Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 112 Gamp's Law of Element Transformation

"The atmosphere just now was so dull, Dean, I can't believe you're dating someone like that." Hannah drank butterbeer, ate cauldron cake, and Dean Hufflepuff's girls with a sweet tooth Also imitating everything, Pomona was really worried that she would gain weight.

"Who are you dating now?" they both said in unison, and then laughed at the same time.

"I'm married." Pomona had no choice but to marry very late at her age.

"Really? Who?" Hannah asked.

"Opheus Sprout."

"Your husband takes your last name?" Hannah covered her mouth in surprise.

"He shared my treasury." Pomona snorted coldly, "Man."

Hannah didn't answer. After all, there are still many middle-aged fat women who marry for money in this world. It's just that Hannah looks disappointed, or disappointed in love.

No matter how beautiful the love in the college days turns into a marriage involving interests, it will become very realistic. It is time for Hannah to marry and take on family responsibilities.

"Hannah, are you still in touch with your former classmates?" Pomona asked. What she actually wanted to ask was whether Hannah had been in touch with Neville Longbottom.

"Sometimes we get together."

"Do you want to go back to Hogwarts?"

"Okay!" Hannah agreed immediately.

Pomona suddenly realized that what the old bat said was right, Hufflepuff seemed really stupid.

"I now know that Professor Snape is protecting them by letting Neville, Ginny and Luna go to work for Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest." Hannah said sadly, "We misunderstood him a lot."

Yes, he also used his stag Patronus to guide Harry to retrieve the Gryffindor sword that was sunk under the ice, and destroy Slytherin's locket. What a beautiful scene.

"Dean, why did you leave the school after the Battle of Hogwarts?"

"I went after the person who killed Cedric." Pomona took a sip of tea comfortably, and Hannah Albert was stunned.

"You don't think I'll let people who hurt my students go so easily, do you?"

That's right, the tough-looking old bat has a soft heart, and the sweet-looking sweetheart has a dark heart, you're all blinded by appearances, kids.

"Is the fake Galleon you used to DA still there?"

"Here!" Hannah Albert actually carried it with her and placed it directly in front of Pomona.

Regardless of whether it works or not, Pomona intends to match Neville and Hannah Albert first, and then Neville's ranking is ahead of Ron Weasley, although he still hasn't escaped from the bottom ten.

Although magic is amazing, there are five things that cannot be changed.

The first is food. Gourmet Magic only simplifies the food processing process. It will not create bread out of nothing, without flour.

The second is biology. Flour alone cannot be fermented without yeast. Yeast is also a kind of life. If children can transform it, there will be no bloodism.

The third is the potion, otherwise why does the old bat cook the medicine so hard every day.

The fourth is the wand, and the fifth is gold. Fake Galleon looks like gold but is not real. It can deceive people's eyes. This is human beings.

Hermione Granger was really talented. She could come up with such a practical thing. Later, the Order of the Phoenix also used it. Pomona also took out a fake Galleon from her interspatial bag. Put it together with Hannah Albert's.

"Dean!" Hannah looked at the almost identical money in surprise.

"I'm going to help Hermione Granger become the Minister of Magic, will you help me Hannah?"

Hannah Albert nodded.

"Don't you doubt me?"

"If it wasn't for the food Neville brought from the Hog's Head when we were hiding in the Room of Requirement, I'd have thought you had the house-elf bring it to us."

"I have that plan, but I can't find the entrance. My Galleon is different from yours..."

"You are a member of the Order of the Phoenix." Hannah said in an affirmative tone, "Your Jin Gallon cannot receive DA messages."

"How did you guess it?" Pomona was a little surprised.

"Professor Lupine loves to give out sweets, and Dumbledore is the same. Although you hardly go to the scene to deal with every accident at school, you are always with us and give desserts to those students who are scared. Madam Pomfleur gave us the sedative, you were the one."

"That's not me. I wasn't at Hogwarts when you were in fifth grade." Pomona pointed to her face, "Polyjuice Potion."

"I just think her style is different from yours, so it's fake." Hannah put her arms around her shoulders, looking angrily.

"What do you think my style is?"

"She gave Gryffindor twenty points for Harry handing her a water jug, and you don't give Gryffindor points like that."

"That's a way of fighting back."

"You wouldn't do that to Umbridge."

"Then what do you think I will do?"

"Let me think about it, soft-clawed land shrimp!"

Pomona couldn't help but sigh, the impact of that poisoning must have been great, and after so many years, some people still remember it.

"Doris won't eat any lobsters, and Hogwarts has banned any seafood from that time on."

"Then what will you use?"

Pomona began to figure out that eating the sea anemone-shaped tumor on the back of the Motra Rat can enhance the resistance to curses and bad luck, but if you eat too much, ugly purple hair will grow around the ears. The raw material is the dried sting needles of Billywig bugs, which can make people float up and down, but if they are stung by live Billywig bugs, they will float in the air for several days, which makes Umbridge grow purple hair or let her float in the air?

"I'll use the Billywig bug," said Pomona, the Muggle woman who was gesticulating in Harry's presence at the Dursleys was stung by one of those bugs and ballooned out, and she became very fat , the clothes were almost torn, and the wizard would not change in size after being stung. It was a very interesting experiment.

"Look, this is the difference between you, you won't resist by adding points."

Pomona sighed, there are always smart girls in this world, she must introduce Hannah to Neville.

"Why do you want Hermione Granger to be Minister for Magic?"

"Hush!" Pomona saw that there were people coming and going, and it was not the place to talk, so she took two fake Galleons, paid for the real Galleons, and left the coffee shop with Hannah Albert.

"What do you think of Hermione Granger?" Pomona asked the little girl from a pure-blood family.

"She's very smart, but she has bad eyesight, and she married Ron Weasley." Hannah clasped her hands in anticipation. "Victor looks so charming when she looks at her studying hard."

"Aren't you jealous of her?" Pomona asked Hannah. She was jealous herself, and no one looked at her like that.

"A little bit, but I don't believe what Litaquist said in the paper, she's shy, not the kind of ambitious girl."

"Ron Weasley." Pomona snorted coldly. He must have been matched by Dumbledore. That freckled boy is no better than Victor. He is a stain on Hermione's perfect life.

"Professor, can I see your real face?" Hannah Albert asked.

"You'll see when Hermione becomes Minister of Magic, Hannah, not now." Pomona stroked her hair. "Have you ever learned Occlumency?"

Hannah nodded.

"Can Legilimency?"

She shook her head.

"Just right, you are paired with Hermione Granger, you learn Legilimency, she learns Occlumency, how about you call her out?"

"With such a long distance, my Jin Gallon can't be used."

Pomona originally wanted to use her Golden Galleon of the Order of the Phoenix, but after thinking about it, Arthur also had it, so she stretched out her arm, "Grab my hand, Hannah Albert, and I will take you to find Hermione."

Hannah grabbed Pomona's arm without hesitation.

As the space distorted, the two of them suddenly disappeared, like ripples in a pond, soon calmed down.

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