Pomona dragged the painting box, brought the pile of birds, snakes and cockroaches, and Voldemort's key attached to the crow to Irene, a Muggle town near Palodo, and followed Voldemort's guidance to the truffle field. Al Meyer, Jan Felix, Kritch, and Severus were waiting for them by the cabin.

"Mr. Meyer volunteered to join us on this expedition," said Voldemort, smiling cheerfully. "He wants to see what the maze that killed his brother looked like?"

Pomona looked at the "little white mouse", who was wearing a gold ring on his hand.

"I think that should be me," Pomona said.

"Since Mr. Meyer has volunteered, why fight with him?" Voldemort smiled and supported her on the shoulder. "Let's go, before the others arrive."

Even though Voldemort was incorporeal, Pomona felt a burning gaze on her shoulder.

Sometimes, after Ginny and Dean Thomas broke up, she was with Harry again, and the ex-boyfriend would stare at the two of them and crush the glass.

She feels very bad now, a little unable to cheer up, and is too lazy to pay attention to his complicated feelings.

She followed Lyall Meyer to the sinkhole, but instead of leading them through the double helix passage, she walked towards an entrance hidden in the forest.

"I've been digging this tunnel for thirty years," Lyall said nervously. "I know it's going to come in handy someday."

Pomona looked at Severus, who didn't intend to move at all, as if he was starting to talk about gentlemanly demeanor, intending to "ladies first".

"Where are you going?" Pomona pulled Felix, who was planning to become a hero, and she couldn't let a child lead the way.

This secret passage is vertically ascending and descending, and is fixed by a rope tied around the waist.

After Lyle went down, Pomona was next.

Except for the skylight overhead, there was no light in the cave, and the pulleys rotated slowly overhead, making harsh friction sounds.

She fell slowly until the entrance became the size of a coin. From the beginning to the end, there was no one who looked up and cared about her life.

"Come down!" After she stepped on the solid ground, she said towards it, but no one answered.

"Are we going to wait for them?" Lyle Meyer asked.

"No, there's no need." She said blankly, "Take me to that maze."

The other three could fly, and by the time she had followed Lyle through the bushes and undulating rocks, Jan Felix, Voldemort, Kricht, and Severus were already waiting for them, but They all looked in one direction.

If a labyrinth in sunlight looks like a garden, a labyrinth shrouded in darkness looks like a labyrinth in the deep sea.

She thought it was fog that hung over the maze, but it was a black veil.

You can call it the cloak of the god of death, or the veil of the hall of death. It billows with the wind like a sea wave, and the temple shrouded under it looms.

"Ready?" Voldemort asked.

No one answered him.

He was the first to walk towards the maze, and the others followed him one after another.

"Have you had a fight?" Felix asked, walking up to her.

"No." Pomona said calmly.

They're now worse than fighting because they're going through a divorce.

Felix stepped aside.

Klitsch looked left and right, but didn't speak, Severus was as stiff as ever, only Lyle Meyer looked eager to try.

"Here we are!" he said excitedly, pointing to the entrance of the maze.

The outer wall of the maze is full of bomb craters, which should have been left by Muggles before, but they did not destroy the walls of the maze.

The lion's head at the entrance is covered with moss and looks like it has turned green.

The green lion devouring the sun is a common symbol in alchemical manuscripts, sometimes representing sulfuric acid, depending on the context, and sometimes the consciousness clouded by desire and the dangerous passion known as ambition.

An ambitious king is liked by soldiers, because to realize his ambition, he must launch an annexation war, and victory will give people the illusion of strength.

It feels much better to be the conqueror than to be the conquered. Conquest and possessiveness are the common problems of most men.

Pomona glanced back at Severus who had a "constipated" expression.

What are the manifestations of a man's desire to conquer and possessive? That is, no matter what he says, women must obey unconditionally, and Pomona always doesn't let him do what he wants, let alone let him have as many mistresses as the king.

The destruction of the earth is not negotiable, Lily sometimes listens to Severus, especially when it comes to potions, so this makes him feel satisfied?

"This is so ridiculous." She couldn't help whispering.

"What are you thinking again?" Severus asked defensively.

"Why should I tell you, 'sir'!" she said proudly, which made his face even worse.

They followed a stone path to the door of the maze, which was bigger than Pomona imagined, the door was about the height of the Quidditch stands, and when Lyle Meyer, wearing the ring, approached, the door showed out of a blue rose.

"Last time you had this?" Voldemort asked.

"No," Lyle said. "What's this?"

Voldemort was the first to go over to check.

"It's not a gem, it seems to be some kind of metal," said Voldemort.

"What metal is blue?" Pomona asked.

"Take some down and have a look," Voldemort said to Lyall.

The "little white mouse" did so immediately.

He took a bit of metal from the blade of the rose with a knife and gave it to Voldemort, who pointed his wand at it, let it float in mid-air, and then heated it with fire.

The small piece of blue metal melted quickly, and then Voldemort cast a Freezing Charm on it, and it began to cool.

The next moment, the ordinary silver-white metal deformed, not only becoming colorful, but also complex and regular in shape, looking like a maze.

"It's a bismuth crystal," Severus said. "The alchemists of the 17th century thought it was one of the possible ingredients for synthesizing the Philosopher's Stone."

"But Mungnes Hagrid was from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries," said Pomona.

"Bismuth existed in ancient Greece, usually on the pedestal of trophies." Voldemort smiled. "It seems that we have also found the last metal."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the labyrinth slowly opened, and the black veil covering their heads slowly rose, like a hot air balloon.

As the palace gate opened, the snake language in the depths of the maze became clearer.

"Why is it different this time from last time?" Lyle asked tremblingly.

"Because the mentality is different." Voldemort said, "This door may also have been cast with the Mind Acceptance Charm."

"Also?" Lyle asked.

"Hogwarts has a Room of Requirement, as long as you want, it can satisfy you." Voldemort smiled happily. "It's a pity that such a good thing was burned by a fire."

"How did you get the Black House of Requirement down?" Pomona asked Old Bat.

"Why should I tell you, 'ma'am!" the Snotlin replied with a very Slytherin smirk.

"Don't be so stingy..."

It turned out that she made Severus even angrier by saying that, and he turned around and left.

"Who said he's cute when he's awkward!" She looked at his back and complained dissatisfiedly, then angrily followed the others into the maze.

I like blue bismuth, although a beginner would only get crystals of that color

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