Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1036: People Under the Spotlight

After packing up, Harry came to the atrium, ready to leave work through the Floo network, but when he walked to the magic fountain sculpture, he saw a person far away, and immediately turned around and walked back subconsciously.

"Hey, Harry!" Cormac McLaggen greeted enthusiastically.

"Why don't I use the Invisibility Charm?" Harry cursed angrily, then turned his head and smiled at McLaggen.

"Why did you leave at this time." McLaggen said politely.

"What about you? Working overtime?"

"You know I never work overtime, only losers work overtime, oh, by the way, we are going to have a party later, do you want to go together?"

"No, Ginny is waiting for me at home..."

"Come on, don't be so boring." McLaggen put his arm around Harry's shoulders and walked towards his companions who were waiting for him. "Don't worry, there are no old-fashioned Ministry of Magic officials at the party. Remember Anne? People from the Medicine Club, she looked like nothing when she was little, but now she's completely different."

When Slughorn replaced Severus Snape as Potions Master in 1996, with the exception of Ernie MacMillan, none of the senior Hufflepuffs chose Slughorn's Senior Potions. Potions class, they organized a Potions club just like Harry Potter organized a DA remedial Defense Against the Dark Arts class the year before to resist Umbridge, and they used it to complete the homework and papers for Potions class, except they didn't Instead of going to the Room of Requirement, I borrowed one of Professor Sprout's Greenhouses.

"I don't remember you being a member of the Potions Club," Harry recalled.

McLaggen is also not a member of the Slug Club, although he is seen at many club events.

"What does that matter, we are winners, Harry, and winners should enjoy the fruits of victory, parties, wine and music, what's the point of going home so early."

"do not you know?"

"what do you know?"

"Nothing." Harry stared at McLaggen's hand, as if thinking about how to get rid of it.

"Look!" McLaggen looked at the huge banner hanging in the atrium, with a huge "M" logo on it, "Fudge used to print his own portrait on it, what is the Minister of Magic thinking now?"

"Maybe he's looking for ideas," Harry said, staring at McLaggen's profile.

"Or he couldn't find a good photographer." McLaggen squeezed his chin and thought, "Let me think about which angle Kingsley looks the best."

Taking advantage of McLaggen's distraction, Harry immediately slipped to the nearest fireplace. As a green flame rose, a series of furnace doors flashed vaguely, and Harry could vaguely catch a glimpse of the scene outside the furnace.

But the process didn't take long, and soon Harry was standing on solid ground, and he appeared in the fireplace of Black's old house.

The fireplace was in the living room, so he saw Kingsley Shacklebolt sitting on the sofa opposite the fireplace at a glance. He looked tired and his hair was much grayer than before.

"Minister? I heard you're not here..."

"I've been waiting for you, Harry," Kingsley said quietly. "It's a good thing I didn't have long to wait."

"Are you waiting for me?"

"And Ron Weasley, who should be here any minute now."

As soon as Kingsley finished speaking, there was a unique apparition sound outside the window. Harry looked out the window and found that it was Hermione and Ron who appeared outside the door.

"It's like back in the old days of the Order of the Phoenix," Kingsley said. "Shall we go to the restaurant?"

"No, here's fine." Harry said, "We don't use that room very much. We usually eat in the kitchen."

"This house is well cleaned up." Kingsley looked at the brand-new old house. "There are no cobwebs, and no foxes. Where is the portrait of Mrs. Black?"

"Bill took it."

"It's so strange to feel so quiet." Kingsley walked to the side of the clock. "When you are used to a woman making a lot of noise, but she suddenly disappears, it feels like something is missing?"

"What are you doing at my house today?"

"We'll find out soon." Kingsley said mysteriously, and not long after, Ron and Hermione appeared at the door of the living room.

"Hi, Harry." Ron smiled foolishly, looking dusty in his travel attire.

"And the Minister," Hermione reminded Ron, and Ginny stood at the back with James Sirius Potter in her arms, looking worried.

"Kingsley, why are you here?"

"Please sit down, Mr. Weasley." Kingsley said with a serious face, and Ron and Hermione walked in and sat down on the sofa opposite him.

"What I want to talk about now is the corresponding plan for this werewolf terrorist activity. You are the key to this operation." Kingsley pointed to Ron and said.

"Me?" Ron pointed at himself in disbelief.

"The werewolf intends to create a disturbance during the broadcast of the league match..."

"Merlin's beard, Muggles also want to watch Quidditch?" Ron said in surprise.

"Muggle football, idiot," said Ginny impatiently.

"Just like what Mrs. Potter said, the werewolves plan to transform during the game and live broadcast it with the football game, so that they can achieve their purpose of exposing the magical world."

"Then what should we do?" Ron asked after thinking about it.

"It depends on your performance, Ron, are you carrying the Deluminator that Dumbledore gave you?"

"Beautiful!" Harry exclaimed, everyone except Kingsley was looking at him.

"Come on, guys, it's obvious!"

Ginny, Ron, and Hermione were still looking at him puzzled.

"Hermione, don't you even know?"

"I don't watch football much," said Hermione, "and neither do my parents."

"The Premier League games are mainly played at night, and the spotlights are turned on at night. When the lights go out, even if the cameras are on, nothing can be captured."

"In fact, from tonight onwards, the focus events that will be broadcast live will be held at night. I have already discussed with the Muggle Prime Minister's Office. They will immediately interrupt the broadcast signal of the TV station after we turn off the lights. The next step is to prevent on-site riots and erase memories. And that's why you're so important, Ron."

"Damn it," Ron murmured.

"This Deluminator was designed by Dumbledore himself. I have asked the Ministry of Magic to imitate magic props with similar functions, but it still depends on you before they are made, Ron."

"How could the werewolf leak information to us so easily?" Harry asked, "Could it be a trap?"

"There are many games in the league. If we are ready for every game, we will get tired soon." Kingsley said, "And they can also disperse our troops. The most important thing is how to make the werewolves no longer dare to make trouble."

"Why don't you come to the meeting today?" Harry asked. "Are you in London?"

Kingsley didn't answer him.

"Wait, if I'm here to guard against werewolves, who's going to track Pete Pedillo?" Ron asked.

"Don't worry, there are more suitable candidates."

"It's Amos Diggory, isn't it?" Harry asked Kingsley. "I heard he retired early."

"He wants to avenge his son, and I think it's time to support him," Kingsley said.

"So it's settled, Ron is here to deal with the werewolf, does Digory know about Pete Pedilu's horcrux?" Harry asked again.

"No." Kingsley said. "It's top secret, and not many people know about it, except those you told."

"Who was the first to think that there were other Horcruxes?" said Harry angrily. "Maybe he was mistaken."

Everyone looked at him.

Harry was pacing up and down the living room in agitation, pulling at his hair, which suddenly became as messy as James Potter.

"My scars hurt sometimes, but, you know, scars hurt when the weather changes."

"It's logical, Harry, if I didn't know you were a Horcrux, I'd make another Horcrux to make up seven," said Hermione.

"Cedric Diggory, he made Horcruxes right before your eyes, man," said Ron.

"Maybe I was wrong. I didn't see any black mist or flashes."

"The Confusion Charm doesn't shine either, but it's a powerful spell," said Hermione.

"Then what am I? Was what I did meaningless?" Harry scanned the crowd angrily.

"Perhaps Albus is not mistaken," Kingsley said. "You are indeed a Horcrux, but You-Know-Who doesn't know it."

"You're so vague," said Harry displeased.

"It's not ambiguous, Harry Potter. Ten blind men touched an elephant. They touched different parts and got different opinions. It takes a more comprehensive perspective to see one thing clearly and restore the true face of the elephant. "Kingsley said, "We are often swayed by dualism, good and evil, right and wrong, black and white, but this world view is not comprehensive, we forget that there is a 'middle' between left and right, The way and thinking of people standing in the middle often determine the key to victory or defeat, Muggles will seek the support of the middle when they run for office, and your victory in school is also the support of the middle.”

"Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff," whispered Hermione.

"Ravenclaw gave you the opportunity to publish the truth, and Hufflepuff publicly supported you, even though it was Slytherin who had the absolute advantage at the time." Kingsley said. Usually the ones who can see the elephants."

"But it can go wrong," Hermione said with a smile, "especially when they are blinded by interests."

"That's all I want to say." Kingsley stood up. "Please sit down, Mrs. Potter, I will find my way out."

"I'll see you off." Harry stood up and followed Kingsley out of the living room.

For a moment, as Harry looked down the banister, he thought there was a greasy black-haired Severus Snape standing in the very middle of the dark hall.

Many years ago, when Harry first came to Black's old house, a large group of wizards and wizards filled the hall, but Harry recognized him immediately in so many people.

However, after he stepped down two steps, the ugly but eye-catching teacher, the most annoying teacher at Hogwarts, disappeared, as if he had just hallucinated.

"Did you come up with the plan, Kingsley?" Harry asked, once on the landing.

"Why do you ask that?" Kingsley turned around calmly, he still looked so charming.

"Don't worry about it." Harry waved his hand. "Thank you for coming to tell me. Calvin will just let me wait for the news at home."

"I don't think he did anything wrong, Harry Potter, you are the most important thing compared to catching troublesome werewolves."

"You said that, I am more important than the Muggle Prime Minister." Harry grinned.

"I still think so." Kingsley straightened his hat in front of the mirror, "If something happens to the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary, Muggles have devised a series of plans to deal with emergencies, but you There was only one, we didn't have a plan B, we were under siege and there was no other way out."

"Neville and Slytherin reconciled," said Harry. "Do you think what he did was right or wrong?"

"As I said just now, we are easily swayed by dualism. Why not stand in the 'middle' and think about this issue." Kingsley patted Harry on the shoulder. "Good luck, Harry Potter."

"And you too, Mr. Minister."

The two looked at each other and smiled, Kingsley opened the door and left Black's old house, and then Apparated at the door.

After he left, Harry was about to go up the stairs when he inadvertently looked at the closed door of the dining room.

He stood there motionless, as if waiting for the door to open, a large group of people came out, and then moved quickly towards the door.

"Harry, come up here! Look what I brought James!" Ron yelled upstairs.

"Come right over," he said to Ron, taking another look at the dining room.

"I hope you can eat here before leaving." Harry said to the empty hall, and then walked up the stairs back to the second floor. The house-elf heads on the wall had been replaced by Quidditch supplies, especially It was the Snitch that once held the Resurrection Stone, polished to a shine that looked as dazzling as a trophy.

Whenever there is a sudden power outage during a football game, the howling sound is like howling wolves in the middle of the night

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