Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1032 The Magic Circle

The boys worked faster than Pomona expected. They not only converted the kennel into a ballroom, but also changed the structure of the manor. The floor of the room above the study was concealed, from the first floor to the The attic is full of bookshelves against the wall, and the color of the wall has also turned into Tiffany blue. At first glance, it looks a bit like a Ravenclaw lounge.

But the most eye-catching thing was the huge astronomical telescope in the middle of the study. If it wasn't made of brass, Pomona would have thought they had dismantled the Muggle observatory's telescope.

Floating around the telescope are many star images, which slowly rotate along a fixed pattern.

New additions in the living room and study, all of them neoclassical, look very elegant.

The previous fireplace was heightened and widened, enough for two people to stand. There are two sculptures beside the fireplace, which were placed in the room occupied by plants.

The renovated room has excellent lighting and can be used as a living room. Porcelain is placed in the cabinet, so you can drink afternoon tea here.

"They're all copies." Severus said when he visited the library at Pomona. "I still have the original books, so it wouldn't be a pity to burn them."

Pomona glanced at him and stroked the furniture from nowhere.

The arrangement of the living room and study looks like a Ravenclaw astrologer's home, the former studio is hidden away, and the entrance is behind a certain bookshelf.

When Pomona pushed open the secret door and walked in, the light was suddenly dimmed. There were no windows on the four walls, and the light source was long-burning candles. There is a map of the tiankeng hanging on the wall in the middle, and there is an additional sand table. This sand table looks like the maze, but it only has three outer floors, and the middle is still shrouded in black mist.

"The Dark Lord did it," Severus said behind her. "He's only been on the third floor."

She silently walked to the side of the sand table.

The outermost layer of the labyrinth was granite, and the entrance was, as Lyle Meyer remembered, a stone door with solid earth behind it.

The second and third floors are waterways, and there are no entrances on the walls of the third and fourth floors, as if they were the walls and moats of a circular city.

"Is there a hidden entrance?" she asked.

"I don't think so." Severus said, "The crucible is not only the vessel that made it, but also its cage. This labyrinth not only prevents people from entering, but also prevents the things inside from escaping."

"Is there a fountain in there?"

"The Dark Lord said it looks like a garden, and there are many roses in it." Severus gave her a white rose. There is a blue rose at the entrance of the rose garden, and the entire maze can be activated by turning it, and the magic circle cannot be entered before that.”

"Okay, what do we do next?"

After hesitating for a while, he said, "I'm going back to England for two days, and you continue to cultivate here."

"I'll go back with you..."

"Hush." ​​He put his finger on Pomona's lips. "I didn't ask you, you stay here and rest for a while."


"I originally thought that Quirrell was decomposed by the power of the Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone can be said to be the original substance, which has the ability to decompose and recombine, but in fact that is not the case." Severus stroked the back of his hand Her cheek "Do you smell your body?"

Pomona sniffed her wrist, and faintly smelled an unpleasant smell.

"Stop resisting him." Severus whispered, "I don't want anything to happen to you."

She was shaking all over.

There is a craftsman named Bowman Wright in the chocolate picture. After the Golden Snidget was listed as an endangered species, people began to look for another bird to replace the Golden Snidget in the Quidditch game. And Bowman made a small metal ball, which completely simulated the flight method and flight characteristics of Golden Snidget. His invention was widely welcomed.

After his death, he left behind many scrolls of parchment listing orders he had received from all over the world.

That gadget has a memory, and it will remember the first person who touches it directly with the skin. When releasing the Snitch, you must wear gloves, and touching it through the gloves does not count.

This is used to deal with controversial issues, and it can recognize itself from the first person who touches it. For example, the Golden Snitch Harry Potter caught the first time almost swallowed it, so it needs to be touched with the lips to open it again.

The Quidditch rules also stipulate that only the Seekers of the two teams have the right to catch the Snitch, and doing so by other players will result in a foul for touching the Snitch.

When she put the Resurrection Stone in, Albus had said to her that the little thing looked like a source of life. He showed her an old papyrus with a picture of a winged sphere flying over a garden, and a hexagram inside, a reflection of the Fountain of Life, after all it replaced the Golden Snidget. Animals, every time a Quidditch is held, an innocent little life dies.

Children chasing Golden Snidgets is like monsters chasing human beings in the tiankeng. This is a kind of fun, but it doesn't think so for Golden Snidgets and those who are chased by monsters.

They tried their best to escape, but the Quidditch players would form a complicated formation to stop it, and there were complicated passages in that sinkhole to prevent humans from escaping easily.

What is the source of life? What is the purpose of living? Why do we take a game so seriously?

There are people who actively pursue this purpose, like Seekers, and Voldemort is one of them, only he has never ridden a broom.

Albus lived for more than 150 years, and he also realized after losing it. He lost Arianna, but wanted to resurrect her. He didn't believe that magic could bring people back to life, but his belief was shaken after Voldemort's resurrection , So he put on the cursed ring.

Don't make wrong decisions, sometimes not only will you lose your life, but it will even lead to catastrophic consequences.

She nodded tremblingly, and Severus smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Good girl." He praised, "I'll come back to accompany you when I'm done working over there. You can stay here for the next two days."

"Are you going home tonight?"

"There are still some things that haven't been done. I'll leave tomorrow morning."

"He mentioned seven metals, arranged in the order of the kingdom of heaven, do you know what he said?"

"It's a fragmentary copy written by an Ethiopian. It's called Golden Elixir (autum nostrum), which was very famous in the Middle Ages. It talks about the refining method of the Philosopher's Stone and Sun Gold." Severus said, "But Most people think it's more symbolic than practical."

"Do you think his thinking is correct? If he's wrong, my face will be ripped off and placed on the wall of the maze."

"We had no other choice. The villagers of Palo Alto gave up on the 'Golden Fleece' and became healers. We had to get that piece of gold," Floyd said. We cannot get rid of the shadow of childhood, we come from the mire, but we will not sink in the mire, this is our chance to get rid of everything."

"We can't be so selfish..."

"We almost died once, do you remember?" Severus interrupted her "I'm not that old fool Albus Dumbledore who sacrificed himself for someone he didn't know, please stop saying those duplicity things It's gone." Severus shook her hand away "You're not that selfless, saying those things makes you look fake."

After speaking, he left the secret room without looking back.

Pomona was left alone by the side of the maze, as if the veil had been removed and there was nothing to hide.

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