Whether it is a ghost or a dementor, when they appear, the surrounding temperature will drop rapidly, which is completely opposite to the temperature around the living people will rise.

If we use the Eastern theory of yin and yang to understand, cold is yin and hot is yang, but not all souls represent yin.

Comparing the body and life, the body is yin, and life is yang.

A dead person also has a body, and a corpse does not equal life; although a corpse summoned by black magic can move, it does not represent life either.

After the Avada Kedavra curse hits people, it will not cause any physical scars, except for Harry Potter, but the result it causes is death, the soul and the body are separated, which is the same as being seen by the eyes of the basilisk Yes, the death result is the same. Moaning Myrtle tried to pester Oliver Hornby who laughed at her after her death, but when Oliver Hornby reported her to the Ministry of Magic, her revenge was banned by the Ministry of Magic. She was restricted from returning to Hogwarts and was not allowed to harass Oliver Hornby.

Myrtle's "super power" is to make the bathroom on the second floor wet, which is somewhat similar to Kore's ability to blow hurricanes and create cold storms.

Myrtle can at most flood the second floor, which is annoying but doesn't do much real damage. If her strength were a little stronger, she would be able to form a torrential rain when she cried, causing a flood that submerged the world or something. Then in order to make her stop crying, the living people have to find ways to entertain her, send two little boys to play with her, and Myrtle becomes the "Rain God".

Ancient shamans sometimes had to do sacrifices part-time. When they understood what the "god" wanted, they would offer him whatever, such as wine, livestock, people, and other weird hobbies. lent power to humans.

So-called sorcerers use this kind of power. Unlike wizards, whose power comes from themselves, Voldemort has superman-like power, and destroyed the defense formation of Hogwarts by himself. This power is powerful but he Self-generated, and the new powers he gains are related to those ghosts with "superpowers".

He can absorb the power of these ghosts, use this power to adjust the weather, promote the growth of crops in the field, increase the reproductive capacity of people and animals, and become the God of Ceres and God of Shepherd who bring a good harvest. It can also be used to create destruction and become a god of destruction.

In addition to the god of alchemy, Hermes also sometimes doubles as the god of agriculture. The god who is in charge of deceit is definitely not a good person. Hermes has the same dark attributes as Loki in Norse mythology. Alchemists are often regarded as charlatans who cheat people out of money in the name of alchemy. Only God knows whether "Rubeus Hagrid's ancestors" honored their contract by giving this power to Voldemort, or if they played him again.

Mongnes Sessius Hagrid is undoubtedly a pseudonym, and demons don't always tell others their names so easily. "Rubeus Hagrid's ancestor" was an old devil who made Gellert Grindelwald stumble, and now the Dark Lord, who looked extremely powerful, was just a junior in the eyes of those old monsters. This is the style of black wizards. They are not caring and persuading the younger generation, but playing with them. It's just that he is not yet proficient in mastering this power. This is the "Order of Heaven" chosen by Voldemort. As long as he has overwhelming power, he doesn't need to play a wise "king" like the White Wizard to please others. Fortunately, humans already knew the way to kill him, and that was to destroy Tom Riddle's Horcrux with the basilisk's fangs, but now he was happy, and Pomona didn't want to remind him of this assumption.

Tom's main soul is different from the Horcrux. Harry's ability to defeat him should be related to Harry's complete soul, apart from the tricks of the old fool. This is Tom's "Agrithus' heel", and it will be the key to turning the tide of the next war if necessary, and before proper analysis and understanding, she is not fully sure that the basilisk's venom can kill "Dark God" Voldemort.

The more powerful Tom becomes, the more haughty he is, which makes him careless, ignoring details he should have been paying attention to, and ending up at the hands of little things and little people.

This is why wise men always remind the world to know humility. People who know humility will act cautiously. Caution will make people think carefully before acting, and will not act recklessly due to impulse.

Muggles in the West are also facing a serious population problem. A country must have an army, and the army needs people to form it. However, technology allows Muggles to skip this problem and directly create robots for war. Civilizations fight.

This is very similar to what the gods did. They created human beings and let them fight each other. Whoever wins conquers other civilizations, and the gods worshiped by other civilizations become evil gods, pagan gods, and are cast down from the altars they are enshrined in. I was also confined to one area and cried sadly.

If it is unlucky, it will be even more pitiful if it is imprisoned and enslaved by a cunning liar like Kool. Once Pomona cleaned up a Muggle company that had been harassed by werewolves. There was a poster on the wall saying "Did you work hard today?" and she had a chill down her spine. .

Even though she wasn't an employee of this company, she felt the skin on her back tighten when she saw this line, as if she was being whipped severely. If the Pharaoh's overseer saw the slaves being lazy, he would probably ask the same question before whipping: "Did you work hard today?"

That's really scary, it's not "inspirational" at all, it's a "warning", Pomona doesn't know if Kool, who was locked in "Sun Gold", was given by "Rubeus Hagrid's ancestors" I was enslaved, and I was asked from time to time, "Have you worked hard today?", but it is certain that it longs for freedom. Who has seen the wind of being imprisoned.

Its situation is very pitiful, but what it has done is also very hateful. Sympathy is a waste on some occasions, especially sympathy for the devil. You sympathize with it now, and when it is free and breaks your neck, someone else will sympathize with you.

Pomona didn't know how the "ancestor of Rubeus Hagrid" tricked Kool into it. Anyway, she already had an idea, but it was very risky to do so. The point is that it was her sudden idea, and she didn't talk to anyone beforehand. communicate.

When this kiss is over, she will face the former god. Although it is still a prisoner, it can still control the labyrinth, and it should be able to make them all dead.

She wished she had telepathic powers like Voldemort's, that she could let Severus know of her plans and cooperate with her.

However, even though she was a wizard, she was still just a mortal, and the long kiss finally ended, and they separated slowly, and then looked into each other's eyes.

There was once a pair of lake-green eyes, and there was once a pair of black eyes that stared into it. Harry had inherited his mother's eyes, and Albus took advantage of that by keeping the young Death Eater, who thought it was all over, at Hogwarts, waiting for Voldemort to return again.

Now there is a pair of blue eyes, also staring into these black eyes. She hoped to convey some non-literal information to him in this way, but even in the world of wizards, it was a kind of "superpower", which was too funny.

"Don't betray me," she whispered, "or I will, like Medea, bless you and your new wife with cursed golden robes."

He stared at Pomona, his dark eyes trembling slightly, as if the eyeballs of a person in deep sleep would move violently.

"I trusted you, so I eloped with you rashly and left my father. For you, I underestimated my status. For you, I take care of you like a wife. You should protect me and never leave me alone." Come on, or my vengeful spirit will disturb your mind, as it did when you tricked me."

"That's your wish, hope he doesn't betray you?" Sun Jin said cheerfully.

"No." Pomona shifted her gaze to the golden thing, imitating Sybill Trelawney's tone and said, "I have some bad news for you. Your life is about to die."

The sun gold was "frozen for a moment", it kept beating like a heart, and when it was "in a daze", the liquid gold stopped moving.

Then it started beating violently, as if it was about to get angry.

"Who! Who wants to harm me!" Sun Jin said angrily.

"Dark Lord, he wants to get rid of you!"

"Lyle", Nadia and Xenophilius who were not far away were all stunned.

The honest astonishment added to the credibility of what she said, Sunjin asked again.

"Where is that Dark Lord now?"

"It's right in front of your eyes." Pomona said with a smile, "Your time has come."

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