When Harry walked into the Weasleys' trick shop, he found that the customers inside were all "preschool" wizards.

Harry was careful to avoid them, just as he was avoiding the crowd of young wizards in Honeydukes on his first trip to Hogsmeade. Because there was no guardian's signature, he could only borrow the secret passage and the Marauder's Map to Hogsmeade, and he was wearing an invisibility cloak.

Now he didn't wear it, although he wished he could be invisible. The last time he was in Lihen Bookstore, someone recognized him and yelled "Harry Potter is coming", and then he was overwhelmed by the crowd asking for his autograph and shaking his hand, Ginny Had to take James home alone.

Children are not as restrained as adults. Fortunately, their energy is concentrated on the toys, and they don't notice who is passing by them. Harry quickly passed them and came to the second floor without any danger.

James and Sirius were more likely to go to the trick shop when they were studying than Honeydukes, and they were always up for mischief.

There is no sign of Quick-Skip Candy on the counter of Weasley's trick shop these days.

That was meant to be used against Umbridge, they became legends after Fred and George ran to freedom, many whispered how to emulate them, a few implemented it, and competed to be the new Hogwarts Trick or treat king, skipping class candy is just one of the means.

Harry really thought this kind of candy was much better than the dung bombs. During that time, they even needed to use the bubble head charm to keep them breathing clean air. Hermione once complained that if she knew this spell in fourth grade, she wouldn't have to Stayed up so late before the Black Lake game.

Now that there was no Umbridge to deal with, George would be asking for trouble any more selling this candy to the kids.

But if children really want to buy it, it's not impossible to buy it. Ron Weasley has it, and he even secretly gave Teddy Lupine a box, bluntly saying that he might need it in the future.

The wizarding world now is like Hogwarts when Dumbledore was away, full of troublemakers eager to try, Filch patrols the corridors with a whip, desperate to catch people, but "the troublemakers" There are too many, and he doesn't know where to start.

Harry thought it was funny at the time, and he was content with anything that would cause trouble for Umbridge, Filch, and the Search Party.

Now that the roles had been reversed, he didn't feel that Umbridge and her were right to introduce anti-wolf laws, nor did he feel that werewolves were right to take the risk of exposing the wizarding world.

The werewolf's disease could not be cured by the Transfiguration Charm as Rohart said, but Fenrir Greyback and his werewolf army spread the disease unscrupulously.

When it comes to raves, restraint is a virtue.

But for someone who is not calm, it is almost impossible to keep them restrained.

He wanted to do something about it, but he couldn't do anything about it, and the feeling burned like fire in his heart, so much so that when he pushed open the door of George's office, he was almost angry.

"There are so many little wizards in the shop, and no one is on guard. What if a werewolf rushes in?" Harry said to George who was tinkering with a magic item.

"Nice to meet you too, Harry." George put down the magnifying glass in his hand. "What brought you here?"

"Ron's injured and is at St. Mungo's." Harry took the chair opposite George.

"Is it serious?" George asked.

"Hermione is with him."

"So, if it's serious, she'll let us know, won't she?" George asked, then picked up the magnifying glass to look at the bauble again, as if not interested in the subject.

"Why don't you care about Ron?" Harry said incredulously, George's reaction was very different from the reaction when he heard about Arthur Weasley's accident.

"How do you think I should react, drop everything and visit him?" George said while looking at the magnifying glass.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Study the looking glass, as you said, there are too few security facilities in the store, I am researching and improving it, if you remember, last time Fred and I developed a batch of anti-curse hats and gloves, proud Luo also buys from us, we make a lot of money, and I think it is more useful to do this than to be helpless at the door of the ward, and even hinder the doctors from doing their work because of emotions."

Harry laughed bitterly.

Ron's brothers were not as worried as he was. No wonder he would make Ron a hostage during the Black Lake game.

"I met Bill just now," said Harry dryly. "Now he's going to be pointed at on the road."

"Perhaps when Ron is well we can go to Gringotts and make a fuss if he needs to. You see I'm missing an ear too and people stare at me sometimes, I've suggested Put some camouflage on your face, do you think my retractable ears are interesting?"

George fiddled with his retractable ears on purpose in a monkey-like way, and Harry couldn't help laughing.

"What was bothering you just now, Harry?" George asked. "Need me to kick his ass?"

"It's okay." Harry shook his head subconsciously.

"Angelina often plays this game with me. She is obviously upset. I asked her what's wrong, and she said 'it's okay'. You have to act like a girl and let me guess what's wrong with you?"

"No, I mean, I'm talking about the werewolf problem..."

"I don't know what you have to hesitate about. If a werewolf broke into my house, bit my children, or planned to eat them, I would definitely beat it to death. This is a man's responsibility." George Interrupting Harry "You're indecisive because of Lupine, right?"

"I'm Teddy's godfather." Harry rubbed his face. "Society's prejudice may affect him."

"I like Remus too, but you have to know that not every werewolf is as good a person as Remus." George said calmly, "Remember what happened to you in Knockturn Alley last time? If Hagrid didn't save You, you have already been robbed by those scum."

"I don't know what to do!" said Harry excitedly. "It's like I fell into a swamp."

"You want to buy my mobile swamp?"


"It's a pity that they could actually use the mobile swamp in the last operation in Chinatown, so they don't have to dig the sewer."

Suddenly Harry woke up.

"It's easy to catch them alive, Harry, the problem is that these werewolves can't just be raised in prison like this. Both Zuko and Honeydukes think that I have achieved what I am doing now because I borrowed my father's power to create a monopoly, but I think they Didn't see my efforts. Werewolves are too fond of solving problems with their teeth. Maybe they lose their minds when they transform, but they shouldn't lose their minds when they are not transformed. Fenrir and Krum Crouch are not at all for Give werewolves a better life. I don't want my kids to live in a world ruled by werewolves, walking the streets fearing that I'll be their food, and if they want food they have to earn it themselves, I won't be with Like the Athenians, they sacrificed their children to the Minoan tauren every seven years." George stared at the magnifying glass, but his eyes seemed to look away "Their new leader, Krum Kloch, believes that the werewolf represents It’s the moon god, do you think werewolves should be worshiped like gods?”

"No." Harry said feebly.

"Don't be merciless, treat werewolves tonight just like you treat spiders, and only the winners are eligible to negotiate terms." George began to fiddle with the looking glass again. "When we first started our business, no one sympathized with us, Bug Man took away all the money from me and Fred, thanks to the money you funded we were able to open the business, but you have never asked for our dividends for so many years, you just take what I just said as compensation."

Harry thought for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Don't say 'thank you,'" George said. "Say, 'The prank is over.'"

"But I haven't said 'I solemnly swear I'm up to no good,'" Harry said.

"Harry, you are the most boring person after getting that map." George looked at Harry and shook his head. "You actually only use it for night travel, and you didn't do anything bad like you swore."

"Oh." Harry stammered.

"Poor boy." George said in a pitiful tone, "There are so many interesting ways to play in that castle, but you chose the most boring one."

"I'm leaving!" Harry said anxiously, as if he didn't want to stay here for half a second.

"Let's go after dinner," said George behind Harry's back, and Harry didn't dare to stop.

His face was red and hot now. Fortunately, it was getting dark and no one would notice Mr. Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement's abnormality.

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