Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1078 mockingbird

I have found one of the most disgusting parasites in the human race, the one who does not love and lives by being loved.

— Nietzsche

It would take days to talk about Harry Potter vs. You-Know-Who, but it just so happens to be a good topic.

Especially the genesis of the whole thing: the desperately pregnant unmarried Squib Merope who traded an ancestral locket for 10 Galleons and died in an orphanage in poverty. The profiteer Bok Bojin sold the locket at a high price after changing hands.

Even if he doesn't help Merope when he needs help, at least he shouldn't take advantage of others and keep a fair deal.

If you don't look at the results he caused, Bok Bokin did make a beautiful deal.

If there is a cause, there will be an effect. Plant a castor seed, and it cannot bear cherries. Fiona, who originally felt uneasy about Pomona's "robbery" behavior, quickly looked away after hearing the story. The businessman who can be with Bok Bokin and the thief Mundungus Fletcher can what a nice guy.

Also a businessman, Weasley's trick shop brings happiness to people. Because young wizards are the primary targets of werewolves, for safety reasons, parents no longer allow them to go out on the streets alone, which has caused the business in the trick shop to be much cooler than usual.

But when Pomona saw the brooch pinned by the man coming out of the shop, she knew that George had recovered his loss.

It's just that the design of this brooch is as ugly as an Auror's hat that can block curses, and she really has no desire to buy it.

Felix didn't even want to go in for a stroll. There were still a lot of wizard toys in his room, which were no longer fresh, and he didn't have the idea of ​​adding more toys.

Just when they were going to the spice shop run by wizards to see the difference between wizard's spices and Muggle spices, a lonely little girl caught Pomona's attention.

The little girl was sitting alone outside the door of the Tuofan clothing store, without any guardians around. In fact, not only Pomona noticed her, but also several wizards passing by. She has a very conspicuous silver-blue hair. If it is not dyed, people with this kind of hair are very rare.

These passers-by came forward to inquire, and left without saying a word to her. Those passers-by could say that they had a pleasant face one moment, but their expressions became extremely disgusted the next second, as if they had encountered something unlucky.

"Stand here, don't move," Pomona said to Fiona and Felix, and walked over to the girl.

"Why are you alone?" Pomona asked the little girl who was so bored that she threw a small sandbag for fun.

"I'm waiting for Euphemia Rolle, she used to be a Death Eater." The girl said coldly.

Pomona was surprised, but not because of her grown-up tone and the name she gave, but because the little girl was actually using the wandless magic.

The little sandbag was thrown out by her, but it was not pulled back by the thread, but summoned back by the Flying Curse.

"How old are you?" Pomona couldn't help asking.

"What does it have to do with you?" The little girl said in a tone of refusal.

"Who taught you magic? Roll?"

The little girl refused to pay attention to Pomona.

Pomona directly used the Flying Curse to summon the little sandbag into her hand.

"give me back!"

The little girl looked up. She was beautiful, with a precocious and resolute expression, not at all like a girl raised by softness and love, sweets and flowers.

Pomona looked at the sandbag in her hand. It was a cartoon bu bird, but it was fat and not as thin as the real bu bird.

She didn't know why, tears flowed out all at once, the little girl froze for a moment, looking flustered, maybe she had never seen such an emotional woman.

"You...you are Luo Er's daughter?" Pomona asked with a sob.

"No, she is my guardian," said the girl.

"Is she nice to you then?" Pomona asked again.

"She kept a bird of that kind." The girl pointed to the black pomona sandbag in Pomona's hand and said, "She often told me that the poo bird sings because it can see that I will not end well in the future. She only adopted me for the money."

A wave of anger rushed to Pomona's forehead. She pulled out her wand and asked the little girl, "Is she in the shop?"

"I won't tell you," said the little girl. "You want to teach her a lesson, don't you?"

"Don't you want to teach her a lesson?" asked Pomona.

"She is my guardian. If something happens to her, what will I do?" The little girl said calmly, "You are making excuses for yourself by helping me teach her a lesson. Are you against the Death Eaters? Just like everyone else. "

"No, it's not like that." Pomona wanted to explain to her, but the little girl took this opportunity to recall the Buniao sandbag from her hand.

"You don't need to pretend to be kind, just go away!" the little girl said with full alertness.

"Did you make this beanbag yourself?" Pomona asked.

"I don't know how to sew. I transfigured this."

"You are really smart……"

"Stay away from me!" the little girl said in a raised tone, "If you get too close to me, I will call someone."

Pomona felt very depressed, like a torch that had been doused with cold water, it could only smoke, but not burn blazingly.

So she put away her wand, took a look at the clothing store, then turned and left.

"Do you believe that birds can talk?" the little girl said shortly after Pomona walked out.

"I know there is a Parseltongue." Pomona looked back at her. "Maybe there are other abilities to speak animal languages ​​that I haven't discovered yet."

The little girl was expressionless.

"Parseltongue is all about the Dark Arts," she said after a moment.

"I think there is no good or bad power, but the person who uses it." Pomona said, "What did that bird say to you?"

"Do you know anyone else who can talk to birds?" the girl continued.

"Saint Francis."

"Who is that?"

"A saint."

"How am I going to know him?"

"Go to church, or you can read something about church."

"I know, they used to hunt wizards," said the girl.

"We have to believe that humans can change, as long as they want to change." Pomona said, "Do you still remember how you successfully used the first transformation?"

The little girl stopped talking again.

Just as Pomona turned to leave, the little girl stopped Pomona.

"Bu Niao told me that the future will be created by me." The little girl said, "That's just what a stupid bird said, I don't believe it."

"I don't know, dear, sometimes people do divination by observing the behavior of birds. After all, they can't talk to birds, but you can." Pomona said, "How old are you?"

"Six years old," said the little girl.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Luo Er said it's best not to tell anyone else." The little girl said softly, her tone softened a lot.

Pomona didn't know what to say for a moment, she turned and left, this time the little girl didn't stop her.

"Are you okay?" Fiona asked.

"Very good." Pomona helped Fiona and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Did you cry just now?" Fiona asked.

"I don't know." Pomona touched her face. "Maybe it's because the tear ducts are messed up."

"You and your husband never had children?" Fiona asked.

"There was one," said Pomona dryly.

"What happened to the kid?"

"I'm tired, how about finding a place to rest?" She staggered, as if she had lost all her strength.

"Linda, Linda!" Fiona exclaimed.

Pomona slowly closed her eyes.

Before she closed her eyes, she seemed to hear Parseltongue, and saw the handsome Senior Riddle, Ginny in a coma, Harry as a child, and the diary without words.

To be honest, she doesn't have the habit of keeping a diary, let alone record every day's trivial things like the Venetian.

If only time could be fast forwarded.

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