Sure enough, as Wilkes expected, early the next morning, when he wanted to go to the Hogwarts library to check books on potions, he was grabbed by Snape by the shoulder and taken to the “little black room”.

“Professor Snape, I need to say it several times, I have been in the common room all night and it is not clear what you are talking about.” Wilkes said calmly, but superficially innocently.

“Yes… Is it. Snape’s cold eyes revealed serious suspicion.

Last night’s such a big movement occurred outside the Forbidden Forest, and it was impossible to cover up, and it was natural that it was discovered.

Looking at Wilkes with doubts in his eyes, Snape almost subconsciously felt that he had made a mistake this time, after all, he was only a first-year student.

“Nope! Wrong! It must have something to do with him! Snape suddenly said secretly, staring at Wilkes with a more skeptical look.

Wilkes was no ordinary first-year student, and he couldn’t be fooled by his innocent appearance.

“Cunning little fox.” Snape gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, but there was nothing he could do.

The professors attached great importance to last night’s incident, and all the professors were shocked that night, and went to the Forbidden Forest overnight to check on the site.

I don’t know if I don’t look, but I’m shocked when I look at it!

It’s like a big war has just ended, hundreds of eight-eyed giant spiders, all the size of horses, the remains of severed limbs are spread over a hundred meters, and the black crushed area is full of corpses!

Hundreds of eight-eyed giant spiders!

Even the well-informed professors were taken aback, although they knew that there were eight-eyed giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest, they didn’t know that there were so many!

And just here are dead, at a cursory glance, no less than three hundred.

At first, the professors also thought that this was a fight within the eight-eyed giant spider, after all, the brutality of the eight-eyed giant spider, and even sometimes devoured the notoriety of the same kind, was widely known throughout the wizarding world.

In this way, the scene in front of you is not unexplainable.

In addition, Wilkes had swept away all traces before leaving, and none of the eight-eyed giant spiders who died here were killed by magic, which proves this.

However, only Snape, who was a potions master, noticed a little, and his eyes revealed jealousy.

That is, all the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider has been collected!

This is impossible, even if the eight-eyed giant spider fights, it is impossible for hundreds of eight-eyed giant spiders to leave no venom, which is obviously collected by someone.

But if it is artificial, then all this is unusual.

These are hundreds of eight-eyed giant spiders!

“What method did it take to kill them without leaving a trace…” Looking at Wilkes in front of him, Snape kept thinking about this, a question that bothered him for a night.

From the beginning, Snape had a hunch that this matter must have something to do with Wilkes!

“I said Professor Snape, if it’s okay, I’ll go first, Hermione also made an appointment with me if something happened, don’t waste time here.” Wilkes urged the gloomy Snape.

But the smile blossomed inside.

He liked to watch Snape try to deal with him, but there was nothing he could do.

Snape took a long breath before he took a deep breath and roared indifferently, “I hope you can always keep your tail out, Mr. Wilkes.” ”


Saying that, Snape grabbed Wilkes’s shoulder, threw it out of his potions room, and closed the door with a “touch”.

Wilkes stood outside the door, shrugged his shoulders, and walked away, heading towards the first floor of Hogwarts Castle.

As for the library, he planned to go back in the afternoon, he was tossed by Snape, it was almost noon, and when Hermione returned to the common room last night, it seemed that he had something to find him at noon, so he should go to Hermione first.

At this time, Hermione was usually reading in the lobby on the first floor.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived in the hall, Wilkes saw Hermione, who was flipping through a “heavy” book.

But Wilkes frowned, not because of the book, but at this time there were two people sitting across from Hermione, who seemed to be talking to her.

“Ron and… Harry. Wilkes recognized the pair at a glance.


“Hermione, what happened to you last night?” Harry, who was sitting across from Hermione, with short black hair and long eyebrows, asked Hermione with concern.

Ron, who was next to him with red hair and freckles on his face, looked jealous and said sarcastically: “I guess I’m hanging out with that Wilkes again.” ”

“They’re always together, I really can’t see anything good about him.”

Seeing Hermione and Harry suddenly look at him at the same time, Ron’s tone decreased, and he muttered, “Isn’t what he said wrong?”

“Teng”, then Hermione suddenly stood up, startling Ron and Harry.

“Wilkes!” Hermione subconsciously called out, she had seen Wilkes walking here.

But after calling, Hermione blushed, looked at Ron and Harry, who were sitting opposite her, and slowly sat down again, feeling herself… It seems to be a little impulsive.

Wilkes walked over, smiling, and on the way only glanced at Harry and Ron again, then stopped paying attention to them and ignored them.

Harry Potter before, in order to test whether it would trigger the system, but he had contacted it a few times, but the results were self-evident.

From then on, he didn’t bother to talk to Harry.

Even a system can’t be triggered, what kind of contact.

As for Ron?

Wilkes didn’t bother to put his energy into him, which would only make him feel like he had a presence.

If it weren’t for the fact that in Wilkes’ eyes, they were just a group of children who hadn’t grown up, otherwise Wilkes would have punished him just by saying bad things about himself behind his back several times.

Wilkes ignored Ron’s jealous gaze and calmly sat down next to Hermione.

“Hermione, last night you seemed to say that something was looking for me, what the hell was going on.” Wilkes straddled the stool and stared at Hermione with one hand on his chin in interest.

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