driver asked.

"Camera? Oh, you have the camera!" Pomona said to Severus immediately.

He had no intention of pulling out his camera at all.

"Get out the panorama binoculars."

Pomona immediately took out the brass telescope and handed it to him.

He took the binoculars and started looking around.

Although Britain has the English Channel that separates the island from mainland Europe, it is vulnerable to air attack.

Before the invention of airplanes, airships were the main aviation tool for human beings. The German Zeppelin airship was huge, like a giant in the sky, but the Germans relied on it for tactical and strategic reconnaissance.

But the Zeppelin did not disappoint the Germans, mainly because it was very quiet compared to roaring fighter jets and had a larger payload compared to fighter jets.

Before 1917, Germany had been using airships for bombing, because airships could carry hundreds of kilograms of bombs.

The Germans once thought the Zeppelin airship was their ultimate weapon, and then in 1915, the airship began bombing Britain.

Led Zeppelin always wins the country to cheers in the beginning. These airships usually take off from mainland Germany in the evening and arrive in the sky over Britain when the lights are on. The streetlights and lights of houses in British cities are their best targets.

At that time, the term "blackout" did not exist, and just after the outbreak of World War I, the performance of aircraft was still very fragile, and there were almost no aircraft capable of fighting at night.

Even if an ordinary plane finds the airship, all it can do is poke two small holes in its thick skin. The only thing that can stop those German aerial giants is the unpredictable weather at sea.

When London was attacked for the first time, there was no awareness of air defense at all. Those German airships flew freely in the British sky as if they had entered no one's land, and bombarded the DC area indiscriminately.

Zeppelin airships became synonymous with fear for a time, causing great panic among the people.

The Germans also knew how to measure. They attacked the DC area where the poor gathered, not the rich area. Sometimes "human life is worthless in troubled times" does not refer to everyone.

In order to defend against these "Germans", Britain used hot air balloons to arrange air barriers in the two world wars, but compared with World War I, the performance of aircraft in World War II was greatly improved, and the role of hot air balloons was reduced.

Humans have an inexplicable admiration for "big" things.

Compared with the 1994 Quidditch World Cup stadium held in the UK that could accommodate 100,000 people, the Quidditch stadium in Nighthill is much smaller. If you change to a British person, you might feel proud of it.

But as long as she remembered the Quidditch commotion and what happened afterwards, Pomona was no longer "proud".

Henry Potter wanted wizards to fight against these Zeppelins as well. Anyone who sees other people's aircraft doing wild things in the airspace of their own capital, but they can't do anything about it, will feel annoyed.

But this is the unspoken rule—wizards cannot participate in Muggle wars, otherwise it will bring unexpected curses, and the evil consequences of this curse will even be greater than the fruits of victory brought by wizards' participation in wars.

In the 1970s, apart from the Beatles, there was also a rock band named Led Zeppelin in the UK. The name of this band disgusted people who had experienced World War I, but young people thought the name was cool, at least better than the band The original name "New Chicks" was much better.

Flying like a bird is a human dream, but shooting birds with a bow is also a great hobby of human beings.

After the Ottoman Empire captured Constantinople, the whole of Christendom trembled. In order to deal with the pressing Turks, the Grand Duke of Burgundy united with the Pope at the "Pheasant Banquet" in his castle, and recruited countries to launch a new round of Crusades.

After the Black Death and the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, the armed forces of European countries were basically weakened, so that Burgundy became the military leader of European countries as a principality.

The power of the Golden Fleece Medal still has an influence on the current nobles, let alone the nobles in the 15th century.

Philip "the good man" wanted the crown, yet Burgundy had been a count from "foundation". This involves a complicated "crown stealing process", and the Merovingian royal family has always been rumored to be of Jesus blood.

Whether it is the three fathers and sons of Pepin or the "good man" Philip, if they want to "legally" inherit the throne, they need the approval of the church.

After several generations of development, Burgundy has not lost to any kingdom on the European continent in terms of financial or national power. Even if the King of France didn't want the Duke of Burgundy, who had to be loyal to him for generations, to establish his own family, he didn't have enough strength to stop it.

Philip was only one step away from becoming king, and that was the approval of the church.

Being the leader of the crusaders was very attractive to the duke, and when Pope Nicholas V came to the throne, the Roman emperor was no longer able to lead the countries of Europe as the "ruler of the world". Kingdoms, duchies, republics, and city-states became independent one after another. They not only acted independently but also preyed on the weak, causing unprecedented chaos.

Nicholas V was not of noble birth, but he hoped that European countries could take advantage of the opportunity of the pagan invasion to reunite, so he also had expectations for this Crusade.

But this huge pheasant feast was not as successful as the Duke of Burgundy and the Pope thought.

There is a proverb in the East that eats better with fewer people, and works better with more people. The Black Death and the Hundred Years' War have drastically reduced the populations of countries such as Britain and France, and they are no longer able to launch the Eastern Expedition again.

Although Burgundy is strong, it cannot launch the Eastern Expedition with the power of one country.

I heard that the pheasant banquet was very luxurious. Three long tables were set up in the banquet hall of Wurong Castle. Each table was covered with silk brocade and velvet, as well as various mechanical toys carefully crafted by craftsmen. And a castle model, with fresh and sweet orange juice flowing in the moat.

Participants used gold and silver tableware, and expensive tapestries hung on the walls of the hall, embroidered with the ancient Greek Hercules and the golden fleece he was looking for.

Near the duke's seat is a statue of a woman pouring spiced wine from her right breast, guarded by a roaring lion.

There is a line of words carved on the lion's body: ne touchez a ma dame, which means "don't touch my woman".

The implication of this group of sculptures is that the "good man" Philip defined himself as a lion and swore to devote himself to the battlefield for Constantinople as his own woman.

It's a pity that such a grand banquet did not achieve the Duke's intended purpose, even though the Duke put some magical animals that Muggles had never seen before on the table.

The "good man" Philip, comparing himself to Jason, will lead the Argonauts on an expedition.

The grand banquet showed the financial power of the Duke of Burgundy, and everyone understood what he meant, but the king's envoys were not mercenaries after all, and they would not pay attention to money.

Since the Justinian plague, it has become a helpless move for Europe to use mercenaries to fight wars. The plague broke out as soon as the population recovered a little, as if God did not want to unify Europe.

Mercenaries have no loyalty at all, but a certain number of people and elites are needed on the battlefield to lead those farmers who have just come out of the countryside to fight.

Otherwise, when those peasants who drink and party all year round realize what a real war is, the wormwood on the grave will grow up to waist deep.

It is impossible for civilians to enforce orders and prohibit them like soldiers. They are difficult to control and often complain. In French movies, how the French people engage in underground resistance behind the Communist Party is often shown in a humorous and clever way.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a group of people that it is impossible to rule the world.

"You take the hot air balloon just to see the scenery?" the hot air balloon pilot asked.

"That's right, just looking at the scenery." Pomona said calmly.

Some people like to use landscape photos as "trophies" to prove that they have been there.

But some people prefer to leave their names in the history books.

If a man is not interested in women, how can a woman conquer him?

Maybe, try to write a history book like Bathilda Bagshot,

In this way, in order for her to write herself better, even if he doesn't love her, he must be polite to her, and he can't just give her a sum of money just to get rid of it like Jason sent Medea.

"Are you local?" Pomona asked.

"It depends on how you define it," said the balloonist. "I wasn't born here, but I've lived in Nighthill most of my life."

"Then do you know if Joan of Arc is a rough woman?"

The balloon operator froze.

Pomona smiled mysteriously, looking at the distant scenery.

"I knew I should bring a bottle of sparkling wine." She said with some regret, how pleasant it feels to drink champagne while watching the scenery in a hot air balloon.

"I have it here." The hot air balloon operator said, opening a car refrigerator, which contained not only champagne but also fruit and biscuits.

"Oh, that's great!" said Pomona in surprise.

"The weather today is good, it's still windy in the morning, and the newlyweds who had made an appointment canceled."

"In other words, we are lucky?"

"It's better to say that the groom's luck is too bad." The pilot gave Pomona an ambiguous wink. "His ex-girlfriend was looking for him at the wedding with his child in her arms."

Pomona opened her mouth wide.

"I think it's definitely an unforgettable scene."

"Isn't it, it will never be forgotten." Pomona reached out and pinched Severus' arm hard.

"What are you doing!" the old bat put down the binoculars and asked angrily.

"Sir Popington asked me why the wedding was not held in the auditorium, do you know why?" Pomona asked coldly.

The expression on the double agent's face suddenly became serious.

"What was it like seeing Harry Potter for the first time, did he look like James, or did he have Lily's eyes?"

Severus looked at the Muggle pilot, who was concentrating on steering the balloon as if they were in the midst of a storm.

"Can we talk about it after we're back on the ground?" Severus resigned, not even daring to meet Pomona's eyes.

Maybe Pomona is not like Narcissa Malfoy, who knows that her husband has another woman outside, but she feels like the one who saw other women holding her husband's child at her wedding, demanding Brides whose husbands are responsible for them.

The point is that Harry Potter has no blood relationship with Severus Snape. Whether it's because of his nostalgia for his first love or because he felt guilty that he had informed Lily for causing Lily's death, Severus felt that he should deal with Harry Potter. Lee is "responsible".

She was angry now, but not so crazy that she wanted to duel him in a hot air balloon for drawing his wand.

What if the hot air balloon crashes?

It's just that the following flight experience became very boring, making people wish that the balloon would land immediately.

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