Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 258 Chinese Fireball and Dragon Breath BBQ

Regulus Black said, walking towards the last fire dragon, ignoring the warnings of the surrounding Aurors.

This is a fire dragon with a lion-like face, wings like all Western dragons, and a circle of thorns around its head.

Although it was so different from the traditional Chinese dragon in Regulus Black's impression, it still made him feel homesick.

It has been four years since he traveled through the world of Harry Potter, and Regulus Black has never wanted to be Regulus again.

Different cultures, different backgrounds, even different world views.

Maybe we should go to China and see how different the world environment is from what we have in mind.

Thinking like this, Regulus Black leaned against the fire dragon and felt the breath of the fire dragon. It was a very strange smell of fireworks. This was the unique familiarity of Chinese fireballs. The fire dragon spit out It was not a flame, but a fireball, and it was accompanied by billowing smoke, so it got the name Chinese Fireball.

At the same time, the Chinese Fireball also has the highest IQ among all fire dragons and is very willing to communicate with people. In ancient times, the Chinese Fireball was worshiped as a god by the humans there.

"How did you get here?"

Regulus Black raised his head and met a pair of huge nostrils, but the Chinese fireball did not spray at him.

After hearing Regulus Black's question, the Chinese fireball actually raised its head in deep thought.


A dragon roar spread throughout the Forbidden Forest, and the Forbidden Forest suddenly became lively. The wizards standing here could hear it. The animals in the Forbidden Forest were roaring, seemingly echoing the dragon roar.

The Lord of all things, the King of all living beings, can definitely apply it to this Chinese fireball at this moment.

But for it, this is just a new arrival in your land, just saying hello to the indigenous people here.

"Uh huh... huh huh... huh huh!"

There was a regular sound in the chest of the Chinese Fireball, but no one could understand it. Only Regulus Black, who was leaning on the Chinese Fireball, understood the meaning of these sounds, because in addition to these sounds, there was also a sound. This spiritual power was conveyed to him, which was the message conveyed by the Chinese Fire Dragon.

It basically means that she came here voluntarily and is a free agent, or according to the Ministry of Magic of the Wizarding World, she was loaned from China, mainly to see the world and participate in activities as a proctor.

It has to be said that it is very interesting to hear that this Chinese fireball actually thinks that he is the invigilator.

At the same time, this Chinese fireball said that she was hungry! I hope that food can be provided here. Although the fire dragon can endure long-term hunger, it is best to have food.

"So that's it! Is one cow enough for you?"

Regulus Black took a step away and looked up at the dragon's head.

The Chinese Fireball flapped her tail very happily, which made the several Aurors behind her very nervous.

Regulus Black took out another cow. The living cow knelt down as soon as it saw the fire dragon. This was not obedience. It was paralyzed by the dragon's power.

"Careful! Mr. Black, stay back!"

An Auror suddenly issued a warning because the Chinese Fireball raised its head and inhaled. Usually, such an action would be followed by a large area of ​​dragon flames, which was also a very difficult problem for wizards.

However, knowing what this Chinese fireball was going to do, Regulus Black was naturally not nervous. He just waved his hand to stop the Aurors from overreacting and asked them to put down their wands.

A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of the Chinese Fireball's mouth, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of flame.

The spherical flame created a big pit directly in front of the Chinese Fireball. Then the Chinese Fireball made a move that surprised everyone. She pushed the cow into the big pit, and then directly covered the surrounding sand with it. Potholes.

The dragon flames that landed on the ground did not extinguish so quickly. After the sparks were no longer visible on the ground, the Chinese fire dragon carefully blew air towards the pit. The burned soil was blown away, revealing the charred and tender inside. cow.

Carefully pulling out the cow, the Chinese Fire Dragon placed the roasted whole cow in front of Regulus Black.

"You can take some, but not more than half."

The chest ringing of the Chinese fireball once again conveyed the message that this was clearly Regulus Black enjoying the Dragon's Breath BBQ together.

Barbecue made with dragon's breath is generally a risky act of snatching food from the dragon's mouth. Even the wizard has to be careful and watch the right time to snatch it, and he has to sneak away quickly.

Dragon's Breath BBQ has its own unique features, otherwise the wizard would not have to take risks and become a thief.

First of all, the taste is absolutely different, very fragrant, the aroma inside is hard to describe, and you can't forget it after eating it.

Secondly, this kind of barbecue has its own magic power. The magic power of the dragon's breath will be put into all the cells of the barbecue, which is a nourishing treasure.

"Then thank you for sharing. You don't need half as much. One leg is enough."

Regulus Black pulled out his wand, and the Chinese fire dragon looked at it with interest.

"Cleaned up! Shen Feng Wu Ying!"

Regulus Black first cleaned the sand and soil from the whole roasted cow, and then directly cut off a front leg of the cow.

"You have a good rest. As long as you are still here, I will send cows here every day."

Regulus Black used the levitating spell to take the cow's front legs away from the Chinese Fireball. This made all the Aurors relax. However, they did not use Dragon Sleep on the Chinese Fireball. This made the people here responsible The Auror didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Black, why not hypnotize this fire dragon! How will we work later?"

The responsible Auror immediately stopped Regulus, and the Ministry of Magic asked him to follow Regulus Black's arrangements. In the past few times, when he contacted the fire dragons, those fire dragons were knocked down by Regulus Black in a few blows. , but why didn’t we do it in the end? This is beyond comprehension.

"Chinese Fireballs are the most intelligent among all fire dragons. Their ancestors were worshiped as gods by humans there in ancient times. Therefore, Chinese Fireballs, an alternative branch of fire dragons, are more willing to communicate with humans than their other kind. More willing to share, you see she is willing to give me a share of her food, which is the best proof of sincerity.”

This hot beef leg exudes an alluring fragrance, and the dragon's breath magic flowing in it can benefit the wizard.

"I originally wanted to keep half of this leg to give the Auror on duty tonight..."

Regulus Black put on an expression that said, "I'm going to think about whether this is worth it."

As soon as he said this, the colleague in charge of the Auror had a different expression. If his captain offended the other party again, then the extra meal would be gone!

This is Dragon Breath BBQ. Except for the group of wizards who specialize in raising dragons, how can ordinary wizards have such a good thing?

An Auror pulled their captain, but there was no response!

Another Auror stepped forward and pushed him, but there was no response!

This is going to kill people! What else is there to consider! What is more important than the good taste of brothers!

The Auror who pushed him whispered and quickly explained and persuaded in the captain's ear.

"What do we do with this Chinese fireball?"

The responsible Auror captain was urged by his subordinates and had no choice but to ask Regulus Black with a long face.

After all, someone has to resist this matter. Someone will take the blame if something goes wrong, and the blame must be passed on to Regulus Black.

"Let her go wherever she wants. Before sending her back, don't be too careful about the Chinese fireball. She won't do anything inappropriate."

Regulus Black turned his head and looked in the direction of the Chinese fireball.

"Am I right? Friend!"

"Hum hum!"

The Chinese Fireball was slowly eating the roasted whole beef, and when he heard Regulus Black's question, he made a sound of agreement.

Obviously, this Chinese Fireball can understand the conversations of wizards. Coupled with her own strength, the Chinese Fireball will be more difficult to deal with than other fire dragons.

But the Chinese Fireball has shown such a cooperative attitude. Do you wizards have the nerve to guard the prisoner and stare at her like that?

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