Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1012 The Unlucky Knight

In Beedle's Fairy Tales Collection, there is a story about the Fountain of Fortune. Three witches met an unlucky Muggle knight on the way of exploration. Bring out your sword, knight, and help us reach our destination!"

So the knight reluctantly helped the witches into the magic garden.

According to legend, during the Battle of Turin, there was a French army whose mission was to support the French Marshal who was fighting Prince Eugen, but they lost their way in the Alps and finally came to Mount Magus.

The shape of this mountain is like a cup, with a sunken pit in the middle, hence the name. In the 16th century, tragedies of giants attacking human villages often occurred, and the people in the mountain were forced to move away.

Later, a wizard defeated those giants, and the villagers who had moved away moved back. During the Battle of Turin, there were many civilian villages and towns on the battlefield between Germany and France. In the autumn of 1701, before entering the winter rest, the troops of both sides took various actions to destroy the other’s grain collection. Simply put, they set fire to the The houses and harvests of the villagers were destroyed.

The civilians involved had to migrate to the Alps, and the French reinforcements who had never been to Italy met these refugees.

They had cannon and supplies with them, but snow blocked their heavy wagons and eventually camped near Palodo.

At the same time, the general who led the team was not idle, planning to select young men from these refugees for training.

In the seventeenth century, the role of knights on the battlefield gradually faded. They did not wear heavy steel armor like their predecessors, and charged on horses that were also heavily armed. The Hundred Years' War brought a new way of fighting, and archers became the battlefield. the master.

It is difficult to train good archers, but as long as there are enough archers, there will always be one or two unlucky arrows after a round of arrow rain, not to mention the pressure of survival, if the animals cannot be hunted, the refugees will die. If you are going to starve, this group of temporary archers will soon look good.

In the 17th century, the French cavalry of Louis XIV ranked first in the quality of heavy cavalry in the world. At this time, the cavalry had given up their armor. Although the quality of French horses was not good in the West, their discipline, training, tactics, and sense of collective honor All the best. They showed great control when cooperating with infantry, the arrogance when sweeping the battlefield at critical moments, and the incredible level of martial arts of the French aristocracy.

But not every noble is eligible to join the French Cavalry Regiment. Relying on their large numbers and power, these noble children who are not skilled in martial arts believe that the French Marshal will definitely defeat Prince Eugen, so they are eager to try and plan to hire them from Italy with the Shinra Empire. Fighting against the cuirassiers of the Qing Dynasty, they planned to make some military merits as the capital for attacking the title.

What they didn't know, however, was that the Marshal of France had changed from the experienced Catina to the inexperienced Duke of Villeroy.

In order to protect their safety, their parents hired many mercenaries to protect them and provided a lot of luggage, which can be regarded as indirect support for Louis XIV.

While the knights were in charge of their daily "patrol," or frolic on horseback, an old local shepherd was caught by them.

In order to get rid of these dandy pranksters, the old shepherd told them that there were wizards in this mountain. The knights who didn't believe in this evil asked the old shepherd to lead the way. As a result, none of them came back that night. In order to find their traces, the general sent Scouts, they soon found the castle standing on top of the hill.

The French had scouted it when they first arrived, but they didn't find the stone castle. It was as magical as it appeared out of thin air. The scouts who didn't dare to act rashly told the general about it, and the general took an army to search the mountain during the daytime the next day.

Nick Flamel earns a living by selling books and copying articles in Paris. His ordinary life took a dramatic turn in one night. An angel came to his dream and told him that he would receive a magical book. He has to study hard and understand it thoroughly, and then he can gain the power of extraordinary surprise. This dream came true, and he exchanged 2 florins for an ancient and huge book. It does not use paper or parchment like other books, but is made of fine and smooth young bark. The cover was tightly wrapped in brass, and it was covered with words or strange symbols. There are 3 groups of 7 pages, including the front page. The seventh page of each group has no text, but on the seventh page of the first group, a magic wand being swallowed by a giant snake is drawn.

Nicholas died at the age of 87. His former residence and donated tomb were full of strange symbols and incomprehensible reliefs, which attracted alchemists from all over the world to dig three feet to find the secret of the Sorcerer's Stone. On the wall of this castle There is a similar symbol on it, and even if the other symbols are not recognized, the wand that was swallowed by the giant snake can recognize it.

Realizing that this was the residence of an alchemist, the general withdrew immediately, and then sent people to the town to arrest people. At that time, the witch hunt was not completely over, and the townspeople who were afraid of torture immediately told the general everything they knew.

The slave trade was prevalent in the Mediterranean Sea. There was a slave trader who heard that there were wizards in this mountain. He spent money to buy many slaves and ordered them to build a castle for himself like a pharaoh.

It is said that the lake beside the town of Erin was originally a quarry for slaves, and later formed a lake.

No one in the town knew what happened in that castle. People only knew that the slave trader would add some new slaves every once in a while, but fortunately he didn't harass the nearby townspeople, so they lived in peace and became neighbors.

There were also learned men in this army, and he soon discovered from the information left by the castle owner's hasty departure that someone was doing evil experiments.

The contents of his experiments are many and complicated, including demon summoning and black magic, but what fascinates this slave trader most is a magic wand.

"The Department of Mysteries existed before the Ministry of Magic was established. At that time, they were managed by the Council of Wizards. The Council was not dissolved until 1707, the second year after the Battle of Turin. In ancient research materials, the mysterious The Department of Affairs found that wizards are born, they cannot be made, and sometimes some non-magic people will show the ability to perform magic, but this does not come from themselves, but from the wand." Severus in the hotel It was already lunch time, and there were diners all around, "the wand is used as a tool for performing magic, sometimes there is a little bit of magic left, but the power it outputs is random, uncontrolled, and says no. It will be released at some time, the Muggle slave trader found the wand of the dark wizard, he is like the Muggle king in Quack Rabbit, coveting magic, he believes that just learning spells and wielding a wand can become a wizard , he was lucky enough to hide his castle with the Concealment Curse and the Muggle Repelling Curse, and it happened that one of the knights was a squib. He entered the castle, brought the wand out and burned it, lost After the enchantment, the castle revealed its possessions, and the slave trader had to flee with his research."

"Where did he go?" Felix asked anxiously.

"Backyard." Severus looked at Felix with a malicious smile, "where the wizard used to keep his 'pets'."

"What happened to the knights?" asked Pomona.

"They bombarded the sinkhole with the cannon they brought, and the sound of the cannon rang in the valley for three days and three nights before it stopped. Gerard Rossi's great-great-great-grandfather was one of the recruits who were later recruited by the army nearby. When he reached the mountain, the battle was over, the knights were clearing the field, the castle was burning in flames, and in the sinkhole a huge monster was also burning, and the story ended." The old god Severus was in I had to take a sip of Tinder Beer to signal the end of the story.

"What do you mean?" Felix asked inexplicably.

"It's either dead or alive." Pomona said blankly, "Even if it didn't rot on the battlefield, it will rot in Paris when it returns."

Felix still didn't understand what Pomona was talking about.

To a 13-year-old child, it is difficult for her to explain the relationship between the French Revolution and the luxurious life of Louis XIV and XV.

Who would have thought? In the past eighty years, the French aristocrats with extraordinary martial arts have become wearing wigs, silk coats, thick face powder, and high heels. So delicate and cute.

The balls in the Palace of Versailles were held one after another. At the same time, because of the volcanic eruption and the reduction of food production, the civilians were starving. the original aristocratic class.

If Louis XVI can stay and establish a constitutional monarchy, neither he nor the queen will have to go to the guillotine.

"We are all going to die. We cannot choose our birth, but we can choose our own death. This is our last freedom. Euthanasia is legal in the UK."

"Don't tell the kids that," Pomona said wearily.

"Are you a child?" Severus asked, staring at Felix.

"No." Felix replied firmly.

"After this matter is over, if you are still alive, I will talk to you about 'salary'. Everyone's income should be determined according to their own ability. I think you also hope that your mother can live a better life." life, right?"

"Yes, sir," said Felix gravely.

"If it was the Middle Ages, 13 would be an adult." Severus looked down at the beer glass in his hand, not knowing who he was talking to, "It's time for him to start supporting his family."

Pomona looked at the two men, one big and one small, their expressions were exactly the same at the moment.

"Were any wizards involved in that war?" Pomona asked.

"I don't know, do you think the dissolution of the wizard council has anything to do with the Battle of Turin?"

In 1706, the Austrian Marshal Prince Eugen used a long-distance complex maneuver to break through numerous interceptions and rushed to the city of Turin, which was surrounded by the French army. Long French rule in northern Italy.

It was a battle that changed the world pattern. Before the International Law of Secrecy was promulgated in 1692, the relationship between wizards and Muggle high society was very close.

"I don't want to think about it that much," she said stupidly, before concentrating on eating the food on her plate.

"There are two women dueling over an idiot," Severus said indignantly.

Pomona didn't know whether he was talking about the Fountain of Fortune, the two witches fighting over the "knight," or the girl dueling over Sirius Black.

In short, he just felt that there were no girls fighting for him, and his mentality was unbalanced.

Pomona didn't bother to pay him any attention.

Because of this guy, she has no way to be friends with Lily, even though Lily is dead.

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