Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1099 Goodbye u0026 Never See You Again

One question had been troubling her, why had Heathcliff returned to Wuthering Heights, hadn't he met a better woman than Catherine in the outside world?

It is not easy to go back, especially since he is no longer as weak as he was when he was young. He could continue to roam the outside world, so why bother with that ignorant Catherine.

There is also "The Great" Gatsby, why do men always miss the first love they can't get?

Pomona put on trousers and a t-shirt, then pulled on her Beatles boots and dressed like a Muggle.

The clothes were very light, and floor-length skirts were too cumbersome for the place they were about to go.

Adventures are not just for men. In Harry Potter's journey to save the world, Hermione played an important role in making suggestions.

Compared with Hermione's strategy, Luna Lovegood's plan is not so meticulous, she acts entirely on inspiration and intuition.

When Harry asked her how to get to London, Luna immediately said, of course, by flying. No one thought about communicating with Severus and confirming that Sirius was really okay, so they hurriedly escaped from everyone's surveillance and "run to freedom".

Instinct and intuition are not always useful. The sparrow sees the bread crumbs in the trap and wants to eat, so that it ignores the surrounding dangers. Da's children wanted to help Harry, and Harry wanted to save Sirius, so they fell into Voldemort's trap.

Behind her, there was the rustling sound of another person wearing clothes.

She never asked, what did he do after listening to Harry's message that day, did he send the message to Lucius, and how did he notify the Order of the Phoenix?

Everything that happened that day was shrouded in fog. After Harry disappeared, the Order of the Phoenix was in chaos. Everyone was looking for his whereabouts. In the end, Sirius was the first to get the news.

George said that the news came from Phineas Black, and it was precisely because Sirius got the news about Harry first, and he was Harry's godfather. Even though he was weak and wanted, Moody still let him know. he went.

"Theodore Nott didn't see Thestrals when he saw Barty Crouch die," said the man with his back turned to her. Don't you wonder what happened to his mother?"

"What's wrong with her?" Pomona cooperated with acting.

"She died, when Theodore was little, but not in an accident like Luna Lovegood's mother."


Severus turned to look at her.

"Death, what are you thinking about?"

She was a little disappointed, she thought there were some twists and turns in the story.

"Longbottom was able to see the Thestrals because he saw his grandfather's death. Those cubs are not as complicated as you think."

Compared to Snape, of course.

The more she looked at him, the more displeased she became, and she picked up a pillow and hit him.

"What are you crazy about?" He said patiently.

Among close friends, girls often beat boys, but boys can't do anything to girls casually.

As for why girls beat boys... Anyway, Pomona couldn't describe her mood at this moment in words.

He did so many wrong things, shouldn't he be beaten up?

"You don't pay attention to me anymore!" She thought for a long time and found an excuse to play around willfully. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about how to get out of that damn maze!" He said angrily, "Even if the Death Eaters have attracted most of the wizards in Palodo, there may be variables. We know too little about that maze. gone."

And Voldemort, who knew the information, did not intend to share it with them, and they could only obey his orders when they entered the maze.

"It's really great." She imitated his tone and said sarcastically, "We are almost a specimen."

Perhaps he was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he hid his wand in his sleeve and stood up.

"Come here!" She hooked her fingers towards him.

"What?" he asked defensively.

"Come here," she repeated.

He hesitated for a while, and finally came to her side and stood still. Pomona stood up and looked directly at him.

"kiss Me."

He subconsciously leaned back and frowned.

"Is that what you think?"

"Otherwise what do you think I'm thinking?" Her hand stroked his arm.

"Don't touch me." He said deadpan "We're done."

She froze.

"Are you satisfied?" He tugged on the hem of his cloak to leave.

"You want to divorce me?" she yelled in disbelief.

"I grant your wish..."

With a wave of his hand, the wand was already in his hand, and the armor protection just now blocked her curse, and the innocent vase was smashed.

"How dare you?" She trembled with anger.

Severus smiled weirdly "You can't give me what I want."

"What do you want? Can Lily satisfy you?"

"Don't talk like that, Pomona."

All she could think about at the moment was Merlin's enemy Morgana, who used to be a healing witch who used "white magic".

"Don't do it." She heard Sirius whisper in her ear, "He's not worth it."

She calmed down the moment she put on the black clothes.

"Why did you choose today?" She sat down on the bed again.

"Because you know how important today is." Severus scorned her with a look that saw through her. "You and the White Wizard always have the last bit of sanity in a pinch."

"You hurt me, Severus." She trembled. "You won't regret it later."

"The thing I regret most in my life is provoking you." He said indifferently, "But people can't change their own destiny. Even if I go back with a time converter, I can't make the past me stop doing stupid things."

"So... it's over?"

He didn't say a word, which was tantamount to acquiescing.

She couldn't tell whether it was his real thoughts or acting, but she felt a real sense of relief.

He doesn't need to force himself to change like James Potter, and she doesn't need to refresh her lower limit and keep forgiving him. Everyone will go their own way in the future, and they are all free.

"Well, since you said so." She choked up, "When I get back..."

"I'm not coming back." Severus interrupted her. "And you too, don't have any hope, you can find the so-called correct answer with such wild guesses."

He couldn't turn his head and walked away, as if he had let go of a burden. The sound of his footsteps was hurried and striding, and soon disappeared.

"Are you still going to bring him back?" Voldemort said after a moment behind her.

"I have no choice," she said numbly. "It's fate, Tom."

A man was sick, and his name was Lazarus, who lived in Bethany, the village where Mary and her sister lived. This Mary is the one who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and dried His feet with her own hair. The sick Lazarus was her brother, a man who experienced two deaths.

But everyone’s lifespan will end. Lazarus once again faced death, and there was no Son of God to save him. He would die like ordinary people, and then wait whether he would be resurrected when the final judgment came.

"We should go," said Tom. "We're waiting."

"Who?" Pomona asked.

"You'll know when you get there." The handsome Tom Riddle smiled mysteriously, his red eyes didn't look scary, but they looked like rubies, or in other words, they looked like the Philosopher's Stone.

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