Hardcore crisis

Chapter 83 Infiltration


The sudden flash of silver snakes danced high in the sky, bringing instant brightness to the night sky.

The rainfall, which had eased slightly during the day, increased again at night. The rainfall was even worse than last night, causing the city's sewer system to be completely paralyzed. Many streets were flooded with rainwater up to their knees. Under the strong wind, Many cars stalled helplessly in the water, and the sound of beeping was endless.

Lu Yuan walked to the hospital gate wearing a raincoat. He raised his head slightly when lightning struck, and the pale light shone on the hospital building, bringing with it a disturbing aura.

Rushing to the hospital can be said to be a very risky move. If something goes wrong, your identity may be exposed, or you may be arrested and imprisoned, both of which are unacceptable consequences.

However, there was no way. The alien larva was still in the body of the last person, and there was a danger of breaking out of the chest at any time. He had to take a risk.

It was already ten o'clock at night, and although the hospital door was still open, there were almost no people coming in or out. The one who came by chance passed by in a hurry. Under such a thunderstorm, no one wanted to stay on the street.

Wearing a black raincoat, Lu Yuan lowered his head and walked through the door. Instead of entering the inpatient department directly, he took a detour to the back door of the inpatient department, took off his raincoat and stuffed it into the inventory next to the toilet, and then walked to the emergency room on the wet floor. aisle.

There are surveillance cameras at the gate, several surveillance cameras in the direction of the elevator, and surveillance cameras in the corridors. Only the emergency stairs at the back door are not monitored. Of course, surveillance is ineffective. Under Sonny's control, whenever Lu Yuan is exposed to surveillance, he will stop recording, and will only restart when he passes by, thus leaving no trace in the surveillance. Mark of.

The reason for taking the emergency stairs is just to prevent meeting more people and reduce the possibility of the other person's memory.

Monitoring can intercept fraud, but human memory is difficult. He deliberately put on makeup before coming here, and his face must be very different from the original, but there is no guarantee that there will be no chance of being recognized and remembered.

One of the rules of action is to minimize trouble as much as possible.

The emergency stairs are rarely used by people, so there is little chance of meeting people when going up here.

Sure enough, from the first floor to the sixth floor, Lu Yuan didn't meet anyone. On the sixth floor, there was no one in the cold corridor. Except for a few nurses in the nurse room at the entrance to the elevator, most of the wards had become very quiet at this time.

Lu Yuan walked slowly past, his eyes turned to the right, and he scanned the numbers of the doorways he passed.

Bed No. 640 is located in Room 10. To walk from here, you need to turn through an aisle and go to the left side of the building.

"Pa bang..."

A nurse suddenly walked over from the aisle, holding a mobile phone in her hand and chatting "hmm", as if she was talking about something interesting, and she couldn't help but laugh softly.

Suddenly, they passed by each other. The nurse raised her head and glanced at Lu Yuan who was walking by. She didn't pay much attention. She continued chatting on the phone and walked over. After a while, she disappeared at the corner of the aisle.

"19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14..."


When he arrived, he stopped and Lu Yuan stood at the door.

This is Room No. 10, the room where the last person, the woman named Liang Kexin, lives.

Most of the doors to hospital wards have transparent windows through which you can see what's going on inside. Lu Yuan stood at the door and didn't push the door open in a hurry, but looked inside.

Sure enough, there were two police officers inside, sitting on chairs watching TV and peeling apples.

Liang Kexin's family was far away in Hong Kong, and they couldn't come over so quickly, so except for the two police officers who were taking care of them, there was no one else.

According to Sonny's information, a large number of police forces in the city are currently deployed near Xiaoqunshan. The first and second leaders of the city bureau are personally on duty and are required to search for clues about the missing persons in the shortest possible time. In the case of a shortage of police forces, they can still stay at the hospital for a few days. It's not easy for a police officer.

He quietly grasped the door handle and gently turned it open.

The door shaft was well maintained, and there was no sound when the door was pushed open. Both police officers had their backs to this side, one was staring at the TV with all his attention, and the other seemed obsessed with peeling apples, and even tried to keep trying. Cutting the ground in one go is a technical job that requires concentration.

The two of them had no sense of vigilance or the slightest caution.

No wonder, in this mainland environment that has been stable for many years, who would dare to imagine that someone would dare to go to a ward guarded by the police late at night? No one has encountered it before, and naturally no one is wary of it.

Like a leopard spying on its prey in the dark, quietly and under the thick pads of flesh, all noise was quietly wiped out. Lu Yuan walked into the room and stood behind the two police officers.

It wasn't until this moment that the police officer peeling the apple seemed to notice something, and looked back inadvertently as if he felt something.

At this sight, his whole body was pulled up, as if he was flying, and he instantly fell into Lu Yuan's arms. With a squeeze, he passed out.


There was quite a movement. The police officer, who was addicted to the TV show, turned around in confusion and looked at his colleagues who collapsed on the ground in astonishment, as well as the strangers who were completely unknown to him and whose faces were lowered and could not be seen clearly.

"Who are you……"

Before he could utter the word "who", Lu Yuan suddenly came closer and slapped down with one claw. He was close to the police officer's neck and was about to make contact. The slap turned into a grasp, and he just strangled the main artery and then tightened it. The police officer felt as if he had received an electric shock all over his body. The vagus nerve in his neck was stimulated, and his vision suddenly went dark and he fell unconscious.

In just a few seconds, the two strong police officers were knocked unconscious and fell to the ground before they could react. Lu Yuan didn't even expend much energy.

For him now, knocking out two people is no more difficult than crushing a few ants.

After taking care of the police officers guarding here, Lu Yuan turned his attention to Liang Kexin, who was already asleep on the hospital bed. Although there was some movement just now, it was far from significant. The slight noise did not pose a threat to this girl's dream at all.

Lu Yuan walked into the girl's bed, looked down at the sleeping girl, and gently lifted the quilt.

This action seemed to make the girl very dissatisfied. She reached out to grab the quilt in a daze, but failed to catch it. Instead, she grabbed Lu Yuan's right hand.

With this grab, she pouted and did not let go. Instead, she moved it towards her chest.

Lu Yuan moved along her chest, and until the girl became quiet again, he slowly took his hand out of the girl's chest.

Wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown was not convenient for surgery. Lu Yuan gently unbuttoned the girl's hospital gown one by one from top to bottom, and then spread it out to both sides.

It is the most beautiful age period, and the girl's skin is amazingly white and tender.

Compared to his previous girlfriend, her skin was much more delicate, as if she could squeeze out a puddle of milk with just a pinch of her fingers.


Lu Yuan looked solemn and began to take out a syringe from his pocket. Although it was his first time, he was able to skillfully inject an anesthetic containing etomidate and other drugs into the girl.

After waiting for a while and seeing the girl's expression completely relaxed, Lu Yuan continued to take out the prepared surgical tools for disinfection, put on medical surgical gloves, and stared at the girl's chest.


Slowly close your eyes, relax your whole body, then suddenly open them, starting from the second rib, along 1 cm to 2 cm inside the junction of the rib and costal cartilage, tilt the blade slightly, and then cut.

During the cutting of the sharp blade, the muscles between the ribs were cut smoothly. Lu Yuan picked up the thoracotomy and hooked the muscles, slowly expanding them, exposing the flesh and blood inside.

"That is……"

Lu Yuan's eyes focused on it. Just inside the incision, an alien larvae wrapped in amniotic membrane stayed inside quietly, motionless, as if it was still absorbing nutrients from the host.

"About two centimeters?"

The tissue forceps inserted into the incision and opened to clamp the alien larvae. Lu Yuan lifted it slightly and pulled the larvae out.

"Sir, someone is coming."

At this moment, Sonny's warning sound came from Lu Yuan's earphones, and his hand movements couldn't help but stagnate.

"How many people? How long will it take?"

"Three people just came out of Ward 3 and came here."


Lu Yuan asked, but the movements of his hands did not stop and continued in an orderly manner.

"Sir, please leave quickly, they are almost here."


Cut the amniotic membrane and accurately extract the larvae.

"Sir, there are still ten seconds." Sonny gave an approximate time based on the walking speed of those people.


"Chichi..." After being taken out of the warm host body, the alien larvae let out a weak cry.

Lu Yuan remained silent, stretched out his hand to cut the umbilical cord, and then pinched it with his right hand. The alien larvae suddenly broke off and immediately lost its life and was put into a plastic bottle.

"Sir, they're here!"

The door opened in response.

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