Taking out the reclining chair and pillows from the black velvet bag, Pomona basked in the sun while watching the two girls not far away practicing.

It doesn't matter if a little secret is discovered by her peers, but she can relax and be lazy like an old man.

Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, is a little old, and is dozing on her lap at this time. The Burrow of the Weasleys looms among the reeds, and this empty place has been attacked by Death Eaters , it seems that it is not so easy to find a suitable new headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix.

There are laws of transfiguration, and there are laws of space magic. Living things cannot be contained in the space bag. Although things such as travel tents can accommodate people, the door is always open. Once the door is closed, this space is not suitable for living things. live. The Room of Requirement in Hogwarts can not only close the door to accommodate so many people, but also link to places outside the castle. It has more secrets than Pomona thought. The Loyalty Curse also has the function of hiding space, which is different from the principle of the Muggle Repelling Curse. The person who set the entrance of ordinary employees of the Ministry of Magic in the public toilet at the beginning is a "genius". Anyone in the "pipe" would get in a bad mood, wizards' imaginations were really sick sometimes, and Pomona believed Hermione could fix that.

Because of the classic "look at me", Severus Snape became a famous lover, and the stories of other members of the Order of the Phoenix who died in battle also appeared in the newspapers, and they became household names.

However, the children of Lupine and Tonks disappeared from the sight of the world. Pomona hoped that his grandmother had taken him in. He was safer hiding in the Muggle world than in the wizarding world, just like Harry. Although the Dursley family It's annoying but at least it can make him live comfortably, unlike Tom who was finally sent to an orphanage to grow up.

Now Hermione is like an orphan, it's just that she abandoned her parents, it wasn't her parents who abandoned her, forgetting everything is irreversible, and the spells cast for their safety now seem to have lost their meaning, then Would this feeling of regret make Hermione spin the Time-Turner again?

There must be someone in the Order of the Phoenix who is good at making magic props, but Pomona doesn't know who he is, she only remembers Henry in the dream, he is the inventor of the time-turner, in the dream he died because of the experiment up. Although Hermione was very poor and became an orphan, Pomona would not let her risk her life to change the past. She was an assistant in the Sirius incident. If she changed her own destiny, the result would be unpredictable.

Pomona can't change the fact that Lily must die, but she can help her take care of some children. It was Pomona who put Maggie into heaven that time. Petunia actually let Harry serve their family like a servant.

The little wizard's magic riot will cause things like plates to fall to the ground, but it will not make Muggles turn into balloons and fly into the sky. He thought it was him who did it. It is strictly regulated for little wizards to use magic outside of school. Strong enough to be able to use wandless magic, accidents such as being bitten by bugs often happen, so even though there was such a big commotion, he was still not summoned by the Ministry of Magic. In addition, Sirius Black escaped from prison, and the prestige of the Ministry of Magic was discredited. As if what happened to Maggie never happened, the memory of the witnesses was erased.

Ah, she seems to be a real naughty ghost.

Pomona was so comfortable and satisfied that she was giggling and daydreaming. Hannah Albert made her feel like she used to be headmaster at Hufflepuff. Nepe just randomly added points and deducted points, relatively speaking, it was very fair and just.

Cedric is a very fair person. Harry told him about the dragon, so he told Harry about the Screaming Golden Egg. The fifth floor is the prefect's bathroom. He thought for a long time before he cracked it. Peach Jin Niang saw him all.

He is really a handsome young man, gentle and gentle, and she is the most satisfied student. Who would have thought that he would be an informer.

Take it easy Pomona, take it easy.

She keeps hypnotizing herself, don't think about that old bat, you need to think about future plans. But the picture that appeared in my mind became clearer and clearer. How did Myrtle on the second floor come to the fifth floor? Unlike other ghosts, she can move freely in Hogwarts. She said that she once passed through the "pipeline" , who teleported her to the fifth floor?

Pomona opened her eyes, and the old bat actually cheated, telling the Hogwarts students the secret of the Screaming Golden Egg in this way.

This approach is much better than old Barty Crouch, but it is still a cheating, cunning head of Slytherin.

The prefect’s bathroom on the fifth floor is already very luxurious, and the teacher’s bathroom on the sixth floor is even more luxurious. It is a rare benefit that only belongs to teachers.

Ahaha, of course she would not be so shameless as to take a bath with him in that kind of place. Every time she took a bath, she was alone. She lay comfortably in the pool, feeling the comfort of taking a hot bath in the dark. The bubble bath shower gel prepared by Master Medicine himself uses herbs and flowers from the Forbidden Forest. It smells like being in the forest. Minerva always has a smell of catnip on her body. It will become very easy, he carefully observed everyone's hobbies and habits, at least the old bat is popular among the teachers, and he is not as annoying as the students.

If you don't drink some sedatives, everyone will be tortured to death by Umbridge. Minerva actually quarreled with her directly. If it were Pomona, she would definitely not let Umbridge do evil. Unfortunately, she was arranged in The old house of the Black family, because she was grounded by Dumbledore.

If she hadn't been so capricious, Cedric wouldn't have died, the twins wouldn't have been expelled from school for resisting Umbridge, and Fred George might have been able to change his fate after training, so he wouldn't have to be separated.

She didn't use her brain, and the decision she made based on her heart had serious consequences, but he felt very happy. She felt that she gradually became a woman like Irene who disregarded responsibility for love.

Irene gave up a huge family property, honor, and status, and married a Muggle who had nothing, but she was not happy, and even suffered, because Tobia loved and didn't concentrate on anything. He loves motorcycles, rock and roll, boxing, women, alcohol, gambling, fortunately he is not involved in drugs, Severus imitates nobles to make himself not like a Muggle father, Tom Riddle is an important mentor in his life, something Pomona and Dumbledore couldn't teach him, such as pleasing people, which is the true biography of the Dark Lord.

Today she was so angry that he should have arranged something to calm her down. Just as she was imagining what romantic scene she would usher in, there was a scream from the girls, and she immediately picked up her wand and apparated over there. Then she saw Hermione with an embarrassed face, and Hannah Albert who was jumping up and down happily and screaming.

"I'm sorry, Professor." Hermione said apologetically.

Pomona looked at her students who were screaming excitedly, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Dean! You and Professor Snape are a couple! He's still alive, isn't he!"

Pomona pondered deeply whether she should give Hannah a forgetfulness.

"Don't let anyone know, you hear me!" Pomona warned Hannah.

"You're still a mixed Veela, my God, my God!" Hannah was so excited that she didn't know why.

Seriously, girls can be really stupid sometimes.

"When were you together, Professor?" Hermione asked, seeing her pitiful expression, and Pomona couldn't help but soften her heart.

"The day you danced with Victor." Pomona said, looking her in the eyes. "You were like a princess that day, Granger."

"Why are you helping me?" Hermione asked again.

"Because I want to help you." Pomona said seriously "I think it's the right thing to do..."

"It's the right thing to do." Hannah stopped jumping and said out of breath.

Hermione froze.

"Hannah, do you know beauty magic?"

"Yes, Dean!"

"She left it to you." Pomona looked at Hermione and said, "You need self-confidence more than Occlumency, Miss Know-it-All, high society Hannah knows more than you, let's learn from each other."

"What else do I need to learn, Dean?" Hannah asked, looking at Pomona.

"Stable and mature, you are in your twenties, Hannah Albert."

"What about yourself? Haven't you ever been coquettish with Professor Snape?" Hannah immediately counterattacked, stepping on her sore foot.

Seeing that Pomona did not fight back, the two girls opened their eyes wide at the same time, and then screamed together.

Pomona suddenly felt that she had spoiled a lioness.

She simply came out of sight, turned around and went back to her recliner to think about what to do next.

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