Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1057 No one sleeps tonight

"How do you know about this place?"

After coming to the living room, Cloris asked directly.

"Same question, how did you get here?" Severus asked.

"My ancestors lived here," Cloris said.

"When we were on our honeymoon, we met a man on the train. When we chatted, we talked about Palodo. He said that it is a village composed of pure wizards just like Hogsmeade in England."

"Then, you traveled thousands of miles from England to Italy just to see this village formed entirely by wizards?"

"Not exactly, I've been through the war, and I want to find a place to live in seclusion and to live in peace." Severus said, "And the child just now was really sick."

"What's wrong with him?"

"He was parasitized silently, can you treat him?"

Cloris looked stunned.

"I'm sorry, I mean, how is this possible?" Cloris said incoherently.

"He's the child of illegal immigrants, and his mother told him to refrain from showing his magical abilities out of fear that they'd be deported," Severus said. Some slipped through the cracks, and he later became Gellert Grindelwald's subordinate."

"Every time I see Severus suddenly talking more, I know he's 'acting' again." Voldemort said in Pomona's mind, "He's really a liar'servant'."

"But he wasn't lying," defended Pomona.

"Hush, concentrate on the play," Voldemort said in a low voice.

"It's not safe to send him to school. The power of obscurity is dangerous to adult wizards, let alone young children. We are also looking for a cure when we travel with him."

"Don't you have anyone in the UK who can heal? I heard that Newt Scamander managed to peel off an Obscurity."

"After the Obscure dies," Severus sang, "but we want him to live and retain his magical powers."

"Nadia told us about the Knights of the Golden Fleece." Pomona continued, "What she said is true. Did the Knights of the Golden Fleece really lead the troops here?"

Cloris didn't answer her.

"I think you should go." Cloris said after a while, "The residents of Palodo don't welcome outsiders so much."

"Why?" Severus smiled maliciously.

"I don't think it has anything to do with you," said Cloris.

"I know this kind of person." Voldemort said with a smile, "I have no ability, and I block the way of others, so that others cannot get it. The resistance of the incompetent."

Pomona's mood was extremely complicated.

"It took us a lot of time to clean up this place. You can't tell us to go if you just say a word. Who do you think you are? The lord here?" Severus said aggressively.

"But this manor is not your property, Mr. Smith, if you are really wise enough, you should know what to do is right." Clores said eagerly, "Please go away, my friend who doesn't know you Have you ever said that no one stays in Palo for a long time, and they all leave immediately after finishing their work."

"What the hell happened to this place?" Severus asked. "What dark secret do you have?"

"I believe you have met Mr. Lyle Meyer, who believes that Gellert Grindelwald has been here. He was a troublesome student when he was in school, and he did a lot of vicious experiments ..."

"A dead man, of course you can say what you want, he won't be able to live to defend himself anyway." Severus interrupted Cloris.

"This is real!"

"Forgive me, but you are not too young. When did your ancestors settle in Palodo?"

"You Brits always don't listen to other people's warnings." Cloris held her mouth impatiently, "You can stay here if you insist on your own way. The reason why the grasslands in the Alps are so rich is because they are fertilized by flesh and blood. It is also a good destination to be buried in such a picturesque place."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Not everyone is as reasonable as I am, Mr. Smith! Since you have a silent person, you are ready for war. I hope you will not regret your current decision in the future."

"You think we brought him to use him?" Pomona trembled. "How dare you say that."

Cloris calmed down.

"I'm sorry for what I just said, ma'am, but your husband is making unwise decisions right now."

"We just want him to experience things we haven't experienced before. Our lives have changed because of magic, but the war six years ago made us understand that being a half-breed and Muggleborn in the wizarding world will be punished." How about it, my husband was tortured by Death Eaters, they left such a horrible scar on his neck, we are victims and you think we are dangerous, are you a pure blood too Mrs. Roland? "

"We have nothing to do with the outside world, and we don't want to get involved in those entanglements."

"This place is so strange!" Pomona complained. "The devil is dead, who is the devil? Let alone Grindelwald, he was not born in the eighteenth century."

"I know why Grindelwald built Nurmengard in Austria." Voldemort sighed, "There are so many troubles."

"No, the demon isn't dead, it's those Muggles who thought it was dead." Cloris said sadly.

"It's still alive?" Severus said.

"They are still alive." Cloris corrected "everyone whose soul is filled with greed and trickery is like a demon. This place attracts many people. Nadia and her ancestors sometimes reveal a little bit." The secrets they know, and then use those people to find the way for themselves, she may even know more secrets than me."

"Secret, what secret?" Pomona pretended to be stupid and asked the secret that was about to be revealed.

"Please remember, no matter what she said, you must be careful of the trap." Cloris paused, hesitated and said, "My ancestors realized their mistakes, so they gave up their persistence and engaged in other fields. Research, people now think that Palodo is the healer's village, and the snakes and scorpions are using this as a disguise to hide among us."

"Why don't you go?" Severus asked. "What are you waiting for?"

Cloris stared at him for a while, then left silently.

"The god of death never takes the initiative to approach the world. The reason why people feel that the god of death is getting closer is because people are actively approaching it." Just as Cloris was about to leave, she said at the door, "You have seen the death of the three brothers." story?"

"You're talking about the Deathly Hallows?" Severus asked.

"Death has been waiting by the river for passers-by to fall into the river, just like a farmer waiting for a rabbit to hit a tree stump by itself. Don't you think it's silly?" Cloris asked.

No one answered her.

"The three brothers could choose to take a detour, like Muggles, to avoid the rushing river, but they used magic to build a bridge, and they ran head-on at death, like rabbits hitting a stake."

"That sounds familiar," Pomona said. "Who told you that?"

"My father," Cloris said deadpan, "parents always add a little insight to their children's bedtime stories."

Then she opened the door and left.

Klicher heard the door closing, poked his head out from the kitchen, glanced at the direction the guests left, and then looked at Pomona.

"Who does she remind you of?" Severus asked.

"Minerva," said Pomona wearily.

A witch who was the daughter of a priest.

"Temporary retreat is not an admission of defeat, but a strategy." Severus said, "Prince Eugen's operation in the War of Successor was very delicate and ingenious, but if his strategy is carried out by a group of fools, it will fail."

He stretched out his hand and stroked her hair gently, "Can you be a smart girl for a while?"

"Okay, Mr. Principal," she said cheerfully. "How was my performance?"

"It's remarkable." He curled the corner of his mouth and kissed her lips with satisfaction. "Good girl."

She stretched out her arms and hugged him tightly.

"Maybe Nadia is not longing for the fountain of youth, but hoping to use rejuvenation to attract us to work for her." Pomona said sullenly in his arms, "We are all middle-aged."

"What?" he asked inexplicably.

"Another story of Medea, Baron, Corvus, Apollo sent the raven to carry the Holy Grail to fetch the water of life, but it was delayed by lingering on a fig tree, you remember the lover of Dawn Did she just remember to ask Zeus to give him immortality, but she forgot to make him immortal, and the poor guy ended up being a cricket." She stroked 'Edgar's' face "If we don't understand this rule , maybe they won't take the 'Golden Fleece' seriously. We don't know the temptation Nadia gave, and she can't use us. She didn't need someone like Han', and she wasn't a threat enough, so they let him stay."

"And then?" He smiled happily, wrapping her in his cloak.

"Should I 'bite the hook', Principal?" she said in a sweet voice.

"Let me think about it," he said distractedly, looking as though he were thinking.

"Liar." She chuckled, hooked his neck and kissed him.

Rather than thinking inattentively, it is better not to think, anyway, tonight is very long, adults are not like children, when the time comes, they have to go to bed, waiting to be lulled to sleep by listening to fairy tales.

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