Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1019 Auspicious Vision

Selena's music was playing on the radio, and the tent was filled with a strong smell of cigarettes. Pomona sat leaning against the table, with the map of the sinkhole in front of her.

In the past, when the Order of the Phoenix held meetings, the dining room used as a meeting room was full of cigarette smell, and the ashtrays on the table were full of cigarette butts. Every time she went to clean it, she couldn't help complaining, why the people in the meeting could smoke so much.

The kitchen had a dining table where Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George sometimes ate, so it was a non-smoking area.

Everyone else was fine, Mundungus Fletcher came to the kitchen to smoke every time, and Pomona didn't want to be covered in the smell of alcohol and smoke like him, so she quickly gave the cigarette to the kitchen. snuffed out.

Severus didn't know whether the Fidelity Curse could prevent the connection brought by the Dark Mark, so he came and went in a hurry every time he came to the Order of the Phoenix.

His caution was indeed necessary, and thanks to this, the location of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix was not revealed.

Wars are wonderful only when they are over, and Pomona can be regarded as a person who has experienced two wars, and she will not be crushed by this pressure.

If she dared to do anything else now, Voldemort would take control of her body.

There is only one chance, and that chance was ruined by Klicer, the choices before her were less and less, it was useless for her to think about it alone, so she walked out of the tent and looked for another man full of thoughts. people.

Now they had pitched their tent at the top of the sinkhole, near the exit, and Severus was sitting on a real rock with his back to her looking out at the view.

Pomona walked over, sat next to him, and then leaned her head on his shoulder, which made her feel much more comfortable than just being alone. She wrapped his cloak around her body and closed her eyes. Sleep with eyes closed.

Neville's parents, Frank and Alice were kidnapped after the war. Voldemort's body was not at the scene. Bella used the Cruciatus Curse on the two of them like crazy to torture them about the whereabouts of the Dark Lord. The bodies of the Longbottoms were still there Alive, but their souls do not know where they are. In fact, they are not much different from being dead.

They had missed Neville growing up, the little baby who had grown up and become the herbal medicine professor at Hogwarts.

Due to his negligence, Augusta turned off the defensive magic of the Longbottom House. The war is over, so there is no need to be vigilant.

They committed the same oversight, and they were found in the middle of nowhere, and yet they were found.

There is a thing called fate, like time, which can't be seen but felt. It's hard for her to believe that she gave such a cold order just now.

The behavior of Aurors fighting dark wizards has become no different from dark wizards. This world has changed you a little bit.

It is very tiring to live like this, no wonder Albus finally chooses such a way of death, he has served wizards and human peace for more than 100 years, it is time to rest.

It was Henry Potter, instead, who encouraged wizards to take part in the Muggle wars, which would bring curses.

The last male direct heir of the Potter family is almost gone, and the Potter family is almost as extinct as the Black family.

The curse is real. Professor Melas has not served as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for a full year. People say that dancing with Veela will bring misfortune. Although the kid dancing with Fleur is fine, the Triwizard Tournament is still There was an accident and it was discontinued because of it.

"You smoke," said another human who danced with the veela on Christmas Eve.

"I'm very sorry."

"You don't need to apologize for such a small matter." He said in a low voice and softly, "I should be the one who should apologize."

Pomona didn't explain.

Misunderstanding is just such a misunderstanding.

Then he lifted her chin and kissed her, so softly, like she was some kind of treasure.

A kind of vitality began to be produced in her body, and she suddenly felt that she was not so tired.

Too heavy a burden can't be carried by one person, and it won't be so tiring if shared by two people.

When Albus needs her, she chooses to hang out with the bad guy Snape. The lonely old fool wears the Gaunt ring, and then he is cursed by the magic on the ring.

If people knew about it, they would think they were stupid, and they were still thinking about that stuff at this time.

But this is really how adults decompress.

Many women believe in soul mates, but she doesn't.

Carnal desire is the manifestation of animal nature in human nature and the nature of every living being. It is unrealistic to pursue only spiritual communication and reject platonic love.

She even believes in the power in the Tarot cards. The Queen relies on wisdom, tenderness, and charm. lion.

This represents the use of softness to overcome rigidity and wisdom to obtain strength. She is feminine, but also resolute and full of willpower.

Maybe their honeymoon trip is not romantic and sweet, but it is still a thrilling and pleasant trip.

As a Mrs. Hufflepuff, interests are not the most important thing. Don’t use interests to distinguish between friends and foes. There are many things in this world that can be given up, but faith cannot be lost.

To lose faith is to lose the purpose of existence, sorry if I offended, there are so many of us.

Kindness can change the world. Hufflepuffs are more than wizards, and Muggles are still few. But the students who study in Muggle schools just want to blow it up. Who will fight with Hogwarts students They risk their lives to protect them, and there are so many people looking forward to receiving the admission letter from Hogwarts?

Even if they are squeezed out, oppressed, and even live on the streets, Muggle-born wizards are still unwilling to return to the Muggle world.

Back then they held onto a hope that Harry would come back, drive the pure-bloods out, and make the wizarding world as good as ever again.

Only a world with hope and future makes people feel happy. Don't let despair engulf you, let the big-headed monster take advantage of it.

"screw you!"

The old bat who was working hard on her was so stunned that he stopped moving.

"You said what you just said, Pomona?"

"Is it me or who?"

He raised his eyebrows.

"That's not what a lady should say."

"Who told you I'm a lady, I'm a witch!" She pushed away the thing that was pressing on her at once.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to blow up the well!" she yelled furiously, starting to dress herself.

"If you blow it up, the creatures trapped in it will come out, and it will be affected in a radius of dozens of miles!"

"It's all your fault!" She was so angry that she beat him with her fists.

"How can this be my fault?"

She opened her teeth and bit his muscular arm fiercely, and he let out a scream of "ah".

"Maybe we should learn from Harry. Don't think too much. If you think too much, you will be timid and unable to do anything."

"It's wonderful that you are so reckless."

"You and Albus guided him, but it was Harry himself who made the decision and the choice, and it was fate that pushed him forward."

Severus stared at her without saying a word.

"Don't think too much." She held his face and looked into his eyes very seriously. "Do you believe in fate?"

"Sybil's prophecy is sometimes ineffective, like a radio with a bad connection. The problem is that it may not be good if you tap it." He complained a little childishly.

"Sybil's not a radio."

"Isn't she?"

"Well, she's a telescope!"

The old bat looked at her strangely.

"She's a prophet! And at least she didn't lie like Grindelwald!"

"Of course she said, 'You're all going to die,'" he said in Trelawney's neurotic way.

"That's because you didn't take what she said seriously."

"You're all right, aren't you?" he asked suddenly.

She froze for a moment.

"Next, it's my turn."

He pulled the cloak over, hiding her in the darkness and blocking the sight of outsiders.

Although there is no living person around.

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