"Who do you mean?"

Looking at the slightly shy tone of this ghost that had existed for a thousand years, Lewis knew that this guy was the love left behind by one of the four founders.

"Huh, forget it, it's been such a long time. People of our era should have been buried long ago." Nelida Vokanova smiled, but did not reveal her true thoughts to Louis.

"It's you, I'm very curious. Why are you, a Hogwarts student, coming to my Durmstrang ruins?" She stared at Louis with interest, "It's not because you heard some rumors. Come and get the inheritance of our school. If this is the case, I’m afraid you will be disappointed.”

"This is the ruins of Durmstrang?"

Louis looked around. It did look like an ancient building destruction community, but such a small place was actually the place where Durmstrang's dream began.

"Yes, I founded the school here." Volkanova looked around with pride, "It was in Bulgaria at that time. After more and more students were recruited, we decided to change the school to Scandinavia. During the relocation process, we moved the entire old campus and placed it under the new campus as a memorial.”

"Of course, this secret is known only to principals and individual teachers throughout the ages."

Looking at these ruins, Louis only felt the ravages of time. After thousands of years of hard work, the school's original appearance has become what it is today.

"Hey, you've gone all the way here to ask this, right?"

"Senior, I just want something here today." Louis' tone was sincere. He felt there was no need to lie in front of a ghost with thousands of years of experience.

"I heard that there are magic items under your school that I need that can solve the blood curse problem."

Volkanova was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Louis to be so honest, and then she sighed.

"Are you going to save your friend?"

"Well, she's one of the most important people in my life."

"The most important person..." Volkanova laughed at herself, "If I had the same thoughts as you back then, I don't think I would be in this situation now."

"Do you know why there are no other ghosts in Durmstrang?"

"The specific reason is not very clear, but I heard from the students that Nordic wizards hate ghosts..." Louis told Vokanova what he learned from Krum.

"It's a good excuse, but this is not the real situation." Volkanova looked at the ceiling as if remembering something.

"Because my existence cannot tolerate the birth of other ghosts, and foreign ghosts cannot survive in Durmstrang."

"Are you also a super ghost?" Louis' first reaction was to think of the special existence of this ghost family.

"Super ghost? No, no, no..." Volkanova quickly denied, "If I were a super ghost, I wouldn't be trapped here. My current state is just an ordinary ghost."

"Then why?..."

Volkanova did not answer him. She only made one movement, swooping down with her entire body, and then quickly passed through Louis' body.

"Feel it?"

Louis only felt a wave of energy flowing back throughout his body, and then that power disappeared without a trace as Volkanova penetrated it.

"Other ghosts don't feel this way. You should know that they won't feel anything when they pass through your body."

This was indeed the case, especially when he attended Nick's death anniversary party. Although the gathering of a large number of ghosts brought about a general drop in temperature, those ghosts did not give Louis any physical touch at all.

"Do you know how wizards become ghosts after they die?"

"Hmm... is it caused by obsession?" Lewis thought for a while, "They are afraid of death and linger on the world. Only when their obsession is too strong will they turn into ghosts."

"But at the same time, they can no longer step into reincarnation and become a new life."

"Yes, you are worthy of being a student of Hogwarts." Vokanova looked very appreciative.

"However, not all ghosts are like this. I was too obsessed with power back then, which led to what I am like now."

Louis did not interrupt. He discovered that there might be another hidden reason for Volkanova's mysterious death a thousand years ago.

"I was born in a Muggle village where everyone hates wizards. They regard wizards as aliens. Such villages are very common in Bulgaria."

"Whenever someone develops any special ability, he will be regarded as a wizard by the entire village and be burned at the stake. So when my bloodline awakened, I hid to prevent others from discovering it."

Village? wizard? little girl?

Louis remembered something, the story of the mural told by the door. . .

"Yes, that was the story of my childhood, but it was not true." Volkanova sighed, "When the goblins were slaughtering the village, I did not help the Muggles out of selfishness. And to protect myself I ran away.”

"From then on iu, I have been obsessed with the word 'friend'. I have never had true feelings for a person. I just pursued magic to the extreme until I met him..."

"Well, this is not an important thing. What is important is that shortly after he disappeared, I was immersed in the pursuit of power. High-end magic research will always have power leaked. I founded Durmstrang One of the reasons is just to cover up my magical research."

Volkanova did not say who the man was who brought about a change in her life. Maybe she felt there was no need to tell a junior about her love and hatred at that time.

"Later, by chance, I got an ancient spell scroll. It marked the scroll about ghost magic, and there was a disc-shaped thing along with the scroll."

"The ancient ghost magic brought me only one message, that is beyond death."

"Beyond death..."

The impact of these four words on Louis was shocking. What is the concept of transcending death? It is the true master of death. It represents what many people dream of, eternal life.

"My research reached its extreme in the end, but I didn't expect that the final meaning of transcending death would be like this."

The body was annihilated, and the soul gained eternal life. On the one hand, Volkanova did it.

But the price is that she will be trapped here forever.

"I was only half successful with that spell, which created a large-scale magic field in Durmstrang. Ordinary wizards can't feel this field at all. Only ghosts can sense it. And because of the existence of such fields, It’s too domineering to give birth to new ghosts here.”

"I can't get out of here either. So when you just said that you want to save someone who is extremely important to you, I was very envious. Because you have someone who cares about you, and she also cares about you. At least for you, life It makes sense.”

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