The venue for the dance is set up, the dance partner is invited, shoes, skirts, shirts, ties, hairstyles are done, what to do next?

Harry may be a good Quidditch player, but his dancing skills are really not very good, even worse than Neville, he was manipulated by his dance partner at the Triwizard Tournament dance, looking like a marionette .

This is directly related to his lack of practice, the popular Prince Gryffindor is not good at dealing with love issues. He's shy but not shy, it's just that he just can't handle "dating" as well as other boys do.

Ball skills need to be honed just like dance skills, but they may not be able to perform normally as usual when they are on the spot. "Nervousness" will also make people do unexpected things, such as vomiting at their wedding, Or you forget all the knowledge points during the exam.

The game started at 7:00 p.m., and players entered the arena along the player-only channel at about 5:30 p.m.

At this time, there were not many people in the stands, because the weather was so cold, everyone was waiting in the bar and snack street behind the stands.

Although the broadcast can also be watched, the atmosphere of watching it on the spot is indeed better. I heard that the scalper tickets outside the stadium have been sold for 140 pounds a piece, which is still in short supply. Every corner of the stadium, including the venues used by the players to warm up before It was converted into a grandstand.

Police were everywhere inside and outside the stadium, especially near the visiting stands, and Everton fans and Liverpool fans faced each other across the field.

The Premier League has never lacked wildness and passion, and there are signs of fierce fighting both on and off the field.

Liverpool has fans all over the world, while Everton fans are mainly Liverpool locals.

Relatively speaking, the game between Tottenham and Manchester City was a calm game with no desires and no desires. Although Tottenham won Manchester City, both points are relatively high, and there is no suspense about qualifying.

Everton and Liverpool are mortal enemies. The relationship is so bad that Liverpool won the championship. Everton does not even send superficial congratulations. Almost every matchup sparks fly. Due to the hostility between the two teams, the relationship between the two teams Fans also hate each other.

After the players finished warming up in the field, fans entered the field one after another. Liverpool supporters began to sing the team anthem, and the Everton fans on the other side began to sing not to be outdone. Even more lively against Manchester City.

"I still don't understand, what is the significance of 22 big men playing around a ball?" Pomona chatted with Emma, ​​the cleaning lady who was in charge of stadium sanitation.

Emma laughed sarcastically. "It seems to me that they are celebrating garbage festival. Every time there is garbage on the ground after the game."

Pomona sleepily sips a sippy of Coke, bored to death, fish and chips for lunch and hot dogs for dinner.

This high-calorie food kept her from shivering in the cold wind. Anfield was really too cold in the suburbs, and she could only feel warm by moving.

At six o'clock, with a "beep" whistle, the game started, and the Liverpool team was responsible for the kick-off, and there was another round of cheers and applause in the stands.

"Tom, what are you doing?"

Pomona called.

No one paid attention to her, so she was even more bored.

"The little thing on your body seems to be flashing." Emma reminded.

Pomona looked in her coat pocket, and saw the flickering mirror.

She quickly picked up her wand and stood up, looked around, but found nothing unusual, then she looked towards the entrance of the stand, and there was no one inside.

Accustomed to seeing the dazzling stadium under the floodlights outside, and looking back at the long tunnel, she would feel that the brightness of ordinary light bulbs was not enough, and she had to squint to see what was going on inside.

Not long after, a figure flashed past it quickly, and she immediately chased after it.

Rome was not built in a day, and Anfield Stadium was not built in a day. It has been expanded several times since 1894.

The main stand was recently rebuilt with relatively modern facilities. The Anfield Road stand was built more than a hundred years ago. Although it has been refurbished, it still retains the style of the end of the 19th century. The space is narrow and there are pipelines all over the head.

There was no one in the backstand that was overcrowded just now, and Pomona followed the people in front from a distance, not daring to get too close. Behind her, a tsunami of Muggle cheers drowned out the sound of her footsteps and the beating of her heart.

Being bitten by a werewolf on a full moon night is no joke, and she doesn't have Padfoot and prongs to protect her now.

And these brainwashed werewolves are not as gentle as Remus, they would rather hurt themselves than hurt others.


A howling wolf came from the direction of Stanley Park.

The Anfield stands and Stanley Park are just across the street. She was distracted by the wolf howl, and when she looked back, the suspicious person had disappeared.

She hesitated for a moment, then returned to the stand just now.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Aurors still came, and there were only about a hundred people in total, which is a stadium with tens of thousands of people. The number of security guards was really small, and she also doubted whether "turning off the lights" was a good idea.

Alcohol is often served in places where men gather. The warm atmosphere and the catalyst of alcohol often lead to people making wrong decisions.

Poor sightlines, crowded and drunken crowds, narrow passages and monsters chasing behind, hidden in the dark, all add up to a nightmare.

In normal times, withdraw to the pitch, wait for the panic to end, and people can leave safely after regaining their calmness and order. This is why Anfield Stadium removed the fence around the pitch.

But today's situation is different. A flat field is beneficial to werewolves. Their speed and strength are faster than humans. This kind of flat field is their best hunting ground.

The best way is to let them fall asleep, but the stadium is different from the subway, and today there is a strong wind, and all signs are very unfavorable.

Maybe that's why Werewolves chose the old Anfield stadium instead of the new one in Manchester.

Designers in the 19th century only thought of how to let people "go in", but did not think of how to let people "get out".

The Titanic cared about freeing up a more spacious deck for passengers to walk, and didn't think about the fact that the ship would sink, so the lifeboats were reduced by half.

The probability of such a "black swan event" happening is too small, and it is not the style of the "British Empire" to be cautious in case of "just in case".

In order to let more people see their great achievements, they designed larger ships and stadiums. This was the style of the British at that time.

Along with the expansion of the colony is ambition, and the successive victories make people dizzy.

The textile king Salter had a good heart, but his industry expanded too much. When the textile industry began to collapse, his "kingdom" collapsed along with it.

How is this possible?

When a person is confident in one thing, but finds that things are not progressing as he expected, the sense of loss at that moment will make him sigh like this.

How is this possible?

He couldn't believe it, so he began to look back at the past, trying to find where he had neglected, and only then would he pay attention to those details that he hadn't paid attention to in the past.

How is this possible?

Werewolves should not believe that their leader is leading them to perdition, because a desperate fight is their only hope in despair.

But neither wizards nor Muggles can accept a world ruled by werewolves, and they are doomed to fail.

A leader is the captain of a ship. When he integrates the people of a ship to work together for him, but if he chooses the wrong direction, the whole ship will sink with him.

It does no good to indulge in vain dreams and forget about real life.

It is not our abilities but our choices that determine our lives.

There are always things you can't do in this world, but what else can you do but watch that ship go down?

Still like the Beatles song: Let it be.

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