Hermione blushed and was silent for a moment, then suddenly closed the book, stretched out her hand and took the initiative to pull Wilkes for the first time, in front of Harry and them, walking quickly outside, almost dragging Wilkes.

Harry and Ron froze in place, not knowing what had happened.

Wilkes, who was dragged away, was also a little confused.

When did Hermione change, he used to take the initiative to pull her, although it was mainly with a teasing mentality, but this…

Along the way, Wilkes was dragged by Hermione, who had a red face in front of him, and was pulled to the grass outside Hogwarts Castle.

“What’s the situation?!” Wilkes looked around stupidly, then took another step back and looked left and right at Hermione.

It’s no different from the past?

Wilkes touched Hermione’s forehead with an uneasy hand, with a strange look: “Hermione, do you have a fever?” ”

“That…” Rarely, ignoring Wilkes’ hand on her forehead, Hermione lowered her head, squeezed the book in her hand, and whispered

“That day… Did you see anything…”

Wilkes was stunned.

Immediately, he recalled yesterday, Hermione was surrounded by trolls in the bathroom, when he first used the “Pillar of Fire” to directly kill two trolls in seconds, entered the bathroom, and then opened the door of the compartment…

Thinking of this, Wilkes trembled, and his nose was slightly hot.

“How did I forget this stubble.” Wilkes understood what Hermione meant, it turned out that she was saying…

No, you can’t admit it to death!

Wilkes had a puzzled expression on his surface: “Huh? What are you talking about, why can’t I understand ?? ”

He is not stupid, of course he will not say stupidly, fortunately, in the original overturned alley, Wilkes has long practiced his “acting skills”, and he is completely comfortable with pretending to be “dementia”.

It took Hermione a moment to muster up the courage to raise her head and stare at Wilkes to tell if he was lying, and finally, she breathed a sigh of relief and didn’t see Wilkes’ pretense.

But being stared at by Wilkes pretending to be puzzled, Hermione felt flustered in her heart, and began to explain hastily:

“Nothing, nothing, it’s just that one of my things may have been lost that day, and it’s nothing.”

“By the way, the Slytherin and Gryffindor Quidditch match will start later, or we’ll go watch it.” Hermione was a little flustered, and pushed Wilkes in a panic.

“Uh… Uh-uh. Wilkes looked helpless, so he had to be pushed behind by Hermione, half-pushing and half-pushing all the way to the Quidditch match.

Wilkes didn’t even know how he got into the audience at the Quidditch venue.

He was full of cows in his heart, he just wanted to go to the library and check the potions book on how to use the troll parts to refine which potions, was it so difficult?

Wasted a morning by Snape in the morning, and now pulled by Hermione again, what Quidditch game to watch here?

Can I watch this game?

Isn’t it just a group of people riding a broom and playing ball?

Wilkes’ most hated subjects and sports, one is flying lessons, the other is Quidditch games.

There is no point of interest and knowledge, if it is not to try to see if he can trigger the system, on weekdays, he doesn’t even want to go to flying lessons, riding a broom every day, is he the only one who feels “huh”?

Of course, although he doesn’t like riding a broomstick, his flying lessons have always been the best.

The game was ready, the professors were in the audience, and the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams appeared one after another, flying around on broomsticks.

Wilkes, on the other hand, was bored, lying on the fence, looking around casually, but thinking about what books he needed to borrow when he went to the library.

He didn’t want to rashly let Snape refine the only potions he knew, or make the most of it as much as possible.

“That is… Wait, not good! Wilkes’s mind was full of thoughts, his eyes scanned casually, but he suddenly found a person, and he suddenly felt confused.

Sit in the audience directly opposite.

A little girl with a cute lion hood is staring at this side with light eyes, or rather herself, and her hands are constantly pinching a strange necklace hanging around her neck.

It’s Luna.

Wilkes recognized it at a glance, his body froze, his heart was not good, he unconsciously moved towards Hermione, the corners of his mouth smiled unnaturally, and looked over.

But at this time, Hermione found that Wilkes suddenly leaned to the side, away from herself, and subconsciously leaned over again, her head lowered, and her side face was unconsciously red.

Sensing the movement beside him, the corners of Wilkes’ eyes twitched.

“How come I’ve never seen you so sensible!” Wilkes shouted inwardly.

Usually, if this were the case, he estimated that he would have hooked up, but Wilkes hurriedly looked at the opposite audience at the moment.

Luna, who was sitting in the opposite audience, didn’t seem to see Wilkes at the moment, and her usual eyes were still wandering, looking at the arena.

It’s just that her clumsy acting skills can’t fool Wilkes.

Wilkes keenly noticed that Luna’s wandering eyes looked at his position from time to time.

Only those who really know Luna know that she cares about this behavior.

“Could it be that it’s not easy to go out today, why are you so unlucky?” Wilkes lay on the railing, half-covering his face.

First he was called by Snape to “interrogate” early in the morning, then he was pulled by Hermione to “interrogate”, and finally he was brought here again, and he happened to run into Luna!

Or that’s normal, because today is the first Quidditch game of the school year, so basically everyone will come to see Quidditch.

“Could it be that I ran out of luck last night?”

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