Hardcore crisis

Chapter 90 Title (first update)

It's weird, really weird.

It is obviously a simple block diagram composed of red and black. Looking from left to right, it is not a very complicated composition, but it seems to have a seductive and insatiable feeling that makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Shocked, Zeyue Dongchuan realized something was wrong.

Psychogenic hallucination!

This picture actually stimulates people's brains and causes hallucinations!

Zeyue Dongchuan himself studied the human body deeply. After reacting, he naturally knew what he had just encountered. The human body is a very complex creature. In particular, human consciousness is divided into levels, including high and low levels of consciousness and subconsciousness. Certain special sounds, languages, and patterns can suggest and stimulate the human brain's subconscious mind, causing pain, nausea, and hallucinations. It is a method of hypnosis.


When he realized this, it was difficult for this picture to have an impact on Zeyue Dongchuan. Instead, it aroused his strong interest. After thinking about it, he connected to the Internet and browsed in the sandbox state. The network address for image delivery is entered into the server.

The screen flashed, and a new website refreshed. Under the completely black page, there was only an animation of envelope paper hanging below. Zeyue Dongchuan moved the mouse to the envelope paper, and a line of words immediately appeared: Welcome to take the test, please prepare. Ok? YES,NO.

You have entered the address according to the website address, of course you must choose YES!

Clicking YES without hesitation, the page in front of you changed again, and a photo appeared.

On a very ordinary grassland, there were several wild horses grazing with their heads lowered. The blue sky and white clouds made it a leisurely scene.

Zeyue Dongchuan frowned. Before he could observe it carefully again, the picture was automatically changed to another one. This time it was a fruit basket filled with bananas, apples, strawberries and other fruits.

After another automatic change, it turned into a dozen pictures of various animals playing and playing. It automatically changed and became the street scene with the largest number of people.

There was no time for people to think carefully, and each picture was given a maximum of two seconds for Saetsu Togawa. It will automatically switch to the next one. If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely be confused and don't understand what the hell test question this is.

Zeyue Dongchuan smiled coldly, already understanding what kind of test question this was.

Thirty photos, sixty seconds in total!

After converting the photos, a line of words slowly emerged: May I ask about the items in the seventeenth photo and the twenty-first photo. Which sentence goes together?


Sawuetsu Higashikawa was startled for a moment, then his thoughts moved, he typed a line in the answer box: "Rain だれ、石をうがつ" (water drops penetrate stone)

The seventeenth picture is of a rainy street, while the twenty-first picture is of a viewing rock.

In addition to testing your strong instant memory, this question needs to be completed within sixty seconds. In addition to memorizing thirty pictures with complex information, you must also have expanded association skills.

Not many people in the world can answer this question alone because the requirements for instant memory are too high. Without knowing the problem, you must remember all the details of each picture. And often just the information contained in a photo is enough to make people remember it for a long time, not to mention the sixty seconds within the prescribed time!

But this is nothing to Zeyue Dongchuan. Human beings themselves are divided into high and low levels, as they grow older. Sawue Higashikawa understood more and more that if he was a man standing at the top of the food chain, then the rest of the human race was just a group of monkeys.

"The answer is correct, let's move on to the next question!"

The page changed, showing that Zeyue Dongchuan answered the question correctly and began to enter the second test question.

"start end."

Under the two buttons, it shows that after pressing Start, if the page changes color, click "End" immediately.

"A test of neural reaction speed?"

Zeyue Dongchuan was thoughtful, what on earth did the person who asked this question want to do? From the current point of view, the two test questions before and after do not look like normal test questions.

Without saying anything else, Zeyue Dongchuan put the mouse on the start button, clicked it lightly, and then placed it on the "end" button, waiting for the background color to change.


In the blink of an eye, the background color suddenly changed, so fast that people couldn't react in time.


The sound of Zeetsu Dongchuan's mouse click was completed just as the background color changed.


The time displayed on the page did not surprise Zeyue Dongchuan.

He is such an outstanding human being, occupying the top level of human beings. It is not strange to have such achievements, but a matter of course.

But the scene that changed on the page immediately made Zeyue Dongchuan, who had been calm just now, immediately change his color.

From top to bottom, names one to fifteen suddenly occupied the entire screen. Although he didn't say anything, Zeyue Dongchuan saw his name, yes, his real name, appeared in the seventh place.

And the first place, the score is 0.085!

Is this, is this still human?

No wonder Zeyue Dongchuan's expression changed. He never expected that there would be six people ahead of him, especially the first one. The score of 0.085 was really terrifying to the extreme.

Shocked by this, Zeyue Dongchuan immediately shifted his attention to the other side.

Behind each person, there is a nationality mark.

"Poland, Austria, China, the United States, South Korea, Russia, Japan..."

"Worldwide? In other words, at least fifteen people have passed the previous test?"

Fifteen people? There are fifteen excellent humans like him?

Zeyue Dongchuan gritted his teeth, bloodthirsty impulses emerged in his mind, and the desire to immediately find all the people ranked above him and then kill them all kept stimulating him.

Fortunately, his good psychological control ability allowed Zeyue Dongchuan to quickly calm down. Whether he admits it or not, there cannot be only one genius among the seven billion humans in the world. There are bound to be thousands of people similar to him hidden among the crowd. similar.

Yes, these people are the same kind, the rest are just monkeys.

But...why does my real name appear on it?

This should never be right. If your real name appears, could it be that your identity information has been mastered by the person who sent this email?

This is what really shocked Zeyue Dongchuan. Is this email sent in a targeted manner?

Who is targeting me?

Why is the identity revealed?

Is someone familiar making a joke to me? Or is it for other reasons?

The most important thing is, my identity has been exposed, do I still want to continue this test?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind quickly. Just as Zeyue Dongchuan was measuring it in his mind, the page began to change automatically again, and the third test question appeared immediately.

"Please select the following pattern."

Strange colors, weird backgrounds, triangular and circular patterns are displayed under these backgrounds. The four options ABCD represent four different patterns, and I don’t know what they mean.

Although the question did not give a specific explanation, Zeyue Dongchuan pondered for a while and made some guesses.

This question should involve a psychological test.

Memory, reaction, psychology, three questions test the three factors of the selected person. For the first question alone, only a few people in the world can pass, and for the second question, the 15th person with the slowest reaction speed , also 0.14, which is also beyond what ordinary people can achieve.

As for the third question, do you want to continue the defense?

Zeyue Dongchuan hesitated rarely and did not move the mouse for a long time. The fact that his identity information was exposed really made him feel hesitant. He wondered if this involved some kind of conspiracy.

He felt a hint of danger.

It was as if there was an unknown, indescribable existence in the darkness, peering at him coldly, watching his every move.

It was precisely because of this sense of danger that it gave Zeyue Dongchuan a firm idea.

We must find this guy who knows his identity but doesn't know who is facing him. Otherwise, even when he goes to bed at night, he will be disturbed and unable to sleep.

Find each other, be sure to find each other!

Zeyue Dongchuan held the mouse tightly with his left hand and moved it to start the third test question. (To be continued ~^~)

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