Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 259 The difference between fire dragons in the East and the West

Regulus Black kept half of the beef and left with the leg bone of the other half.

Back in the hall of Hogwarts, a dining table had already been set, and a full set of cutting tools were waiting.

Regulus Black put half of the beef leg into the plate, and immediately the knives and forks began to cut the beef automatically. The silver knives removed the beef bones. The meat was first cut into strips, and then into small pieces. piece.

When everyone got their plates, there were beef cubes of the same size piled in front of them in a large silver basin.

"You can take as much as you want first. You're welcome. It would be a pity if the Dragon's Breath BBQ has cooled down."

Regulus Black's words are certainly not nonsense. The cooling of the dragon's breath barbecue is equivalent to the loss of the magic power of the dragon's breath inside.

Therefore, delicacies must be eaten while they are hot, and Regulus Black himself took a lot of them with a spoon.

Everyone got a portion as much as they could eat, and when Hagrid came in at last, he rounded up the rest.

"You're welcome, are you all satisfied?"

Regulus Black looked towards

Regulus Black communicated with the Minister of Magic Fudge about how to deal with the Chinese fireball, and this fire dragon became the only exception among all the fire dragons that came here.

Every day, Regulus Black would bring a cow and give it to the Chinese Fireball to grill.

Gabrielle Delacour and Fleur Delacour, yes! There is also Harry Potter, who doesn’t seem to have a big appetite. Cedric has more than him. Among the remaining people, Madame Maxime is equal to the three Germans, and Hagrid eats half of everyone. .

"Thank you! That's all I can eat, Mr. Black."

Gabrielle shyly thanked Regulus. She had never had Dragon Breath BBQ before, and she never expected that she would be lucky enough to eat this delicacy when she followed her sister to Hogwarts.

"Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Black. I want to know why the Chinese Fireball reacted like this. Does that mean we can achieve our goal by negotiating terms with it during the game?"

Fleur was very curious, she was not her sister, and despite the temptation of delicious food, she still wanted to know the secret about the fire dragon.

"Ancient wisdom comes from communication. In their hometown, Chinese fireballs are worshiped by gods. They have a closer relationship with humans. They accept human offerings, prayers and contacts. They find that they can get food without effort, and After living better, they accepted this way of life, and even if human contact with them was interrupted, they would leave legends and records in the human world, and they would also look for opportunities to regain that way of life. ”

Regulus Black stopped his knife and fork to explain, and then continued to enjoy his food. Now it was everyone's turn to stop their knife and fork to think about the problem.

"Why should they, as fire dragons, enjoy being taken care of by humans?"

The two principals and Hagrid would not interrupt at this time. It would make them look ignorant and damage their image.

This question was raised by Krum. After all, as a fire dragon, he could live a free life without being like a pet. This kind of fire dragon was the fire dragon in his impression.

Naturally, such a fire dragon is a monster that humans are happy to conquer. This semi-mythical existence fell under the sword of humans. This is such a great achievement and an honor that will be remembered by future generations.

"The issue here involves the cultural differences between countries in the world."

Regulus Black had to stop his knife and fork again and swallow the piece of meat in his mouth.

"Eastern cultures are more tolerant. They will accept many things and ideas, and those mysterious beings that are harmless to them are considered a part of their world, so in order to appease these mysterious powers, they I don’t mind making exchanges. In Western civilization, myths and legends are more about conquest and slavery, and are full of provocative behaviors and thoughts, and they are euphemistically called freedom.”

Regulus Black's words were unacceptable to many people here, especially the two headmasters.

Seeing their angry expressions, Regulus Black was ready to argue with them.

"The civilization of the East can appease the fire dragon and continue for a long time. If this matter were placed in the West, I am afraid that a certain king would try his best to kill the fire dragon."

After finishing speaking, Regulus Black picked up the knife and fork and continued to eat. The beef cubes would cool down a little more slowly.

"I can't agree with you, Mr. Black! Don't you know how much damage fire dragons have done throughout history?"

Madame Maxime was not even ready to continue eating. Her position was untenable while she stayed here and ate Dragon's Breath BBQ.

"Madame Maxime! Are these the injuries you are talking about?"

Regulus Black held the knife and fork in his hand and made a gesture of spreading his hands. The food here is the delicacy that the Chinese fireball is willing to share, but if you want to get the Dragon Breath Barbecue from the mouth of the Western fire dragon, you must risk it. If your life is in danger, steal or rob.

Therefore, the gap between the East and the West is huge. It is not surprising that Regulus Black's words just now attacked the West's treatment of fire dragons.

Because since you choose to kill the fire dragon, the fire dragon will naturally respond by killing.

In fact, there are many wizards who have become friends with fire dragons in the wizarding world, and there are also wizards who understand dragon language. However, they have never thought about the relationship between the two like Regulus Black. Their good relationship with fire dragons remains the same. On a personal level.

"So! If we start to sacrifice these fire dragons and worship them as gods, will they communicate with us and be willing to share food?"

Gabrielle Delacour had finished her portion, put her knife and fork away, and raised a possibility.

"I'm sorry, little beauty, this is so unrealistic. Eastern culture worships and sacrifices fire dragons as gods. It's not really the reason why fire dragons share food. It's because they have taught fire dragons how to share food over a long period of time. To communicate, for humans, the life of a fire dragon is much longer. Without continuous generations of communication and goodwill, the fire dragon will not trust humans. "

Regulus Black couldn't bear to hurt this little girl.

"As long as there are people among humans who regard fire dragons as enemies, and even want to kill fire dragons to gain honor, as long as one generation of damage is done, fire dragons will no longer trust humans. They will regard humans as enemies, and then treat such people The information is passed on to their descendants. It takes 500 years for the first generation of fire dragons, and another 500 years for the second generation of fire dragons. After a thousand years, how many generations of humans have passed? "

Regulus Black gestured with his fingers, turning his hands and thousands of years passed by.

"Humans hurt fire dragons, and fire dragons hurt humans. As long as it starts, this matter will continue and become a permanent entanglement. The two parties will no longer be able to talk to each other, and communication will naturally be impossible."

Everyone present fell silent. It turns out that hurting each other is so simple and long-term. I am afraid that only when one of the parties disappears completely can such an entanglement end.

"But! But, we have dragons now! We have not completely eliminated the fire dragons. Instead, we have special dragon-raising areas around the world."

Hagrid had already finished his third. After being explained by Regulus Black, he had to express his thoughts. Fire dragons and wizards could still live in peace.

Regulus Black ignored Hagrid and motioned to everyone sitting here to finish eating before talking.

When everyone had finished eating, Regulus Black wiped his mouth.

"Hagrid! I believe you will be very good to fire dragons, but you have to know the difference. Why are we raising dragons now? Because fire dragons have become protected animals, they are rare in number, and their whole bodies are full of usable magic. Materials, this is why we protect them. By setting up an area to protect fire dragons, we show our control over them. This is a kind of arrogance when the wizard group has an absolute advantage. Fire dragons in such an environment will not An individual as intelligent as the Chinese fireball appears.”

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