In mythology, because Minos' son Androgeus was conspired to kill in Attica, King Minos raised troops to avenge his son, causing great disasters to the residents there.

In order to appease Minos' resentment and relieve the disaster in Athens, the Athenians begged Minos for peace and promised to send seven pairs of virgins and virgins to Crete every nine years as a tribute. They were imprisoned in the labyrinth of Crete where the Minotaur lived, and the Minotaur killed them.

At the time of the third tribute, the young Theseus came to Crete with the boys and girls who had been drawn. With the help of the princess of Crete, he solved the maze with a ball of thread, and gave him the sword of the Minotaur.

Princess Ariadne loved Theseus deeply, but the goddess of fate rejected their love, and Theseus later abandoned her on a desert island.

A princess may know how to deal with monsters, but not necessarily how to survive on a deserted island. Just when the princess was heartbroken, Dionysus, the god of wine, appeared, and he gave the princess a beautiful crown inlaid with crystal gems. The crown, as a wedding gift, soon after the princess died of illness, the always joyous God of Dionysus was very sad because of the loss of his beloved wife, and threw the crown into the air, and the crown rose higher and higher, and finally rose to the ranks of the stars, becoming the crown prince. Crown of the North in the sky.

However, according to archaeological findings, there is indeed a labyrinth on Crete, but there is no evidence of the existence of the Minotaur.

After the Athenians took Minos, they killed all the men and made slaves the women and children, just as they had done with Troy.

When the Athenians stopped seeking nobility and justice, vice became virtue.

Deceit is called shrewdness, recklessness is called bravery, and loyalty, modesty, and generosity are called weakness and stupidity.

The Athenians did not seek peace from the Minoans, and even when the Minoans expressed their hope to remain neutral in the Trojan War, the Athens envoy said to the Minoans: Only when the two sides are evenly matched can there be justice and strength The weak get what they want, and the weak give what they have to.

So Minos was conquered, but they did not completely disappear. Crete entered the post-royal era, and the palace was occupied by the Mycenaeans from mainland Greece.

The murals of Crete in the post-royal era are mainly military themes. This may be the influence of the Mycenaean civilization. The rule of the Mycenaeans caused disasters to Crete. The economy collapsed and the settlements gradually decreased. It was not until the volcano erupted that human beings abandoned this city that they had carefully crafted and was finally buried by volcanic ash.

The beauty of jewelry is full of desire, soaked in blood, witnessing glory and mocking failure.

The Golden Fleece was originally made of gold, and later the medal was studded with diamonds and rubies, and it was specially worn by generals and admirals at grand ceremonies.

Jewelry craftsmen have redesigned and made the medal detachable, divided into banquet version and daily version, to meet the wearing needs of different occasions.

With the passage of time, the military significance of the Knights of the Golden Fleece has gradually weakened, and the "Knights of the Golden Fleece" has gradually evolved into a noble title of the European royal family, which symbolizes the supreme power and status, not the glory of soldiers.

When the upper class and the military are out of touch, it is not a good thing for the country. The French royal family has a lot of jewelry, but during the critical period of the constitutional monarchy, Queen Mary and Louis XVI wanted to transfer jewelry and cosmetics away.

If soldiers like money, give it to them, a soldier's loyalty is worth more than a few rocks. Many people will be confused about the choice between death and money. The guillotine of Louis XVI and his queen is the result of a series of wrong choices.

France has declined since the beginning of Louis XIV. The land area has shrunk, the fiscal deficit has been serious, the people's hearts have been lost, powerful enemies are around, internal chaos, there are many sweet-talking sycophants in the court, few can fight like Napoleon, and generals like Prince Eugen Not much more.

After the Great Revolution, this superficially vain Rococo style was quickly eliminated, and it continued to modern times. Except for judges, almost no men would wear that kind of wig as daily wear.

Compared to holding a doll covered in silk, she still prefers a reliable man, and that bastard Jason is not a reliable guy.

Medea is the magic-casting princess of Cochis Island and a descendant of the sun god Helios. She fell in love at first sight with Prince Jason who came to the island to look for the Golden Fleece.

In order to help Jason obtain the Golden Fleece, Medea uses her own magic to help Jason complete the impossible task set by his father, on the condition that Jason wants to marry her. After obtaining the Golden Fleece, Medea and Jason embarked on a journey back to Greece. When Medea's father heard the news of her escape, he sent her younger brother to go after her. Medea killed her brother, cut up his body, divided it into pieces, and threw it all over the mountain. Let the father and the chasing guards be busy collecting the corpses, so as to delay the time and leave with Jason and his party.

After Jason returned home, Medea killed Jason's uncle who had usurped the throne.

One day the daughters of Pelias went for a walk in the woods. When they came to a tree, they saw Medea sitting there. In front of Medea was a large bowl, the flames were burning under the bowl, and the water in the bowl boiled to a boil. After a while, Medea brought a sheep. The sheep was old and sick, and it was almost unable to stand upright. Medea killed the sheep with a knife, cut it into many pieces and put them in the bowl. After cooking for a while, Medea closed her eyes and muttered words. Then she suddenly lifted the lid of the bowl, and a miracle happened, and a lively lamb jumped out of it!

The daughters of Pelias were stunned by the scene in front of them. They thought of their elderly and sick father. It would be great if he could also rejuvenate his old age! So they asked Medea if this bowl could also make people young.

Medea knew that they had been fooled, so she answered them affirmatively and encouraged them with sweet words. After hearing Medea's words, the innocent girls ran home happily and chopped their father to pieces while he was asleep. But no matter how hard these pieces were boiled in the bowl, the young father couldn't get out of it. Only then did the daughters know that they had been poisoned, but it was too late, and they could only hug each other and cry! Zeus couldn't see it. He was afraid that Medea would use this magic bowl to harm people again, so he raised it to the heaven, which is the Baron Seat.

Baron is one of the 48 constellations divided by Ptolemy and one of the southern sky constellations. It is located next to Corvus and is the bleakest constellation in the zodiac.

The fountain of youth that rejuvenates should be what many people yearn for, especially women who yearn for eternal youth and beauty.

Time will make a woman's face full of wrinkles. Men will always like young and beautiful women. This is not a small temptation. If Mungnes Hagrid needs to be guarded, then he can use the "Potion of Youth" as a temptation. The premise It is true that such a thing exists.

The faces of those challengers will not be peeled off and hung on the wall. They should be guarded, like crows as "servants".

"how are you feeling?"

Severus asked after Nadia finished eating, drinking and chatting.

"She wants to disguise herself as an ignorant woman." Pomona sneered, looking at Nadia's back by the window, "but she is a poor actress."

"So what do you think of your acting skills?" Severus asked again.

"It's okay..." she said conservatively.

Severus sneered cruelly.

"Be vigilant tonight." He pinched her cheek. "Be careful of being attacked."

"Probably not." Felix asked.

"What we're looking for is on the same level as the Golden Fleece." Severus glanced at Felix. "What do you think?"

"If you dare to empathize with another." She said angrily, "I will just..."

"Who do you think I'm falling for?" Severus interrupted her.

Sometimes, she felt that she was inexplicable, but she was a woman, and she beat the bad guy as if to vent her anger.

He pretends her fist doesn't exist, even when she hits Felix in front of him.

It can be seen that he is either in a good mood, or he is planning something in his mind and has no time to talk to her.

As for the general of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Pomona did not believe that such a person really existed. As long as a boring story is related to legend, it seems to have a legendary color, and the French do not have the right to award honors. Who would believe such a far-fetched story that people took the French army to support the French army stationed in Italy?

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