Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1079 Son of the Star

Many people have played the game of "hopscotch" when they were young. This game has been popular in the world for more than two thousand years since the origin of the ancient Roman Empire. All it takes is a clearing and a piece of chalk or a stick to jump on.

Sandbags, stones and the like are used during play. At first Pomona saw a little girl playing alone, but later she found that she was playing with her own shadow. She felt very uncomfortable, and wanted to go to play with the little girl, but she felt like she had been shot as soon as she stretched out her hand. There is no energy in the whole body like exhaustion.

After a brief period of darkness, she came to Albus's circular office, which was always filled with "clinking" silverware.

After careful identification, she realized that she was not in Albus's office, but in a manor with a huge copper telescope in the Alps.

There was still a star map floating in the air, and the white wizard wearing half-moon glasses was sitting on the sofa next to the telescope, and there was a dark shadow beside him.

"How does it feel?" Albus asked quietly.

"Am I dying again?" Pomona asked.

"Not yet," said Albus, "but I think you need a break."

"Tom did I become like this?" Pomona asked wearily.

"Severus wouldn't listen to him, so Tom threatened Severus with you. The most violent and spectacular reactions in chemistry take place in non-metals, which are greedy and selfish substances that are also prone to getting out of control." , do you know what metal is?"

"Uh... what?"

"Metals aren't all hard and shiny gray solids, they come in all sorts of shapes, but they all have one property, which is to conduct electricity," said Albus. "You know, the Triwizard Tournament cheat is a This tradition, but you let Cedric play fair and just..."

"Are you encouraging me to cheat?" Pomona looked at Albus Dumbledore in disbelief.

"Oh, what did I say?" the old fool smiled at her slyly.

"I don't know." She said confusedly. "Non-metal is selfish and greedy, so metal is not?"

"The stars we see at night are actually our distant relatives. Every element in our body comes from a certain star. When we die, our body will return to the starry sky, and the atoms in our body will spread throughout the universe. Become a part of another planet, another life. Metals are easy to lose electrons, while non-metals are easy to gain electrons. Non-metals are like some people who only know how to get but not give. They only want to enjoy being loved, but they are not willing to love others. An old star dies, and its children will receive the 'crown' from him to become the new star." Albus said "give and take, and those who seek immortality are unwilling to undergo the process of decomposition, so they are like stone stubborn."

"Like Severus and Tom, two stubborn 'rocks'." Pomona said half-understanding.

"You changed them at least a little bit. This process is very long for you, but it is only an instant for stars."

"Are you trying to comfort me?" Pomona asked the old fool.

"I think so." The old fool thought for a moment. "You feel better?"

"No!" she roared.

"So what can I do to make you feel better?" Albus asked.

"I want to see Severus." She said uselessly "Can I see him?"

"You can't see him here, it's time for you to go back." Albus pointed to a door that opened slowly in the void "Remember what I just said, don't just look at the appearance, gold can produce golden brilliance not because It can shine by itself, opening the eyes of your heart and soul, lighting that lamp in your heart, and unleashing the power of your soul."

She stood in front of the door in the void and dared not take a step.

"Do you know that there are not many wizards in the world who can see what you see in the mirror." Albus said. "Without the temptation of immortality, wealth and power, I am so sorry that the person you love is actually him."

"You don't like Severus?"

"No." Albus said quietly "not at all."

"Aren't you willing to lie?"

Albus smiled and shook his head.

She couldn't tell what mood she was in, and stepped into the void gate.

She should really wake up this time, because she could feel her heavy body.

She was in a bedroom at the moment, but not the one in the Alps.

From the open window you can see a river and the sky is blue, not overcast like in England.

She sat up slowly, leaning against the bed with her hair dazed, when the doorknob turned and Fiona pushed the door in. She looked much better than the last time Pomona saw her, full of energy and hair. Combed neatly, she held a white pajamas in her hand, just like what Pomona was wearing at the moment.

"You're awake." Fiona said softly.

"How long have I been unconscious?" Pomona asked.

"Two months, this is Padua, Italy, and we are currently staying at Doctor Malfoy's house." Fiona sat down beside the bed.

"Two months? It's May now?" said Pomona in surprise.

"On May 20th, we thought, you would wake up on your birthday, and Mr. Smith watched over you all day and all night."

"Then during this time..."

"Mr. Smith is in the UK now. Dr. Malfoy is taking care of your health. I'm in charge of your life. This is my new job." Fiona smiled and said, "I'm still preparing for my nursing license."

"Sounds really good."

"Do you want me to call Mr. Smith back now?" Fiona asked.

Pomona estimated the days, and now there are only two days before the full moon, so he should be very busy at this time.

"Call Draco, I want to know what I've been missing all this time."

Fiona's expression became strange.

"I think he might not be available right now."


"He's just now married, Linda, and young people are always inseparable."

"Oh, they're having a wedding?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"Not in the past two years." Fiona sighed, "Old Mr. Malfoy said that after Astonia gave birth to a child, he would make it up for them."

"What?" Pomona said incredulously.

"That's what old Mr. Malfoy said last time when he came 'as a guest'."

"Merlin's beard." Pomona gritted her teeth and shook her head, "It's unbelievable."

"Doctor Malfoy said that even if they had a wedding, they wouldn't invite old Mr. Malfoy." Fiona smiled with her lips pursed. "I think this is the funniest thing you missed while you were in a coma."

"So what else am I missing?"

"Wait, I'll get the newspaper..."

"I don't need to know about the big things, I want to know about the people around me."

"Felix got a wand, hazel body, mountain tyrannosaurus heartstrings."

"Is this an American wand?"

"Now that Ollivander doesn't open the door, foreign wands are actually pretty good."

"How are you doing, Fiona?"

She laughed.

"You really do what they say, caring about other people's affairs first, and thinking about yourself last, what do you think?"

"It's not bad, as far as someone who has slept for two months."

This time she had enough rest, and she was lazy all over.

"Then what would you like to eat?"

"Apple pie, and pumpkin juice."

"There's no apple pie at home, I'm going to town to get some."

"forget about it."

"Honey!" Fiona suddenly shouted.

In no time the house-elf appeared.

"Your master is awake," Fiona said, and stood up to leave.

"Master...Master..." Honey choked and said, and then burst into tears, with tears and snot all over her face.

"Bring me the pen and paper, while I still remember!" Pomona lifted the quilt and sat up quickly.

When she came to the dresser, intending to use it as a table, she glanced up in the mirror.

The Slytherin locket around her neck was gone, replaced by the Black Swan locket.

On a low table in the corner stood a fern with coppery leaves.

According to the records in the picture book, this should be the Sniffing Illusion Grass. In theory, it should be extinct, but I didn't expect that she could still see it.

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