Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1067 Twist and shout

The cave bar does not charge every day, but there is only a Beatles special on Saturdays, and there are other unknown bands performing in it. I hope I can be as lucky as the four boys with the same hairstyle.

Unfortunately, today is not a special Beatles performance. Pomona just bought Beatles boots. Of course, she wants to listen to Beatles music. Fortunately, there is no shortage of record stores in Liverpool. "Kick the boot" and let it work with your feet.

"Shake It Up, Baby, shake!"

She sang along with her eyes closed, because she couldn't hear her own voice at all, so she didn't know if she could sing correctly.

The song "Twist and shout" is not original by the Beatles, but it is a song that both Petunia and Lily love. When Pomona visited their house for the first time, they couldn't sleep with excitement, each holding a toy Microphone, "Live" like the Beatles.

The most enjoyable part was "ah ~ah ~ah (broken sound)~". Mrs. Evans had to stop the three of them on the grounds that they would disturb the neighbors.

What a boring mother.

This is Petunia and Lily's evaluation of Mrs. Evans. Lily grew up to be very "interesting". James and Sirius followed her crazy and made themselves like the lead singer of a rock band. I don't know what it is Who taught who.

In 1972, James became Gryffindor's Seeker in his second year, and Harry broke his father's record by becoming a Seeker in his first year.

Dumbledore favored Harry as the Seeker, but he still proved himself with his own strength. He was not replaced and has always been Gryffindor's Seeker.

Draco was forced to retreat by Naxisha. He was actually doing pretty well, but unfortunately he was the only son of the Malfoy family, so she would not allow him to participate in such a dangerous "broom sport".

Even without the name of the savior, Harry still has good popularity. This may be inherited from his father. Also, he is a Leo, and Draco is a Gemini. His birthday is in June. What's so good about him?

"Here we come!" She thought endlessly, and the music reached the "ah ~ah ~ah (broken sound)~" section. Just when she was about to let go of her voice and start singing, the earphones disappeared.

At the same time, she felt that there was another person beside her, and it was the disappointing, stomach-ache old bat.

"You can have fun without the dog sleds, can't you?" he smirked.

"How did you find me?" she asked again.

She looked at the watch in the store, and there was still an hour and a half before the appointed time.

"What happened to your shoes?" Severus looked at her "battle boots".

"Beatles boots, do you want to have a pair too." She raised her trouser legs. "The elastic band is used, which is very convenient to put on and take off."

"No." He said disinterestedly. "I'm not interested in bands."

"Where is Felix?"

"I took him home. Tonight's event is not suitable for children."

"You know, he can't grow up like a normal kid, he probably doesn't have much time left."

Pomona said in disbelief that she was actually a "bad person".

"Not tonight," Severus said firmly.

"Okay, whatever you want." She took his arm and left the record store with the record she just bought.

As soon as I went out, the damp cold wind blowing against my face made me wonder if it was spring.

They walked aimlessly on the street for a while, and came across at least three pop-up shops selling fan merchandise, including Liverpool and Everton merchandise, and there were fans in jerseys and scarves and mounted police everywhere.

"Or you can buy one too, to cover your neck," said Pomona.

He glanced at Liverpool's red scarf with disgust, then at the blue Everton scarf, and finally pulled her away.

"Do you even want a green scarf?" she shouted dissatisfied.

"No!" he said indifferently, "I turned the scarf you knitted for me into black."

"Well, do you want black scarves too?!" she yelled even more furiously.

If he didn't speak, he was acquiescing, so she became even more angry.

"Want to visit the stadium before the game?" He asked, "Go and familiarize yourself with the terrain first."

She hesitated between getting angry and calm.

"Let's go." She still chose to be calm, so he took her to a place where no one was apparating.

At Anfield before the World War, there were almost no one except for a few staff who were tidying the grass.

The grass is green, the stands are red, and there are several high-power floodlights on the court. They are not turned on during the day, but at night they will replace the sun to illuminate the court.

"Why no Aurors?" Pomona asked.

Severus slipped her a copy of the Daily Prophet.

The headline on the front page was still written by Leta Kester. The headline was very sensational, and it was still bold and bold: Is he back again? (Is he back?)

The famous Harry Potter, who became the champion of the Triwizard Tournament at the age of 13 and defeated You-Know-Who twice seems to be unhappy that he has not been on the front page of the newspaper for a long time. Recently, the reporter of my newspaper photographed him frequently Appearing at St. Mungo's, where he beats his friend, Ron Weasley, to the hospital.

According to an insider in the Ministry of Magic, Mr. Savior’s scar started to hurt again. It seemed that he was implying that the mysterious man would return again. When Mr. Ron Weasley dissuaded his friends from taking the phantom pain as real, he became angry from embarrassment. Lippert was beaten, and he also unleashed some unknown creature to bite him.

It is reported that he and naturalist Luna Lovegood...

Pomona read it, and Leta Kiester wrote Harry as a violent, cheating bastard with Luna.

"What's she thinking?" Pomona felt disgusted as if she had eaten earwax-flavored bibimbap.

"I heard that Luna Lovegood gave her a hard time because Letaquist asked her what she thought of werewolves." Severus found a seat and sat down, comfortably placing his hands on the two seats "Ginny didn't stop talking back to her when she worked at the Daily Prophet, even though she was on the sports page."

"Such news can be on the front page?" Pomona angrily threw the newspaper aside, "Doesn't Kingsley care?"

"The important thing is not the content, but the title, which is enough to scare many people." Severus lit a cigarette. "You want to know what other people think of this matter?"

"tell me the story?"

"They expressed understanding that black magic does affect mood."

"So, someone is leaning towards You-Know-Who's back?" Pomona asked.

"Rumors are spreading faster than you think, and foreign countries know about it. Many people think he has absconded abroad."

"Isn't that good news?" Pomona said, watching his face.

"Like the rats before the earthquake, they're all crazy," Severus said stiffly.

"Will the werewolf still act tonight?"

"If I were the leader of the werewolves, I would have to go out tonight, but people in the Ministry of Magic think it's a big deal, especially Robert Shacklebolt's gang, who think Calvin is trying to seize power."

"Is he going to take power?" Pomona asked.

"I don't know," said Severus. "He's been quiet since Arthur Weasley was suspended."

She gave up completely.

"I want to buy a bone china tea set later, or let Naxisha give me one. Is it appropriate for me to go to Malfoy Manor at this time?"

"No." Severus said, "You find a way to get Draco out of England as quickly as possible."


"Because he has a father who made many enemies, and he just doesn't get in touch with his family now."

"So, I'm going to go to St. Mungo's..."

"Wait until tonight," Severus interrupted her. "The Fidelity Charm is still on Godric's Hollow House, and as long as he stays in there he's safe, and no one will find him."

"What about Astonia?"

Severus looked at her. "Who do you think I told Draco not to go to St. Mungo's today?"

"Oh." she wailed.

"What's wrong?"

"I've given him the chocolate."

"It's just something to eat..."

"The chocolates had the address on them and I wrote 'To my dear godson'."

The death stare of the old bat appeared.

"Sorry..." she said apologetically.

"Stay here and don't move!"

he said furiously, and Apparated.

This time, Pomona did not dare to disobey orders and act without authorization, because she seemed to have really caused some "little trouble".

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