"I haven't heard of the Dark Lord, what is it about?" Sun Jin asked.

"It's not it, it's him, he's human," Pomona said. "He can suck your power."

"That's impossible." Sun Jin said confidently, "How could a tiny human being steal my power?"

"How many years have you been locked up here?" asked Pomona.

"What does it have to do with you?" Sun Jin said resentfully.

"You don't know how fast the outside world is changing. Do you think that human beings are still as weak as before?" Pomona said confidently on the surface, but actually said anxiously.

She doesn't have Grindelwald's ability to show Sun Jin the scene of the atomic bomb explosion.

"We let you out to deal with him," Severus continued now, "but you are no match for him now."

"Joke!" Sun Jin began to spin around rapidly, "How could I not be a human opponent?"

"People don't believe in God anymore, and when you are free, you can ask anyone you want." Severus said flatly, "But you have to be careful, the Dark Lord is already very powerful, if even your power If you are also sucked away by him, then he will be even more difficult to defeat."

Now it was Taiyangjin's turn to panic, and his "heartbeat" speeded up significantly.

"I've never heard of the Dark Lord," Sunkin repeated again.

"Whether it is Lynx or phosphorus, they were discovered by humans at the end of the 17th century, but whether it is the stars in the sky or the phosphorus in the human body, it has always existed. It does not exist because humans have not discovered it. Some things just don't exist You just know." Pomona said, "Where there is light, there is darkness, and how much do you know about darkness? Kool."

"You know who I am?" Sun-jin said.

"Of course we know who you are, you are the incarnation of Qi, one of the four elements, but I am worried if you are an opponent of pure darkness." Pomona asked worriedly, "Do you think you are an opponent of darkness?"

Sun-jin didn’t answer her words.

"We know he has a weakness," Severus said. "Have you ever heard of Prometheus' ointment?"

"I know about Prometheus." Sun Jin said, "but I don't know what the oil of Prometheus is?"

"This ointment is made from the black sap of a tree root. The tree root absorbs the blood that Prometheus' liver drips into the ground, so it contains black sap. After applying this ointment to the whole body, you can have The power to defeat any enemy, I have something similar here. I collected the blood of the people who defeated him, and after painting it, you don't have to worry about being defeated by him."

"You lied to me! Cunning humans!" Sun Jin said angrily.

"You said, you can grant me a wish." Pomona said, "Now, my wish is that you can help us defeat the Dark Lord. As long as you promise me, I will release you immediately."

"Don't say that," Severus said slickly, "You let him out, if he doesn't have the strength to defeat the Dark Lord..."

"Is this a breach of contract?" Pomona tilted her head, and looked at Sun Jin again, "If I let you out and you can't beat him, will you be imprisoned?"

"This is part of the contract." Severus said in a long voice, "or is it that God is going to break the oath now?"

"This is not what you were thinking just now in front of the wishing fountain." Sun Jin floated in front of Pomona and said, "You want to save someone."

"That should be me." Severus turned up his collar, revealing the hideous scar. "This is what he left for me."

"I want to make a time-turner to go back to the past, and I need the sun gold you live in." Pomona said sadly, "You will be free after we defeat the Dark Lord."


"Something like this." Severus took out a piece of silver from the shapeshifting lizard skin pocket, and let it transform in the palm of his hand, until it finally became a ring of three concentric circles, which looked a lot like a gyroscope , but there are two axes, the outermost layer and the middle one are an axis, the second layer and the layer with the hourglass are an axis, and the layer with the hourglass is full of stars.

"What is this for?" Sun Jin asked.

"Time travel," Pomona said.

Sun Jin was silent.

"Why don't you use the previous one?" Sun Jin asked, his tone softened a lot.

"That time-turner is made of base metal, which has a lot of limitations, and we need precious metals to make a more perfect one," Pomona said.

I mark every inch of time, but never exceed the sun, my worth to you is measured by your purpose.

This was written by Hermione Granger on her time-turner, and Pomona didn't know if what she had done was beyond the "sun".

"Just to save someone?" Sun Jin asked.

"Yes," said Pomona.

"Stupid human beings," Sun Jin said.

"Human beings are not stupid, you can say that I am a stupid woman." Pomona said with a smile, "When a warrior is about to go to the battlefield, what we can do is to give him the most comprehensive preparations and let him survive as much as possible. Last time I didn't make it because I misunderstood him and I wanted to make up for my mistake, and according to the Novikov principle of self-consistency, nothing the time traveler does actually changes, which is why we did the experiment Confirmed..."

"You guys actually did the experiment?" Sun Jin interrupted her.

"Would you like to see it?" Severus pointed his wand to his head and pulled out a soft white glowing silver thread.

"Throw it into the water." Sun Jin said.

So Severus threw that memory into the huge, bubbling pool of mercury-like substance.

Harry's face appeared first. He was at the Whomping Willow. Ron Weasley was dragged into the tree hole by Sirius Black who turned into a black dog. He also entered the tree hole, and it didn't take long for Remus to appear.

Then the scene began to fly quickly, and at the part where Sirius was seriously injured by the werewolf, he stumbled to the pool in the Forbidden Forest, and Harry followed. Not long after, dementors appeared, hundreds of them, and they surrounded Harry and Sirius hovered, sucking on their joy, freezing the lake, and Harry tried his best to fend off them with his suffocation guard, but he was getting weaker and the white smoke from his wand was thinner and thinner.

Sirius' soul was sucked out by the dementor, and it radiated a pure, blue light, as if he was ready to receive the dementor's kiss.

At this moment, a beautiful deer appeared on the other side of the lake. It stood by the lake, and the force it exuded drove the cloaked monsters away.

Behind the deer stood a man with dark hair and glasses.

"He really looks like his father." Severus snorted coldly, "No wonder he would admit his mistake."

"So, this kid went back in time and saved himself?" Sun Jin asked.

"His intention was to save a hippogriff, and his godfather," Pomona said. "A time traveler cannot change his past so that his 'now' self no longer exists. Can indirectly participate in events involving people about him, and not change history, but cause things he noticed before time travel."

"Simply put, this kid thought his father saved him, and he used the Time-Turner to meet his father." Severus said to Sun Jin. "Saving his godfather and himself was just a matter of passing."

"You are crazy." Sun Jin said, "Is there any taboo you dare not touch?"

"When you leave this place, you will know how 'great achievements' human curiosity can create." Severus said with a smirk, "Although the snake tempted humans to eat the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden, if Adam and Eve If they're not curious at all, they won't be tempted."

"That Dark Lord, why is he..."

"You can ask him about this when you meet him later." Severus looked at Pomona. "Take out the potion."

Only then did Pomona remember that the bottle said to be made of New Jerusalem gold glass was in her place.

She tried her best to keep herself calm, not to shake her hands, and took out the bottle that exuded an alluring golden light.

"Wait." Sun Jin said, "Pour out the potion."

Pomona was stunned because there was an empty bottle inside.

"Almost forgot." Severus took out a bottle of elderberry wine given to them by the Dark Lord from his shapeshifting lizard skin pocket, and poured it into the bottle. pour out."

This small wine bottle has an amazing capacity. Anyway, Severus poured several times its volume into it without overflowing. Pomona shook it tremblingly, and then turned it upside down...

"You shake it again," Severus said.

Pomona shook it vigorously a few more times, as if pouring out the ketchup stuck to the bottom of the bottle.

"It seems to be stuck," Pomona said.

Severus frowned, took the bottle and shook it vigorously, but nothing came out.

"I told you not to use this container for plasters," Severus grumbled.

In the legend of the Golden Fleece, Medea put the ointment of Prometheus in a golden shell container, and Jason used it to smear the whole body, not only became extremely powerful, but also resisted the divine bull from the nostrils. Flame spewed out. The spear in his hand is not the same as the spear of Longinus. It is covered with the magic oil extracted from the poisonous dragon's tooth, not the blood of the Son of God.

Pomona took the bottle again and continued to shake it. After shaking for a long time, a drop of golden wine, like gold, came out.

"You guys help me open the seal first!" Sun Jin urged impatiently.

"What if you kill us if we let you go?" Severus said bargainingly.

"Okay, let me come out and I will spare you all."

"No." Severus twisted his lips into a mocking smile, "Don't think you can trick us into changing the contract by saying that."

"Then what do you want?"

"Kur, what kind of magic is used on the magic circle?" Pomona pointed to the hole in the invisibility cloak and said, "My body armor has been cut so big."

Sun Jin stopped talking again.

"To be honest there are others chasing us, so don't waste your time here," Severus urged.

"I can help you deal with them," Kool said.

"Let's go." Pomona said suddenly, "We can look elsewhere."

As she said that, she took Severus' arm, and it seemed that she really turned around and was going to leave.

This is the skill of girls shopping and bargaining. If you can't negotiate a price no matter what, then don't continue to pester.

"I hope you have a good time alone in the next thousand years." Pomona waved her hand with her back to it, "I heard that the Muggle guarding this maze is dying, and he is praying to the Dark Lord for eternal life. "

"Wait!" Kool said.

Pomona and Severus looked back at it together.

"I promise you, please let me out."

Severus stared at the tangle of jumping metal for a long time.

"Do you know about iron sulfide?" He suddenly said to Pomona, "It's a kind of pyrite that looks a lot like gold. In the past, alchemists often used it to bluff and deceive, saying that they had discovered the method of alchemy."

"You think it's iron sulfide, not sun gold?" Pomona said hesitantly.

"If people knew that we released a devil for a piece of fool's gold, how would others laugh at us?"

Pomona was shaken.

She looked at the "sun gold" again, and it looked more and more like fool's gold.

"So, we spent so much effort just for a piece of scrap metal?" she said indignantly.

"We're okay. The villagers in Palodo are really pitiful. Generations of hard work and time were wasted for a stone that can be seen everywhere."

There is a saying in the Bible: The devil was a liar from the beginning.

No one likes being cheated, but if the benefit of lying is higher than the price he pays, the probability of lying will increase exponentially, and people who hate being cheated will also become very fond of cheating.

Anyone with a knowledge of mineralogy can tell the difference between real gold and fool's gold, even though they both shine brilliantly in sunlight.

"Maybe it's a blindfold, or an illusion." Pomona carefully distinguished.

"Let's go." Severus said, pulling her arm. "Let's go see what other treasures there are?"

She looked at Severus' hands distressedly, expecting to see blisters, but there were none.

"I can still feel the heat," Severus murmured. "It's weird."

"Wait!" This time it was "Sun Gold" who was anxious.

Pomona had given up on the deceitful piece of gold, but Severus stopped.

"I swear, I will never hurt you!" Sun Jin said.

"Then what we agreed on earlier?" Severus raised his eyebrows.

"I agree as well." The Storm God said quickly.

"Should we give it a chance?" Severus asked mockingly.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem that strong." Pomona pouted and shook her head.

Severus shrugged, and was about to leave again.

"What else do you want?"

"Promise us one more condition," Severus said.

"What else do you want to do?"

"After you leave, this labyrinth will lose its power, and those treasures will be left unguarded, that's what those people are waiting for." Severus tilted his head towards Xenophilius, "Find a few more Give us a treasure."

"no problem."

Sun Jin said, and as soon as it finished speaking, three bubbles floated up from the pool of mercury.

Inside was a wooden plank, a thin white-gold shirt, and a round shield the size of a palm.

They fell in front of Severus, and he put them all into the shapeshifting lizard skin pocket without leaving a single one.

"How to break the seal?" Severus asked.

"Hit five of all runes."

Severus complied, and only his eyesight could hit the light symbols on the ever-changing magic circle.

It didn't take long for the magic circle surrounding Sun Gold to disappear, but it didn't immediately get into the "potion bottle" in Pomona's hand.

A breeze blew on the ground, and then the wind grew stronger, stirring up the liquid in the potion pool. The waves beat against the old tree growing in the pool, and it started to glow.

"That's not a real tree." The free Kur smiled strangely. "Soon this place will be destroyed."

Pomona looked back at "Lyle" and saw that they had collected so many things, why didn't they do anything?

In the strong wind, Severus found the cursed violin, and the ghost trapped inside was howling silently.

He dropped it into the pool, where it was swallowed up in no time.

With a "coax", a ball of dazzling light suddenly appeared on the lake, and Pomona closed her eyes subconsciously, but even so she was still blinded by her own eyes.

The vortex created by the God of Storms was devastating, but they couldn't feel anything in the center of the storm.

until the flame appears.

The so-called fire tornadoes may be like this, they are full of flames on all sides, and they have no other way to go except to go up.

At this moment, "Sun Gold" rushed into the "Potion Bottle" like a torrent, and Pomona immediately rushed to cover the bottle cap.


The crow possessed by Voldemort rushed over, trying to snatch the vial away.

"Get out of the way!" Pomona pointed her wand at it.

"Well done, Severus." Voldemort appeared in front of the two "I knew you wouldn't let me down."

Severus looked at his former teacher blankly.

"It's not a curse at all, is it?"

Pomona dodged the crow's claws in embarrassment.

"The golden robe that Medea gave to the bride was indeed not cursed," said Voldemort gracefully, "but was impregnated with a deadly potion."

"You know what I'm talking about?" Severus levitated the "shackles" that once held Kool, spinning them around Voldemort.

Voldemort smiled meaningfully, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

As soon as his words fell, two metal men suddenly jumped in.

Pomona knew them, they were the guards that guarded the treasure, and Lyall said he had turned them off.

They are extremely agile and tall, holding two crescent-shaped scimitars in their hands.

One of them aimed at Severus, and the other aimed at Pomona, she was not agile, and the metal man was not gentlemanly, and he didn't shoot at women or anything. After a few dangerous dodges she unleashes the pile of cockroaches, which grow larger as soon as the bird and snake leave the painting box.

It's a pity that its scales can't stop the metal man's sharp blade, it wailed in pain, and flapped its wings to fly away.

"Let's go!" Pomona was about to call Severus' name when the ground began to shake violently.

There was a "ang" sound, as if some kind of giant beast was roaring, and a metal boat flew up in a fire tornado.

Standing at the bow of the ship were "Lyle", Nadia and Xenophilius.

"As I said, you can't take what doesn't belong to you, no matter how much you want it." Lyle said to Pomona with a smile.

Then the prow of the metal ship shot two green flames at her.

The fire looks like the fire of the floo powder, but the flames produced by the floo powder will not burn anything, including the hem of the wizard's robe.

And where the fire passed, all combustible and non-combustible things were ignited, which was more violent than the Fierce Fire Curse.

Albus said that the most violent reaction occurs between non-metals, and the most flammable substance known to mankind is fluorine trichloride, which is so flammable that it is uncontrollable, and even ** cannot use it as a flamethrower .

It is a green liquid at room temperature, and its flame is still yellow when it burns. The green flame in front of him should be something that these alchemists have researched by themselves.

She glanced at the way to "Ascension", but turned her head back to the bottom of the well, where Severus was still confronting Voldemort, and the two metal men had already fought themselves.

"Go away! You're dying!" Pomona yelled at Severus, but he didn't listen.

The green fire is replacing the yellow fire little by little, and they won't be able to get out any longer.


The crow that was entangled with Pomona suddenly flew away, and Nadia wearing a silver mask flew towards Pomona.

With a "choke", the round shield blocked Nadia's attack, as if metal collided with metal.

Pomona had heard that Newt's first love, Leta Lestrange, had disappeared in the fire in Paris.

That story was so far away for her, she had no idea that one day it would happen to her.

Now whether it is Sun Gold or Fool's Gold in her hands, she doesn't feel anything.

She suddenly understood how Harry felt when he threw the Resurrection Stone in the Forbidden Forest.

Albus hoped that Harry would survive, and the old fool pinned his last hope on the Deathly Hallows.

And Harry just wanted to solve all the problems.

He is really a good boy.

Adults should not put the responsibility of saving the world on a child, even if he is 17 years old, he is considered an adult in the wizarding world.

"Voldemort!" cried Pomona. "Here's what you want! Go on!"

She threw the golden wine bottle containing the God of Storms over.

Voldemort was distracted, and Severus took the opportunity to imprison him, but a piggie rushed over and blocked his plan.

Enraged, the metal man guards tried to attack it, but the sharp blades couldn't pierce its thick hide.

Nadia tried to grab the bottle, but was scared away by a metallic object that flashed by.

Pomona recognized it, it was the bronze claw that Xenophilius got from the black eagle, and it looked a lot like the Death Scythe.

It flew past Nadia at a seemingly slow speed, and flew towards Voldemort on the same line. The Dark Lord's eyes turned blood red again.

With a "choke", the sickle missed Voldemort's soul, and the next moment he appeared beside Sun Jin.

"The wine bottle is flying!" Pomona used the flying spell on it, but unfortunately it didn't work. It seemed that it, like the Deathly Hallows, could not be summoned by the flying spell.

Voldemort wrapped his black robe around it, and the crow flew to join him, then disappeared with him.

"Idiot!" Nadia yelled, turning around and flying away from the center of the storm.

Pomona let the heap of cockroaches fall to the ground, and as soon as it hit the ground, it immediately turned into a small snake, whining in pain.

"Why not go?" Severus asked.

"I'm here to save you." Her mind went blank. "There's no reason why the rescued person doesn't leave, and the rescuer runs first."

"You are such a fool." He looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"I'm not as great as Albus, and I can't save everyone." Pomona said, "I will do my best to save one of you."

"You don't expect me to say anything touching," Severus said. "The important thing now is to get out of this damn place."

"What were you thinking just now? Died with honor?" She frowned angrily. "You know I don't like heroes!"

He was too angry to find words.

"What should I do?" she asked anxiously.

Severus walked up to her, kicked the pile of cockroaches into the painting box, and then painted the box with phoenix tears.

Immediately afterwards, he hugged her and turned into black smoke and rushed into the green fire.

Pomona pointed her wand at the flame, and it gave way, much like Albus' Vulcan.

The black tulle that hung over the labyrinth was gone, and she saw the starry sky again, Lyall's ship still breathing fire, and many people on broomsticks were flying around it.

"That moment just now... don't mind it." Severus wanted to ask but stopped.

Pomona knew what he was trying to say.

"He said he would help me, but I didn't tell him how to help. No matter what, it is dangerous for Xenophilius to continue being with those dangerous people. We must find a way to help him." She whispered in his ear.

"Wait until we're in a safe place." Severus finished speaking, bypassing the melee battlefield and flying towards the darkness.

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