Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1037 Sensitive Physique

When the Aurors weren't at Harry's, the Potters were cooking with the Great Savior himself.

Cooking is a good way to reduce stress, not to mention that compared with Harry, Ginny's skills are more than a star and a half behind.

Molly pampered her only daughter, and didn't let Ginny do any housework at home except serve the dishes. Harry was taught by Petunia how to "live on his own feet" since he was a child.

Hermione didn't cook before, but because she was the only girl during the adventure, the task of cooking was entrusted to her, and Harry and Ron were responsible for hunting. It seemed that everyone forgot that Harry could cook. .

It was such an unforgettable and unforgettable memory that they often joked about it when they got together after the war.

Today, Hermione cooks well. After marrying into the Weasley family, Molly taught her how to cook. Ron is still not good at it. Every boy in the Weasley family has to help his mother share the burden. Housework, the twins will let this "cute brother" choose between washing clothes and sweeping the floor, and each time Ron does the work of two people alone.

The traditional British concept is generally like this. The kitchen and family belong to women, and men are responsible for supporting the family and working. In front of outsiders, even if Ginny is not good at cooking, she still has to work in the kitchen.

Now that the Aurors were gone, there were only familiar people at 12 Grimmauld Place, so Harry showed off his culinary skills to clean up the dust for his friends who had returned from a long journey.

Hermione was helping him. They still used the Muggle cooking method. If the ingredients were changed, they would be no different from potions class.

"Why bother sucking the light away with the extinguisher, wouldn't it be better to just turn off the lights?" said Hermione as she dumped the clams into the pot.

With a "crash", the oil pan exploded, and Harry was stunned by Hermione's question.

"Stir fry, Harry!" Hermione reminded.

So Harry quickly waved the spatula to heat each clam evenly and opened its mouth.

"Give Ron a chance to show off," said Harry, frying clams. "I just ran into McLaggen."

"So?" Hermione asked.


"What does that have to do with how to turn off the lights?"

"When we were adventurous, we used to listen to the radio station organized by Li Qiaodan and the others with the extinguisher. If the extinguisher can receive electromagnetic signals, it can interfere. Don't forget that there may be people with cameras on the scene. If someone keeps the video materials and sells them to TV stations and newspapers are in trouble."

Hermione was easily persuaded, Harry breathed a sigh of relief, and poured clear water into the pot with his wand.

Now Harry's dish is clam and pumpkin soup. Except for the guests from France during the Triwizard Tournament, Hogwarts has never seen seafood on the table, and no one in Slytherin House has touched the fish soup. , as if it was one of their some weird traditions.

After adding the crème fraîche and white wine, Harry scooped up all the clams and half the gravy, added more water, and cooked the squash and onions.

Some people say that the taste of home will be passed down, and Petunia's cooking taste is inherited from Mrs. Evans. In theory, Lily's cooking taste is similar to that of her sister and mother, and Harry's cooking skills are inherited from Petunia, so the taste of his cooking is also similar to that of his mother.

He watched the soup in the pot boil, the glasses were covered with steam, and from the moment he boarded the Hogwarts Express, he was no longer an orphan who had been bullied.

That day, at the third year's Quidditch match, his windshield had been clouded by thick fog, but he could still see Cedric's broomstick and his yellow jersey.

He was right in front of Harry, almost touching the Snitch with his fingers, so Harry had a hard time connecting that living being with the corpse in Riddle's graveyard.

When Harry carried Cedric back to the Quidditch pitch, Cedric was still warm, but Harry knew he was dead, and there was a flashback of Cedric in the wand, and he let Harry Leigh took his body back.

"...we might still be working with the werewolf office." Hermione chopped up the parsley angrily. "It's unbelievable."

"What's so incredible about the Werewolf Office dealing with werewolves?" Harry asked.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Hermione looked at him in disbelief.

"Uh... no," said Harry, smiling. "Ginny would be offended if I told her that, but you're my friend."

"So you can just not listen to me?" Hermione slapped Harry on the head with a celery, looking like a strict teacher.

"What did you just say?" Harry grabbed the place where he was knocked just now, and picked up the leaves from his hair.

"Umbridge, I can't believe that she was released from Azkaban and still works in the Werewolf Office. She was the one who promulgated the Werewolf Act in 1993. We and Werewolves are now in trouble with her." Half the credit."

"If the public doesn't agree, even if she implements this bill, it won't pass smoothly. This is what the people want, Hermione." Harry sighed, "Today Calvin mentioned to me about the award, you two actually You can leave me alone."

"No, this honor is shared by us, and Ron doesn't want the Order of Merlin that much, because Rohart also has one."

"Rohart is a second-class medal."

Hermione looked around, made sure there were only two people in the kitchen, and whispered to Harry.

"He became a prefect because Dumbledore gave you other tasks, otherwise you should be the male prefect. I have never dared to tell him that he doesn't want the Merlin Medal because he has left, Rohart That's just an excuse."

"Oh, that's really unexpected."

"Don't tell him, let alone I told you." Hermione lowered her voice and said, "He is very sensitive in this regard."

"Speaking of which, Ron and I sneaked into Umbridge's office before, and the scar on my hand hurt when it touched her enchanted door."

"Oh, Harry..."

"It's true, I'm not lying." Harry said, pointing to the scar on the back of his hand. "It hurts, but the scar on my forehead doesn't hurt."

"What do you want to clarify?"

"Invisibility is also black magic, and George's ears can't grow out, but I don't feel any pain." Harry thought to himself, "There are other people who use black magic, and I don't feel any pain, only Umbridge and Voldemort can Made the scars on my hands and forehead ache."

"Scarhead, that's what Malfoy called you." Hermione said with a smile, "Maybe you two will meet in this operation."

"My little quarrel with him is over," said Harry, laughing. "Ron still cares about him saying you're uh..."

"It doesn't matter if you say that word, Harry, I know you didn't mean that." Hermione said indifferently.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I mean, my skin seems to be different from ordinary people. When I touched Quirrell, he turned into powder."

"Isn't it because you touched the Philosopher's Stone?" Hermione asked.

Harry thought for a moment and shook his head when thunder rumbled outside the window.

"I don't know, Hermione, even if Voldemort was by my side in the first year, in the same classroom as me, my scar wouldn't hurt as much as it did the day I did it in the graveyard."

"Maybe it's the dark wizards who left scars on you that make you feel their malice." Hermione whispered.

"Maybe." Harry shrugged. "Go get the people upstairs to dinner, and let the pecan pie bake in the oven."

"Yes, Chef." Hermione turned and left.

After she was gone, Harry turned to look at the cauldron in the kitchen, where Kerry had once slept.

In Klitsch's den, Harry had found Slytherin's locket, which was strange, why hadn't he noticed it at all when he ate in the kitchen before?

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