Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1140 Food Marathon

Wine celebrations in Burgundy begin at the beginning of the year.

January is St. Vincent's Wine Festival, and every January 22nd is St. Vincent's Good Friday. Usually around this date, Burgundy wine growers start preparing for winter vineyard pruning.

The Vincent Wine Festival is held in different villages in Burgundy. Before dawn, volunteers from each village carry the sculpture of St. Vincent belonging to their own village and start a parade. It is said that this tradition has been preserved for a thousand years.

February is the hibernating world of Burgundy. During this month, the weather is foggy and occasionally snowy. People don’t want to go out at all. Only one village will hold the St. Vincent Wine Festival at this time.

St. George's Village on the Côte des Marches will hold a red wine auction. The scale of the auction is small and it is far less famous than Beaune's auction. "The predestined person.

Not every year there is such an opportunity, it all depends on the mood of the wine grower, which is also one of the characteristics of the Yeqiu auction.

Beginning in April, Burgundy officially began to recover, which is a good festival to buy white wine.

The weather in Burgundy in May and June will be somewhat changeable, but it is still dominated by sunny days, and occasionally there will be a few clouds floating in the sky.

At this time, each village will hold a wine and food festival, like an adventure, and the organizer will also provide tourists with a map for tourists to walk in the vineyards all over the hills.

There are many "supply stations" in the vineyard, and each station will sell local wine and traditional Burgundy food.

According to the opening order of traditional French dishes, the process of bread, appetizers, main courses, desserts and cheeses is scattered in various replenishment points, and it is really possible to eat while shopping.

Occasionally, tourists on the road will encounter "May Bride" appearing surrounded by family members, as if the whole Burgundy is holding a wedding.

When the weather gets hotter in July and August, Burgundians will taste wine in the shade of the trees in the city: while listening to the music of Bach and Bacchus.

In September, Château de Vujon, which is a symbol of well ropes in Burgundy, will hold a wine and reading festival. Regardless of how to read when drunk, the second-floor hall of the castle is a signing event for small wine writers. On this day, the authors will Meet your admirers.

I participated in the Beaune Music Festival in October, and those who like to join in the fun can go to the Nouveau Wine Festival in Yeqiu.

In fact, the so-called new wine refers to the freshly squeezed grape juice, which is manually stepped out according to the traditional craft. The wine growers believe that the juice squeezed by the machine is like the meat ground by the machine, and it is not as good as the meat minced by hand.

November is the workhouse auction.

December will lead to a long Christmas holiday. At that time, in order to cope with the big Christmas purchases, no one will hold a wine festival at this time.

But people nowadays will not celebrate Christmas like people in the Middle Ages, who would smoke a child as a "gift". Therefore, December is also joyful.

Burgundy is full of joy throughout the year. It is estimated that no one in the joy of civilians still remembers the crazy "Charlie the Bold", let alone the original lord of Burgundy, the Merovingian royal family.

The atmosphere was a lot like the Quidditch World Cup, full of drunken, oddly dressed Muggles.

Although the Middle Ages is recognized as the dark age, but now a retro fashion is suddenly popular. Those Muggles are like wizards trying to dress like Muggles, and like Muggles and medieval people.

Therefore, it is often possible to wear a Franciscan friar shoulder to shoulder with a jester in colorful clothes.

Or the lord's wife and the knight are so close arm in arm, writing a "Song of Roland" together.

Pomona couldn't tell which was more insane than wizards who used women's one-piece pajamas as kilts. Compared with them, Severus, who was dressed in black out of season, looked more like a normal person.

"Merlin's beard." Pomona said, looking at the reveling crowd. "Muggles are crazy."

Severus looked very happy. He bought boiled eggs with red wine, more than three kinds of ham, pickles and a little croissant from the roadside "supply station" for breakfast, plus a large glass of burgundy in a paper cup Cap wine.

Although feeling a certain guilt about drinking in the morning, Pomona drank anyway.

It was chilled, sour-sweet, and barely alcoholic, and she drank it down quickly, then ran to the "supply station" for free refills.

She was eating the food in her hand, her eyes still looking at the food on the side of the road.

Braised chicken in red wine, French snails, gingerbread, Charolais beef, roast beef with Burgundy onions, just one village’s delicacies are enough for her to eat for a day.

There were at least ten of them on the map provided by the organizer, and she really felt happy and painful.

"It's really Hufflepuff style." Severus said as he ate pickles wrapped in ham. "Food and hiking."

"I like food, but I don't like hiking." Pomona burped. "I hate the feeling of being sore the next morning."

"You won't be sore if you exercise regularly."

"I believe you!" Pomona took a big bite of her croissant.

They followed the road map and came to a wine field. Most of the fields were families, and there were almost no drunk tourists. In addition, there were many wine growers. They would give grapes to those families to taste.

Pomona found a quiet place with a good view, drinking while admiring the scenery of Burgundy.

Severus was lying on her lap, and that old bat who always stayed in the dark cellar for experiments had started to bask in the sun like a Muggle, and he wasn't afraid of being burned.

She took out her own sunhat and put it on, shielding him from the sun with the shade of the brim.

"What color do you think I look good on?" Severus asked.

"Last time I bought you a gray one. You don't necessarily need to dress as colorful as Rohart." Pomona said. "You can wear a white shirt and a cloak outside like Mr. Darcy."

"Darcy? I don't remember him wearing that in that movie."

"It's the new version of Pride and Prejudice, oh, the shot of him looking for Elizabeth in the morning light is so beautiful!" Pomona said excitedly.

Severus looked at her puzzled.

"I don't understand Quidditch either." She said disappointedly, "But I still watch it with you, and you want to watch the movie with me!"

"What do you like about that little boy?"

"Do you like Victor Krum?" asked Pomona. "I know Durmstrang and Slytherins eat together a lot."

"Not as much as the girls chasing him," Severus said wearily. "What the hell are they up to?"

Pomona couldn't explain it to him.

"Because he's a Bulgarian hunk," she said deadpan.


"He's a foreigner, and he's a macho. England is full of handsome young men like Draco's skinny chicken."

Because of this, Britain is called a corrupt country by foreigners, and even the headmaster of Hogwarts is gay.

"What's the logic here?"

"It's complicated," Pomona said, troubled. "You're straight."


"You'll never understand." She looked into Severus' confused eyes sympathetically. "How many shades of lipstick do I have?"


"You can continue to hide."

As if his self-confidence had been frustrated, he turned sideways and ignored her.

Pomona went on eating pickles and ham with "wine."

The cucumber was so crispy and crunchy, it reminded her of a rabbit eating carrots.

"Did you wear makeup today?" Severus asked.

"That's right." Pomona said calmly, "I just didn't wear lipstick."

She took a sip of red wine very calmly.

That's why she wouldn't spend two hours dressing up like Naxisha. Lucius could detect subtle changes in Naxisha's makeup, even though he was a pompous "peacock"!

"Ow!" Severus wailed.

He was beaten just now, and it was in the same place where he beat her in the morning.

"When you get up, you will get fat if you lie down immediately after eating!" She said ruthlessly, "You only have the advantage of your figure on the outside."

Severus glared at her.

"If you want to bask in the sun and sleep, you can also stay in the manor. Now that we are out, we have to go around all these villages!"

she said with great insistence.

"You rough woman!" he said regretfully.

"It's a pity, I'm not the princess and the pea." Pomona curled her arms. "I have fed thousands of young people in Hogwarts who are growing up, and there are countless magical animals. You can treat me as a breeder!"

"Are you a breeder?" He was about to sneer.

"Including you are also raised by me!"

Severus stopped smiling immediately.

He threw her down with a jerk, and she let out a small scream, followed by a giggle.

The children in the grape field heard the movement here and looked around curiously, but their eyes were quickly covered by their parents.

Adults act as if nothing happened, so what to do.

The weather is really good today, the blue sky, white clouds, grapes, animals in the forest and birds flying by, how peaceful and peaceful it is, the so-called Garden of Eden is probably like this.

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