The hardest part of an Animagus is not transforming into an animal, but transforming back into a human.

Generally speaking, the animal and Patronus of an Animagus are the same, and Pomona's Patronus is a swan, and her Animagus is also a swan.

But she didn't dare to try, even after becoming a bird, she has the ability to fly freely.

After hearing the crow's strange cry, she quickly closed her eyes, and closed the eyes that were originally opened a crack, but she did not return to her body.

She was suspended in the darkness, unable to distinguish up, down, left, and right, and there was no sound around her.

Time lost its meaning to her, and she couldn't tell whether it was a long time or a moment, until a scent of flowers came over.

"Do you know what flower this is?" Sirius asked holding his soap.


"Let me ask you, what fragrance is added to this soap?" Sirius asked again.

"What's the use of that, anyway, your dormitory is always smelly." Pomona said, holding her nose.

The Gryffindor boys' dormitory on the tower still smelled bad even with all the windows open.

"I said she couldn't guess." James Potter sat on the edge of the bed, let a golden snitch fly around in front of him, caught it with quick eyes and hands, and then let it go "her nose That's as good as you."

Remus was sickly lying on his bed. He had only undergone a full-moon transformation once, and he looked like he was seriously ill. Pete was tending to him, wiping the cold sweat off his brow with a towel.

How did I come here?

"How about a bet, James, on your latest broomstick." Sirius said to James with a smile.

"Then what's your bet?"

"Of course the broomstick I just bought."

"Aren't we buying the same thing?"

The two rich fools laughed together, and she couldn't see what was so funny about it.

She picked up the soap and sniffed it. It seemed to smell like valerian, but after another sniff, it was gone.

Sirius' birthday is November 3, and his birthday flower is a primrose, which is bright in color but has no fragrance.

James' birthday is March 27, and the birthday flower that day is daffodils, which are poisonous and can only be used for viewing.

Remus's birthday is March 10th, and the birthday flower on that day is snap finger pona, which has a scent.


She looked at Pete, whose birthday no one remembered because he was always overlooked among the hijackers.

"Tell me, what spices are in it?" Sirius asked.

"Grandma, use it to bathe to get rid of bad luck?" Pomona tossed the soap back to Sirius, "You are already so lucky, do you still need good luck?"

"I use it when I need luck, or when I run into Snape." Sirius pointed his wand at the soap, letting it float in the air. "He looks really unlucky."

"He is indeed not as lucky as you." Pomona said enviously.

Not only is she good-looking, but her family is rich, and she exudes a pampered temperament.

"We have a final against Slytherin next week." James said with a serious expression on his face. "They made Regulus the Seeker on purpose."

"Because I'm the batsman, they expected me not to hit the Bludger at Regulus, we're brothers after all," Sirius continued James' words.

"So will you? Will you show mercy?" James asked.

"Of course... never! This is about the glory of the academy, and I plan to go back and show my mother the trophy!"

James ran over and gave Sirius a high-five happily. Pomona imagined Walburga's expression when she saw Sirius carrying the Gryffindor trophy and placed it in the Slytherin family for generations, and suddenly felt that Sirius This summer vacation will be very "wonderful".

"Is your cousin still with the Dark Lord and his gang?" Pomona was at a loss for words.

"You mean Bella? Of course she's still here." Sirius said displeasedly, "She's already married."

"Voldemort is very handsome. Do you think Voldemort is more handsome or Sirius?" James asked Pomona with a playful smile, putting his arm around Sirius' shoulder.

"You haven't grown up yet." She said with a pun, she didn't plan to continue playing in their dormitory, so she stood up from the carpet and planned to leave.

"Ergon, that's an inauspicious name, how about I give you a new nickname?" Just as she stood up, Sirius said, "How about just Knox?"

"That's a fluorescent counter-curse."

"It also represents the goddess of the night, I think this name is very suitable for you."

"I'm not a goddess."

"I like that name," James concluded. "That's what we'll call you from now on."

"I don't like Moonface either," Lupine said weakly under the covers, "and I don't think Snape likes the nickname of Snotluck either."

"The nickname was given to you, even if you don't like it." Sirius took out the Marauder's Map and pointed his wand at it.

"Don't add my name!" She hurriedly stopped Sirius Black.

"Why?" Sirius asked confused.

"I don't want to be part of your boys' games!" she said, exasperated. "It's so stupid!"

"I don't think it's a game, and I don't think it's stupid." James said with some seriousness. "He's been following us lately."

"He should be called a snake, and he loves to inform." Sirius said sarcastically, "He has been looking for opportunities to take revenge on us."

"Other violations of school rules are fine. Remus's matter must not be known to others. This is also the purpose of making the Marauder's Map. You will not forget, Knox?" James asked again.

"I'm going back!" she said angrily, "I'm dirty and smelly now!"

"Do you want to use this?" Sirius held up his soap and said, "Use it to wash away bad luck, you just met a werewolf."

"Keep it for yourself!" She opened the door without looking back, and then closed the door with a "bang".

The light source was lost, the hallway was dark, and when she could see again, she didn't come to Gryffindor's scarlet lounge.

This is a brightly lit dance hall. She is on the second floor at the moment, and there are many people dancing to the music on the first floor.

She rubbed her eyes, and the dancing people suddenly disappeared, and there were only two people and a house-elf standing downstairs, it was Severus, Felix and Kricht.

They looked up at her with weird eyes, as if they were trying to tell who she was.

Where am I?

"A new residence." Voldemort's voice rang in her head.

"A new house?"

"It's still the manor where the dogs were kept. The cave was dug out by the mink. The albino dog on the manor drove the hog to the cave, and then it became the new lord." Voldemort said.

Pomona looked around subconsciously and found a red-eyed crow standing by the open second-floor window.

"I put a choke spell on you, and you can't tell this secret." Voldemort said again.

"I don't remember having a ballroom that big at the estate."

"It's a kennel conversion, do you like it?"

"Pomona?" Severus asked cautiously.

"It's me," she said, "I'm back."

He immediately Apparated to her side and hugged her.

"I'm still right," said Voldemort again, "there's still a feeding port, it's just not the hole."

"You just said the new lord?"

"The five-legged monster is dead, and the tiankeng is now occupied by a boar monster. It attacked the manor. Maybe the original owner was scared away by it."

"how do you know……"

"I found the bones of the five-legged monster, and this thing." The crow on the windowsill raised its paw, with a golden ring on it, "This is left from its last meal."

"Aren't you angry?" Pomona asked tremblingly.

Voldemort ignored her.

"As I said, I'm interested in other things now, and I don't have time to think about other things." He replied after a while, "The last time Severus said that the hate potion can offset part of the effect of the love potion, it is not the antidote." , do you know what the antidote for the love potion is?"

He didn't really want her answer, and said to himself, "Before the drug was administered, that person was nobody, and after detoxification, that person is still nobody."

After speaking, the black bird flapped its wings and disappeared into the night sky without a sound.

"Are you alright?" Severus asked eagerly, letting go of her, looking at her body.

"I'm fine." She said quietly.

Lily's birthday is January 30, and the birthday flower on that day is ferntail, which is one of the materials for making love potions.

This is a very fascinating plant, it can firmly grasp a person's heart, because its flower language is enthusiasm.

People who are blessed by this kind of flower are also very enthusiastic, and once they fall in love, they will love to death and cannot extricate themselves.

To remove the use of the love potion, the first thing is to remove the medicinal effect of the iron horn fern.

Just like love, once the enthusiasm is gone, it will become very indifferent, and will not even talk to you, and finally leave.

No one's enthusiasm will remain unchanged for a long time, so it is necessary to keep warming the "enthusiasm".

"What day is it?"

"March 19."

In other words, it's only been a day and a half?

"I thought it would be a long time before I woke up this time."

"You're bleeding." He whispered in her ear.

"Fortunately I'm a woman." Pomona said triumphantly, putting her arms around Severus.

Women have to be so troublesome every month, Voldemort is also a man, he doesn't want to experience it.

No wonder some people call "period" a good friend, it's really a "good sign".

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