If Interlaken is the eye of God, why didn't he discover Palodo?

Pomona looked at the scenery outside the window and fell into deep thought. The word "parodo" in Greek drama represents the passage for the chorus to enter the stage. In the south of the Alps, there is Greek mythology, and on the other side is Nordic mythology, and there is also Catholicism. , Protestantism, they meet together, if they sing their own songs, they will be as chaotic as the Hogwarts school song.

Unless these cultural elements can be integrated, the European continent is actually not doing very well in this regard. If it is good, there will not be so many countries, large and small.

The New World did not do this satisfactorily. Americans smashed various civilizations into shreds of paper, and then integrated them according to the needs of Hollywood movies to form a flow of information that stimulated people's senses, impacting people's vision and hearing. It's like poisoned milk mixed with white snakeroot. After drinking it, the muscles in my body tremble, like epilepsy, but also like being possessed.

Nancy, the mother of Abraham Lincoln, the American president who was committed to liberating slaves, died of this disease. White snakeroot is a common weed in the New World. It looks like an ordinary white flower that blooms in the mountains, but This plant is highly poisonous. Cows will die if they eat it, and people will die if they drink the milk produced by cows that ate white snakeroot. In the 19th century, people tried every means to find the culprit who poisoned their livestock. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that people understood the truth of the matter.

There are many ways to kill a person with poison. It is not necessary to use a highly poisonous poison that will kill you if you drink it. Even if the king and the pope will let people test the poison for themselves, the person who tastes the poison will only drink one mouthful. If the poison is not lethal, it will not fatal.

The war of Spanish succession was caused by the extinction of the Habsburg dynasty in Spain. Carlos II was nicknamed "the devil" and because of the marriage of inbreeding. Carlos II suffered from various genetic diseases, mental retardation and epilepsy, and his body was so weak that he could be weak at any time. Death, unable to bear the education that a monarch should receive. He was the most severe of the Habsburg familial lordosis, a jaw so large that he could not chew.

During the last years of Carlos II's life, when he became more hypersensitive and erratic, he was completely disabled, lost all his hair, was deaf, could barely see, had few teeth, and was severely epilepsy. His various strange behaviors were called "possession" by foreign spies, so he got the nickname "the demon-possessed".

Since Carlos II was diagnosed as infertile very early, it was impossible to have an heir, who would inherit the Spanish colonial empire became an important issue in Spain and even in Europe.

On November 1, 1700, Carlos II died suddenly at the age of 38, which opened the prelude to the War of Spanish Succession.

Olympia Mancini, the mother of Prince Eugene, Countess of Soissons, is the niece of the Chief Minister of the French Privy Council and Cardinal Jules Mazarin, and the first love of Louis XIV.

Olympia was brought up by her uncle Mazarin when she was young, and when she grew up, she entered the French high society. She amazed the court as soon as she appeared and became a socialite; the young Louis XIV was fascinated by it. It is said that Louis wanted to marry in the mid-1650s She is queen.

But the shrewd Mazarin knew that his family was too low, and he was afraid of public criticism, so he sent Olympia back to Italy to marry the Count of Soissons. Among the eight children after marriage, the most famous one was Prince Eugen, the god of war.

Mazarin also arranged for Louis to marry the Spanish princess Maria Teresa as queen for political interests two years later. Olympia moved back to Paris with her family a few years after the marriage. Many people believe that she became the Karmapa's mistress again. However, she suddenly fell out of favor in 1680 because of her involvement in the poisoning incident in the court in 1679. She was also accused of poisoning her husband in 1673 and poisoning the king, and was forced to go into exile from France to Spain.

In 1690, he moved to Brussels, the capital of the Spanish Netherlands, where he lived until his death in 1708. He left his children in France to be taken care of by his mother-in-law.

The discovery of the New World brought a lot of silver to Spain, but it did not make the Spaniards rich overnight. On the contrary, it may have brought the poison of the New World to Europe. Some people even rumored that Carlos II was poisoned to death, and the murderer Olympia, the mother of Prince Eugen.

Eugene Morris, Eugene's father, got a military officer position because of his wife's relationship. He was busy with military affairs outside for a long time, and he had no time to take care of family affairs, including his wife's romantic affairs. Eugene was only 10 years old when he died suddenly in 1673. There are rumors that Olympia poisoned her husband to cover up her scandal.

How that poor officer died is not written in the history books, and if it was Olympia who poisoned the king of Spain, it would be a mess.

Prince Eugen was ugly and thin since he was a child. He was known as a little monk. His grandmother also wanted him to enter a monastery, but he was unmoved. Four refused.

It happened that the Ottoman Empire attacked Central Europe on a large scale, and the Christian world was greatly shaken. Eugen, 19, went to the front line as a volunteer to join the war, and met the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I under the city of Vienna. At this time, Eugen's only brother was serving as the commander of the dragoons in the imperial army, but the dragoons at that time were far less famous than the Polish hussars. The battle of Vienna was finally won by the alliance led by the Habsburg family.

Eugene fought bravely and was appreciated, but his elder brother was sacrificed. The emperor was grateful for his martyrdom and appreciated Eugen's bravery, so in December 1683 of that year, he handed over a newly formed 800-man dragoon regiment to Eugen's command.

Eugen deeply felt the kindness of encounter, and since then regarded Austria as his motherland. In the following ten years, the imperial army regained Hungary and other large territories in Eastern Europe. In 1686, he participated in the battle of conquering the city of Buda. In 1687, the 24-year-old Eugen was promoted to lieutenant general. Outstanding, led his troops into Italy in 1689 and repeatedly defeated the invading French army.

For soldiers, there is nothing more convincing than someone who is born in a noble family, starts from the grassroots, and is promoted through military merit.

In 1693, the 29-year-old Eugen was promoted to the rank of Field Marshal of the Imperial Army. In 1694, he served as the commander-in-chief of the Army of Northern Italy, commanding operations independently for the first time.

In 1697, Eugen once again transferred to the Eastern Front and served as the commander-in-chief of the imperial army in the battle against the Ottoman Empire. In the same year, he achieved a victory of 50,000 against 100,000 with surprise tactics. This was the first time that a European army defeated a sultan. He personally conquered, and achieved the most complete victory, Prince Eugen became famous throughout Europe almost overnight, and became a European hero against heretics.

The War of Spanish Succession broke out. Eugen first commanded the imperial army to avoid the real attack and go deep into central Italy, and then another beautiful surprise attack was drilled from the sewer to capture alive the commander of the French army stationed in Italy, Villeroy who succeeded Catina marshal.

The next year France replaced a more capable general, the Duke of Vendome, who took most of his victories with twice as many troops as the Prince Eugene.

The unlucky French reinforcements that were supposed to participate in the Battle of Turin came to Palodo because they got lost in the mountains, and were unlucky enough to die a few nobles. It would be fine if they died in battle. There is no dead body. If the general who leads the team just goes back like this, he will be hated to death by the parents of these nobles.

At that time, the French court was full of intrigues and tricks. If one was not careful, not only the future would be lost, but even one's life might be lost. Destroying monsters could at least gain a good reputation, but no one would believe this, so it was just like this. Covered up.

This is very common in history. It is not surprising that there are only 200,000 people in a so-called army of one million, or it is not surprising that tens of thousands of people disappeared collectively when the army encountered floods on the road.

The number of soldiers who died in World War II is not necessarily accurate, let alone civilians. In troubled times, human lives are worthless, and it is different from searching mountains for one or two missing climbers.

What have the creatures in the tiankeng been eating for so many years?

Pomona couldn't help sighing, and she was the only one who would pay attention to some strange things. What kind of food did Carlos II eat with his jaw unable to chew? milk? Or oatmeal?

What's the point of living like him?

The idea of ​​Louis XVI is actually quite understandable. If the imperial power is to be shackled by the law and cannot be used at will, does such a French king still mean it in front of him?

It is because it can be used at will that it is so enjoyable. Now the Queen of England even announces how much money she spends on hair styling, so that the public can supervise it.

The so-called dance that dances to rock music is similar to epilepsy. If you live in a hotel run by Muggles, you will inevitably hear music coming from nowhere. The drum beats with the original rhythm make her almost uncontrollable. own up.

She rummaged through the seed sacks Neville had given her, to see if there was anything that would stop them from rowdying, but all she found were carnivorous plants.

She thought about it again, and simply went back to the painting box to work on her greenhouse.

After going back down the stairs, it became a lot quieter.

This greenhouse is not just for appreciation, but for raising some ornamental plants. When it comes to the most ideal natural home security system, the first thing she thinks of is a magical plant from Mexico.

Its name is "bad woman". It looks like a pure white flower, but its body is covered with iron-like thorns. These thorns are even used by the aborigines as fishhooks.

The scary thing about this plant is that it secretes a corrosive liquid, which can put the poisoned person in pain, but will not kill him.

It doesn't move at all times like other magical plants, but it has a very magical effect, that is, it will not hurt if it thinks it is "one of its own".

And the basis for its identification is its pollen. If there is no pollen and it touches its branches, it will make the person who touches it regret coming to this world.

Pomona prefers to call her Nemesis rather than "bad woman".

What effect the pollen of this magic plant will bring?

Who doesn't have pollen allergies in spring?

Although spring is good, it can also bring some troubles to people. You can’t shovel all the flowers like white snakeroot just because you are allergic to pollen.

"Cockroach heap, where are you?" Pomona called out. Her greenhouse was not completely safe, and it would be terrible if the baby snakes were eaten.

It wasn't long before the two-foot bird-snake crawled to her feet and rubbed its head against her thigh affectionately.

"Do you think that wand is the Elder Wand?" Voldemort asked gently.

"I don't know, I don't even know the name of that wizard." Pomona said, stroking the head of the cockroach pile.

"The Elder Wand has always been heard to be in England. Don't you wonder how it got into the hands of wandmakers in Germany?"

Pomona froze.

"Grindelwald stole the Elder Wand, and then lost to Albus Dumbledore. If it was an ordinary elder wand, it wouldn't be very powerful. Only the one made by Death will be infinitely powerful."

"But Severus said the wand used by the Dark Wizard was burned."

"Ha, Severus knows I'm here, he won't tell the truth," said Voldemort, laughing.

"Are you going to take Legilimency on Muggles?"

"No need, I'm not interested in that wand anymore," said Voldemort lazily.

"You don't want the Elder Wand?"

"I just wanted to use it to kill Harry Potter."

"You don't want to kill Harry now?" Pomona asked.

Voldemort didn't answer her.

"Neville Longbottom, he killed Nagini."

Pomona's heart tightened.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in him anymore." Voldemort said still softly.

"And what are you interested in, Tom?"

"I'll let you know when the time comes."

He left a suspense and disappeared.

Pomona felt extremely tired.

In fact, she is not very good at guessing riddles, and all she meets are people with difficult thoughts.

Why are humans so complicated?

The surname Riddle also means puzzle.

let's sing hallelujah

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