Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1056 The Restless Moon

With a whistle, the match between Tottenham and Manchester City began, and there were thunderous cheers in the Manchester Stadium, bringing the advantage of the home court to its peak.

As an important town in northern England, Manchester has two world-renowned top teams: Manchester United and Manchester City. Because of the relationship between these two teams, Manchester has become a city of football. Both men, women and children will watch football.

The name Hotspur comes from a nobleman named "Harry Hosbury" in Shakespeare's play, and is also related to the aggressive rooster.

"Harry Hosbury" got his name from the spurs on his boots when he was riding a horse, and the roosters used for fighting will also have spikes on their feet. Due to the traditional white home jersey, Tottenham fans are known as "Lilywhites".

This kind of fierce competition is worth seeing, but not everyone has the conditions to watch the live broadcast of the game, such as the taxi driver on duty.

At this time, the traditional radio broadcast came in handy again. When the "Smiths" were eating, the radio by the dining table was broadcasting the live broadcast of Manchester City vs. Tottenham. The biggest difference between the live broadcast on TV and the live broadcast on the radio was how much the host spoke.

For TV viewers, he can see the picture by himself, and he will find it annoying if the host is still yelling.

The audience of the radio station can only rely on the host's description. Of course, I hope the host's description is as detailed as possible. Anyway, the radio host that "Smith Family" listens to is very eloquent.

The voice at the quiet table brightened the atmosphere quite a bit, but Felix still seemed restless, after all, he was eating at the same table as "stomachache" Snape.

The table manners at the Slytherin table are very "fantasy". Sometimes they are well-behaved and impeccable, and sometimes they are lawless. They don't look like nobles at all, but like a group of monkeys just released from the zoo.

It all depends on whether their dean is there, or whether they want to take care of it or not. Now Felix has to face Severus' pressure alone, not to mention he messed with the old bat in the morning. doubled.

Pet snakes and cockroaches are cruising under the table. They are not interested in human food, but prefer live mice.

Although I don't want to meddle in this nonsense, Pomona is the one who cooks, and she doesn't allow wasting food.

"I heard that the fifth floor suddenly appeared later, do you know about this?" Pomona asked.

Severus turned his attention to her, and Felix breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who told you that?"

"Your 'best' friend," Pomona said with a smirk. "When the school was built it had seven floors, now we have eight."

"I don't know much," Severus said. "Fred and George stuffed Montague into the closet, and he Apparated into the toilet on the fifth floor. Maybe they have some kind of connection with the fifth floor."

"Ha~" Pomona seemed to realize something.

"What's wrong?"

"I wonder if there is something similar to the disappearing cabinet in the maze, so that the people who guard it can enter and exit the maze at will." Pomona took a mouthful of mashed potatoes full of gravy, "the disappearing cabinet is very important in the middle ages Ordinary magic items, right? Like my key."

Severus didn't answer, he pawed at the chickpeas on his plate with his fork, seemingly lost in thought.

"What were you doing in the study just now?" She changed the subject again.

Severus smiled maliciously.

"Do you remember Longbottom's cauldron with porcupine quills in it? I designed a device in my study that would have the same effect as that potion."

"Should I warn the little ones in the house not to touch that thing?" Pomona asked.

"You're going to have lessons in the study after dinner, aren't you?" Severus gave Jan Felix a death stare, and then lowered his head to eat the duck leg.

Logically, the afternoon should be used for teaching the children. Pomona turned her attention to Felix.

"What did you do this afternoon?"

"Playing in my room."

"Today is Sunday, no class." Severus said indifferently.

"That's not okay! You can't keep playing like this." Pomona said sternly, "I'll get you a book later..."

"No homework?" Severus fancied from the sidelines.

"That's right, there is homework!" Pomona said immediately.

"Oh, my God!" Felix wailed.

"I haven't checked your study status yet, we will go to the bookstore to buy books when we return to England tomorrow!"

"How about giving him an exam?" Severus looked at Felix with a wry grin. "See what he learned at Muggle school?"

Felix looked at Severus with hatred, but dared not speak out, Severus enjoyed Felix's gaze and continued to eat in a good mood.

Only then did Pomona notice how childish the old bat was.

She watched him shake her head, and at the same time felt that he was right, and while she ate, she thought about what test papers to give Felix.

After the meal, Kretcher was in charge of clearing the table and washing the dishes, and the game on the broadcast continued as normal.

Just when they were about to get up and go to the study, there was a tinkling silver bell outside the door, indicating that the dancing grass had been touched.

Severus took out his wand and walked out of the dining room, Pomona also took out her wand, subconsciously keeping Felix behind.

"I'm not a child anymore." Felix refused her protection and walked in front of her instead.

Meanwhile, Kricht took her hand, as if ready to Apparate at any moment.

Faint voices came from the door.

It wasn't long before she heard footsteps, and Severus appeared first, followed by an elderly witch.

"We have a visitor." Severus said to Pomona. "This is Palodo's healer, Mrs. Cloris Rolland."

Mrs. Roland nodded reservedly towards the two, then she opened her thin lips and said.

"I suppose Nadia Vasika has been here?"

"Well, she came this afternoon," said Pomona.

"Very well, have you eaten the food she brought?"

"No," Severus said. "We're all busy with other things."

Cloris walked directly to the china basin in the kitchen and pointed her wand at it.

"Surgito (spell removal)." Cloris said, with a flash of soft white light, the things in the porcelain basin seemed to come to life, bouncing around in it, almost knocking over the lid .

"I knew she was a bitch," Pomona murmured, as Cloris cast the Levitation Charm on the china basin and lowered it to the kitchen floor.

"Ready?" Cloris said to the two.

Both Pomona and Severus pointed their wands at it.

Then Cloris opened the lid of the porcelain basin.

It contained a traditional Italian dish, lasagne bolognese. If it weren't for the strange noise coming from inside just now, it could even be said to look very delicious.

After about a minute or so, a small, dark thing crawled out of it.

It looked about the size of a fairy, only without wings, and not as pretty, with a pointy, evil face.

When it crawled out of the pot and was about to run under the dining table, Pomona immediately petrified it.

"I came here as soon as I heard the news. Fortunately, you didn't eat what she made." Cloris said, "Nadia is a very dangerous woman."

"Should we kill the imp?" asked Voldemort. "It's been listening to a lot in the kitchen."

"I thought you'd deal with it." Pomona looked at Severus.

"I think so too," Severus said oilily. "The kitchen is your area."

"Gargoyle!" Pomona swore.

"Don't worry, she cast an eavesdropping spell on it. If you have no secrets, you don't have to worry about being eavesdropped by her." Cloris looked at the two of them. "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Palodo?"

"Get sick," said Felix. "I'm sick."

"What's wrong?" Cloris asked.


"Let me see." Cloris put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

"Stop it, Felix." Severus said slowly, staring at Cloris. "Continuing to lie will only make us humiliate ourselves."

Embarrassed, Pomona wanted to find a crack in the ground to drill.

Both her and Nadia's acting skills are bad enough, how can the villagers of Parodo not be able to tell the difference between dragon pox and ordinary pox.

"You seem like a sensible man, sir." Cloris looked at Severus. "The scar on your neck doesn't look like a scholar should have."

"Can you get rid of it?" Severus asked.

"Having a scar can remind you how you got it, and it can also remind people around you how dangerous you are. Now, can you tell me what your real purpose is?" Cloris said coldly explain.

"What do you think?" Severus asked back.

Cloris sneered, and walked towards the living room like a master.

"Make a good pot of tea," Severus said to Klitsch, taking Pomona's hand and leaving the dining room.

"What about me?" Felix asked.

"Go back to the room." Pomona turned her head to him and said, taking a look at the moon hidden in the clouds outside the window.

It is still a quiet blue, and has not turned into a red blood moon. After all, no one stipulates that bloody events must happen on the night of the blood moon, although the blood moon represents ominousness in the eyes of many people.

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