Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 328 Durmstrang Ruins (Part 2)

Swimming along the light, he seemed to see the legendary Water Curtain Cave. At the other end of the door is a door curtain composed of a layer of water curtain.

Louis reached out to touch it, but there was no obstacle as expected, and his hands passed through the water curtain naturally.

He paused for a while, and after confirming that there was really no safety problem, he slowly moved forward. Without the resistance of the water, his feet stepped on solid ground. He raised his head and looked forward. What he saw was an endless large stone staircase nearly five meters wide.

The light from the front shines around the stairs. Judging from the cracks in the stone, it seems that this place has existed for at least a thousand years.

"Mr. Lius? Mr. Lius?"

Louis called the old man's name in his mind, but it seemed that he had lost all contact with the outside world, including everything in the Eternal Stone. The only thing he could rely on now was the vine wand he still carried.

Slowly moving forward along the stairs, Louis could feel an invisible pressure that seemed to be crushing his soul. With every step forward, the stairs at the bottom would light up as if they were glowing.

When he reached a hundred steps, the pressure was almost crushing his whole body. Suddenly, the picture in front of him collapsed, and an extreme light fell from the sky and shone on Louis. He only felt his eyes go blank, and it felt like he was teleporting using a portkey. Of course, the portkey was made through a simple space magic spell and had only a single effect. This was obviously an extremely advanced space magic.

The feeling of weightlessness lasted for a minute. When he returned to solid ground again, he found that he was in a huge cave.

The reason why it is called a cave is that it is surrounded by barriers composed of natural boulders, which are uneven in appearance. Looking at it, there is not enough visible light in the entire scene, and there are only scattered torches shining around.

He followed the lights and groped around, hoping to get some clues. Soon, he discovered some murals and writings on those rock walls that he could not understand at all.

This should not belong to any writing system known today, but in terms of shape, it is a bit like ancient magic runes.

What the mural shows is a tragic heroic story. A girl with magical powers was neglected and abused by the tribesmen, thinking that she was the star of disaster. However, this tribe full of Muggles one day encountered a magical force. The world was invaded by monsters, and the legendary green dwarf Goblin slaughtered innocent people in the village at night. At this time, the little girl stepped forward. She showed no fear in the face of beings several times taller than her body. The magic power in her body erupted, and she single-handedly eliminated the threat from another world, but she also paid for it with her own life.

The mural ends here, and what is in front of Louis is an irregular hole in the shape of a diamond for only one person.

"What kind of place is this?"

He lay on the ground and looked forward, and suddenly found that there were gaps between the stones blocking him.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Before he had time to think about it, the magic beam followed the wand and struck the stone. The strong explosion immediately shattered the gravel into pieces.

Crossing the rubble on the ground, he saw an extremely huge room in front of him.

There is a ray of sunlight shining down in the center of the room. It is now afternoon in Demster time, and the sunlight is not that bright.

The surrounding area is full of broken stone walls and ruins, extremely irregularly scattered around. Some of the broken stone pillars have long been weathered by the sharp blade of time, but you can imagine what a glorious holy place this once was.

In the place where the sun shines, large green plants have begun to grow. In the center of the green plants, there is a white marble coffin.

This scene reminded Louis of the tragedy that would happen at Hogwarts two years later. The greatest white wizard of the generation was lying like this, unable to escape the cycle of death.

"When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you."

Louis read the epitaph on the inscription. The person lying here had been dead for a long time, but this sentence seemed to have been engraved recently.

"Nelida Vokanova."

The year of birth and death is unknown, but in Louis' memory, this Bulgarian witch was the founder of Durmstrang. She achieved great fame throughout her life and left many legendary stories in the world, but in the end she met a mysterious death.

Durmstrang then entered its first dark period, quickly taken over by Halfonmont. Durmstrang, who was under his command, was martial and aggressive, leaving a not very good reputation among the outside world.

At that time, people suspected that it was Harfang who had done something to Nelida.

However, Lewis was not interested in the grudges and grudges from thousands of years ago. What he cared about was what Dumbledore said could save Astoria.

"What else is here?"

His eyes looked around, and just when his hands left the tombstone, the coffin board lying on the ground suddenly moved.

This caught Louis off guard, and he immediately held his only self-defense weapon in front of his chest. However, nothing happened. The scenes I had seen in movies in my previous life, and the story of piles of rotting bodies resurrected and crawling out of coffins, only existed in movies.

Just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief and continue looking for clues, a slightly gentle female voice rang in his ears:

"The little guy is quite brave."

"Who's there?"

"It's on top of you."

Louis looked up and saw a transparent ghost like a witch above. She looked like an Eastern European.

"Little brother, what are you looking at?"

The female ghost floated in front of Lewis. The scantily clad look made Lewis blush a little and his heart beat. However, he quickly calmed down because he knew that the ghost in front of him was probably not an old monster that had existed for thousands of years, and was much bigger than Hogwart. The ghost time of the four major colleges in Ci is longer.

"You little brother is different from other men."

The female ghost wandered around him, with admiration in her eyes.

"Are you Nellie Davokanova?"

"Oh? I didn't expect my little brother to be quite smart." Volkanova smiled, floated to her tombstone, and sat down with her legs crossed.

"After waiting for nearly a thousand years, I didn't expect that a little British boy would be waiting for me. Are you also from Durmstrang?"

"I am not from Durmstrang, I come from Hogwarts." Louis said, he did not intend to deceive the founder of Durmstrang.

"Hogwarts?" Nelida was a little shocked. She didn't expect that this teenage boy would come from such a far away place.

"By the way, you said you were from Hogwarts. How is he?"

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