Hardcore crisis

Chapter 91 The second person (second update)

Chapter 91

If you choose to do it, keep doing it.

The third test question is completely different from the psychological test questions that Zeyue Dongchuan has seen before. There is no written description. It is all about the composition of various weird patterns, and then uses it to choose ABCD. In other words, just Choose a self-perception topic.

So, should you choose a true psychological answer, or should you deliberately mislead the other party?

Zeyue Dongchuan thought for a while and sneered. Even if he chose according to his true thoughts, would he be able to tell anything?

And then...he chose the wrong answer without hesitation.

There were thirty options in total, and Zeyue Dongchuan finished them in a short while. He was waiting for the next question.

But after more than a minute, when there was no change in the entire page, Zeyue Dongchuan was confused. He didn't know whether there was a problem with the website server or some other reason. He pressed F5 to refresh it, and the result page was 404, no more. Can't find it.

How is this going?

The whole thing seems to have no beginning or end. I don’t know why the other party came, and I don’t know what the other party got. It just lost its traces. Even though Zeyue Dongchuan had already imagined many endings, he never expected it to be like this. the result of.

So much so that he was stunned for a long time before he settled down and started searching using the website address and the email address he had just received.

One day later, thousands of miles away from Japan in the East China Sea, Lu Yuan grabbed the whiteboard and pasted a printed photo of a person on it again, with the label "Zawatsu Dongchuan" next to it.

This Sawue Togawa is very interesting. Among the fifteen people who passed the first test question, although he is not the youngest, he is definitely the one with the most unusual personality.

Zeyue Dongchuan has personality disorder! And potentially anti-social!

After collecting a batch of information from Zeyue Dongchuan, this batch of information was passed. Lu Yuan could see the growth trajectory of Sawue Togawa, which seemed to be just the growth record of an ordinary Japanese high school student. However, he flipped through this guy's computer and found some interesting photos... all from the past two years. The deceased in an accident that occurred near the Zeetsu Dongchuan campus.

Based on Zeyue Dongchuan's past Internet browsing records and speeches, Lu Yuan discovered. This ordinary high school student has a very high level of intelligence and is obviously one of the geniuses. But why is it that for such a genius, his grades in school are not outstanding, or even a bit average?

Although the family relationship seems to be harmonious, a hint of indifference can be seen in his words. And the disregard for human life...

Very good, highly intelligent, self-study in many college courses in high school, and may have killed six people through accidents in the past two years. But he didn't leave any clues. This guy's methods were much more powerful than Lu Yuan's.

Without the help of drugs and Sonny, Lu Yuan felt inferior to Zeyue Dongchuan.

Such a guy. According to the normal life trajectory, I am afraid that I will easily be admitted to the medical school of Kyoto or Tokyo University in the future. Then continue to display your unique killing techniques on a broader stage, right?

Think about it, becoming a respected doctor but secretly killing countless people. This guy definitely has the potential to become a pervert.

Well, according to ordinary people's opinion, Saetsu Dongchuan is now a pervert with a personality defect. He has no mercy and no emotions. He regards everyone except him as uncivilized monkeys... Although both parties have intellectual differences. The difference is basically the same.

However, intelligence is not the factor that Lu Yuan likes and chooses. To be honest, there are too many human beings. There are more intelligent beings than this guy, not to mention there are as many as carps crossing the river. If you deliberately look for them, they are not too big. Hard to see. The intelligence of some talented people who have been or are still active in the scientific research community is compared with ordinary people. That is the real despair that makes people feel like the abyss of despair.

What attracts Lu Yuan is his psychology.

Lu Yuan is looking for talents with intelligence and high education, and they are easy to get. Good treatment and conditions are the biggest attraction to these people.

However, certain talents with special characteristics are hard to come by.

Lu Yuan had no doubt that when the crisis caused by the USB flash drive was placed in front of Zeyue Dongchuan, the first thought of a person like him was not fear or fear, but excitement that could not be concealed. This kind of person is not born with The kind of people who follow the rules of life for ordinary people.

"Zeyue Dongchuan, Zeyue Dongchuan..."

With this name in his mouth, Lu Yuan immediately looked at the second person's name.

Park Min Wook!

This is also a very special talent, and his identity is particularly special.

"Park Minxu, you are in quite a lot of trouble now."

His eyes lingered on Park Minxu's photo for a while. Lu Yuan seemed to remember something, and a smile appeared on his face, "There are still ten minutes left, don't let me down."

37°33 North Latitude, 126°58 East Longitude, Seoul, South Korea

At 22:45 at night, in a rental house on a certain street in Eunpyeong District, Park Min-wook took a sip of Jinro soju and looked at the words displayed on the screen, hesitating in his heart.

"Park Minwook, your time is running out, please make up your mind as soon as possible."

This line of text was very small, but when it was displayed on the laptop screen, Park Minxu hesitated.

He didn't know whether to believe what this man said...but it was probably true. It had been ten years, a full ten years, and maybe his family had already been unfortunate.

He had expected it. When he saw the message left by his companion a week ago, Park Minxu realized that something was wrong.

He is loyal, and he has been able to prove this loyalty for ten years, but it is in vain. He thought that the motherland had forgotten him, but he did not expect that the motherland had indeed not forgotten him. Therefore, after the companion who had stayed here for seventeen years disappeared, Park Minxu was prepared in his heart.

But...he wasn't willing to give in.

ten years!

How many decades can a person’s life last?

After making the ultimate sacrifice for the motherland, why? Why do you even have to deal with your own family members?

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out at all.

Holding the bottle neck tightly, Park Minxu showed a ferocious look on his face and slammed the bottle against the wall.


The wine bottle shattered with the sound, and the explosion immediately caused shouts and curses to be heard from next door.


The cell phone rang suddenly, echoing in the silent room.

Park Minxu's drunken eyes suddenly changed, and his focused gaze fell on the phone. After hesitating for a moment, he picked it up.

"Park Min-wook..."

When Park Minxu heard the low tone coming from the mobile phone, he understood that it was the voice after going through a voice changer.

"Who are you?" Park Minxu responded calmly.

"It doesn't matter who I am... What matters is that you have thought it through?"

"My affairs have nothing to do with you."

"It has nothing to do with me, but are you really willing to surrender? You have to think clearly, people from the north will not be merciful... You are the one who knows their methods and handling methods best."


"What? Are you willing to say goodbye to the good life you have now? Are you willing to go to hell to see each other like your family?"

The person on the other side of the phone was mocking him with the utmost malice, as if he just wanted to see Park Minxu gritting his teeth.

"I have nothing to say to you..."

Not threatened by anyone, not even your own life. Park Minxu was about to hang up the phone when the other party suddenly said: "You have ten minutes... they will be here soon."

"Beep..." The other party took the first step and hung up the communication.

ten minutes!

Park Minxu's expression changed, and he quickly stood up and walked to the window, gently opened the curtains, and looked out.

The quiet streets of the town are not as lively as the city center. As it approaches 23:00 in the evening, many residents of the town are already lying in bed. If you glance around, you won't see anyone walking on the street at home.

However, Park Minxu will not be careless in the slightest. He is very aware of his own people's ability to move. Maybe those people are coming where he is not paying attention.

Erase, deal with, leave!

These are the three stages of how North Korean intelligence agencies deal with betrayers, and they are the way Seoul hates them.

ten minutes?

Should I believe what this mysterious man says?

Since yesterday's test question, everything has become very different. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: There are two more updates in the evening

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