Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1018 The Giant Ogre

Gold is an extremely rare metal on earth, so things made of gold are very expensive.

However, the gold deposits on the surface are extremely limited, and very little gold can be mined every year, so gold has also become a common currency.

However, in fact, there are not many precious metals on the earth, including gold and platinum. They all come from the dead stars of the previous generation. After a supernova explosion, the iron element is turned into gold by capturing neutrons, and there is another way that it is formed by the debris ejected during the merger of two neutron stars.

In the early days of the Earth, most of the precious metals sank into the core, and if they were all taken out, they could cover the entire surface of the planet.

Human greed can prompt people to do unimaginable things. Maybe one day a lunatic will find a way to dig out the gold in the earth's core, but this kind of idea probably won't come true.

Even if he had this technology, other humans living on the earth would not allow him to do so.

In addition to solar gold, iron is also insoluble in mercury to form amalgam. Since iron can capture neutrons and become gold, is there any relationship between solar gold and iron?

The principle is understood, but the synthesis process is not that simple. In theory, the Philosopher's Stone can also generate gold, but those who can obtain the Philosopher's Stone will not use it to make gold.

Solar means the sun in Italian, and the sun is the closest star to the earth and human beings.

Sun Gold, like the Philosopher's Stone, is a mythical substance, and it takes more than the average human mind to fully comprehend.

Stephen Hawking gave a gift to all mankind on April Fool's Day in 1988 - a brief history of time. In the book, he wrote that the universe exists as a "point", which does not occupy space and has no concept of time. Later, there was a big bang at this "point", from which time and space began, and matter gradually formed. The temperature of the universe was extremely high at the beginning. As time progressed, its space became larger and larger, and its temperature became lower and lower. The energy and matter contained in it continued to undergo complex reactions, and finally formed galaxies. The space of the universe has been continuously expanding and expanding until today.

Points are two-dimensional. Humans live in a three-dimensional world. Humans cannot imagine what it is like to look down on a three-dimensional world in a higher-dimensional world, just like ants cannot understand the existence of human beings.

Time is a mysterious and magical thing. It is mysterious because we have never seen its true face, and it seems to be an illusory thing. However, although we can't see it, we can feel its breath and pace, which is its uniqueness and magic.

In the four-dimensional space, time is not like an irreversible arrow, but in the three-dimensional space, time is highly unidirectional and never returns.

Although it is troublesome to understand, the general meaning is that if Voldemort obtained the sun gold and was successfully made into a time converter by him, then he would be even more difficult to deal with.

The Philosopher's Stone is destroyed, and it is impossible for Voldemort to use it to create a perfect body, but he can go back to before the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed, or to when Hagrid took the Philosopher's Stone from Gringotts.

Pomona had no expectations for the old fool's optimism. Harry had seen the vision of Sirius being tortured by Voldemort. Maybe the old fool she saw was also an illusion created by Voldemort.

Oh, my God, my God, she wants to prevent Voldemort from being resurrected, but she doesn't want to die like Quirrell, life is so bumpy and full of obstacles.


Pomona tripped over a rock, and Severus, furious, turned around and pulled her from the ground mercilessly.

"Go, don't delay!"

Pomona didn't complain, and started to run wildly in the huge rock passage. Today is not a good day to break through.

Because of the bombardment of the cannon, parts of the rock wall collapsed, and the bottom of the tiankeng can be seen from the broken window.

The rays of the sun are projected along the triangular opening near the circular labyrinth, and with a vertical line, it becomes the Peverell coat of arms.

"You must think I'm crazy." She pulled Severus's robe, pointing to what she had just discovered, "Does it look like the Deathly Hallows logo!"

"What?" Severus looked up, too.

"The triangle formed by the sun, and the circular labyrinth, don't forget that wand!" Pomona yelled uncontrollably. "They broke Hagrid's wand!"

"I assume you mean the wand that belonged to Muggle Hagrid and was picked up by a Muggle slave trader?" Severus asked.

"Do you think that's the Elder Wand?"

"I don't know." Severus looked at the sky "I just know we're wasting time!"

"The Philosopher's Stone is not obtained by sacrificing human life." Voldemort said at this time, "I was also practicing to fix the soul to the body while making the corpse. The Avada Kedavra is to break the connection between the soul and the body. On, it's not that easy to reconnect them."

"Oh, I see, it's the connection!" Pomona clapped her hands and shouted, "Voldemort's main soul can sense other horcruxes, and the soul fragments in other horcruxes are isolated, and the soul in the diary does not know itself. What did you do after the age of 16!"

"But he can hear about it," said Voldemort icily, "especially after hearing that he was on the verge of failure because of Severus Snape."

"Voldemort's main soul found me after sensing the Horcrux in the silver hand, and he didn't possess me."

"I don't think now is the time to say that." Severus looked over Pomona's shoulder.

Pomona looked back, the stones on the ground began to tremble slightly, and then one foot tall gray monsters stood up one by one.

This is a kind of Russian demon, called the big-headed hairy monster. It has some relatives with the red hat. The head of the hairy monster is very big, so when they lie on the ground, they look like a bright and round stone. If this Creatures manage to follow a person for hours, then the person feels hopeless and futile. When the victim sat down or knelt and cried, the big-headed monster would attack him and try to devour him.

Simple poison spells, stun spells and even kicks would do the trick, but there are too many big-headed monsters in this tunnel.

As she ran, she looked for the seeds of the plants in her pockets, and then threw down the Toots rejuvenation potion and resurrection potion that Severus had adjusted. As the blue-green potion smoke dispersed, the plants grew at an extremely fast speed , Not long after, a pink flytrap blocked the middle of the tunnel.

Each leaf of the Venus flytrap consists of two round lobes connected by a midrib. The outer edge of each lobe is covered with fringed hairs that look like sharp teeth. These leaves slowly rotate with the branches. , as long as you touch it, it will close up. Its outer skin is as tough as that of a basilisk, and ordinary swords can't hurt it at all.


With a roar, a large ghoul ran out from the corner of the tunnel, and Severus stood in front of Pomona, entangled in a glowing evil rope.

The light and shadow are bound to be invisible where there is light, and the weird black light looks uncomfortable in the dark.

She stepped closer to observe the monster lying on the ground. It was not a real ghoul, but its close relative, the ogre. It was not covered in slime like a ghoul, and it had no fangs.

The Ministry of Magic is also not sure whether to classify the troll as a human or a "beast", since its appearance is somewhat human-like.

As Voldemort said, the Philosopher's Stone is not obtained by sacrificing multiple lives. This method is a sorcerer's sacrifice, which is used to summon the devil.

Those who pursue it will have to pay a price, but the price is not the lives of others, but their own lives, because many people only realize in the end that their talents and wisdom are not enough to understand this supreme meaning. All the time and energy wasted.

What price is heavier than this?

"Deal with him."

Pomona said nonchalantly, and Severus complied.

The giant ogre monster that roared and rushed towards them just now turned into a motionless corpse after a burst of green light. After they left for a while, those big-headed monsters would eat it as food.

Ah, she finally understood how the creatures in this pit survived.

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