Hardcore crisis

Chapter 82 Unbelievable

Braving the heavy rain, he walked into the inpatient department and reached the sixth floor. Zhang Yan walked to the window in front of the door and looked inside, then moved his eyes to the policeman next to him: "Xiao Wu, how about those people?"

Xiao Wu smiled bitterly and handed over the transcript he had just made: "I don't remember anything. It's like the five people were possessed by an evil spirit. All of them suffered from amnesia."

After taking the transcript, Zhang Yan lowered his head and glanced around, frowning tightly: "Isn't this nonsense? Five people gave me amnesia? Is it such a coincidence?"

"Yeah, I don't think it's such a coincidence. You said that even if one person loses his memory, how could five people lose their memory at the same time, and the time period of the memory loss is basically the same."

Xiao Wu also found it incredible. Although he had only worked for two years, he had never heard anyone say such weird things.

According to the transcripts made about the five people just now, the five people claimed to be looking for Han Lichen's missing girlfriend Liu Xinran, so they stayed. However, what happened after that? The memories of the five people seemed to have been erased. It seemed like I couldn't remember it, and I was surprised that I was actually in the hospital.

If he relied solely on intuition, Xiao Wu felt that the five people were not lying, although it was extremely absurd for the five people to lose their memory at the same time.

"Liu Xinran? Missing?"

Zhang Yan stared at the transcript. The experience he had developed over the years told him that the missing Liu Xinran was the key, and the clues might be there. There is another person, this Cai Guoqiang!

He was the most severely injured, and he was also the only survivor found among the dozen or so people who left the mine.

Unfortunately, after the injuries were treated, he is still in a coma and cannot be questioned.

Just as Zhang Yan was pondering and puzzled, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Captain Zhang."

"Hey, Director Liu?"

When Zhang Yan turned around, he found that it was indeed someone he knew well.

"Haha, long time no see. Why, are you in charge of these people?"

Director Liu is over forty years old, wears a pair of glasses and is energetic. He has cooperated with the police several times before, and both parties are relatively acquainted.

"It's been a long time. Hey, to be honest, I really don't want to meet you here."

Zhang Yan sighed.

"Hey, I don't want to meet you here either. Every time I meet you, you always make things difficult for me."

The two sides joked, and Zhang Yan went straight to the point: "Director Liu, are you looking after the people inside? I want to ask about the situation."

"Well, I took over. What do you want to ask?"

If he had known Zhang Yan's style of doing things, Director Liu would not have been angry and nodded in agreement.

"How is the patient doing?"

"Well, judging from the past, the vital signs are stable, the injuries on the body are not serious, and the mental state is also very good. Especially Liang Kexin, who refused to accept any examination, had a night of trouble and wanted to go home last night, and almost injured us. Nurse, please go and think of a way to persuade him later. Except for Cai Guoqiang, who is seriously injured and needs to be hospitalized for 24-hour observation, the rest of the people will be hospitalized for a few days and then can be discharged and go home to recuperate."

"That's it. When will Cai Guoqiang wake up?"

"I can't answer that for you."

Director Liu shook his head and said: "His injuries have been treated. Although the injuries are serious, they were treated in a timely manner and will not be life-threatening... As for why he remains unconscious, the reasons for this result are very complicated. We There is no guarantee when the patient will wake up.”

Indeed, how can the hospital dare to guarantee this kind of thing? The doctor is a doctor, not a god. The mechanism of the human brain is extremely complex. With current medical technology, there are still many things that have not been understood in the study of the human brain. No matter how powerful medical professionals are, they dare not say that they fully understand the human brain. Maybe a stimulus can cause someone to fall into coma. There are too many such examples to include them all.

"That's it." Zhang Yan was slightly disappointed. This Cai Guoqiang might have important clues in his mouth, but he was unconscious. It was really worrying. Fortunately, there are too many unexpected things like this, so Zhang Yan won't be too disappointed.

"By the way, there's something I need to tell you."

Director Liu suddenly spoke before Zhang Yan could ask further.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yan couldn't help but feel a little serious when he saw Director Liu's expression was different.

"Regarding those patients, one is Han Lichen, Xu Shengjian, Wang Wei, and Chang Le. These four people had a single six-centimeter-long incision on their chests. The edges of the wounds were very neat. It should have been a successful one-time incision. Except for Han Lichen who sent During the ambulance transfer, the incisions were not sutured, but the incisions of the other three were all sutured with...well, fishing thread."

Speaking of this, Director Liu had a strange look on his face.

"Fishing line?" Zhang Yan said in surprise.

"Yes, fishing line. These incisions should have been left last night. They look very much like operations were performed on these people..."

"Then they were mended with fishing thread. In the end, one person ran out of fishing thread, so there was no sewing?"

After receiving Director Liu's words, Zhang Yan felt equally incredible.

"I don't recommend using fishing line, although it should not be done in an emergency..."

"Wait, Director Liu!" Zhang Yan interrupted Director Liu, "Have you checked these four people?"


Director Liu lifted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "I'm also very curious about who used fishing thread to sew up the patient's chest. Those were not accidental wounds, but artificial standard incisions, so we would do it again for the patient." After untying the fishing line, I checked in the operating room, um, inside the patient's chest and found the severed umbilical cord."

"Director Liu, what did you just say?" Zhang Yan wondered if he heard wrongly.

"You heard it right, it's the umbilical cord."

Director Liu said with great certainty: "It is the umbilical cord that connects the fetus and placenta."


Zhang Yan stared at Director Liu, and after a moment of silence, he solemnly said: "Director Liu, can you take responsibility for what you said?"

"The entire operation room is monitored and recorded. You can always confirm whether I am lying."

Director Liu was not cold to Zhang Yan's "threat". A person of his level in the Second City Hospital certainly knows what he can and cannot say.

"All four of them?"


"what reason?"

"I don't think anyone in the world can give you the answer."

Director Liu said helplessly: "I have been working for decades, and I have seen a lot of difficult and complicated diseases. Many strange diseases would scare outsiders when I told them about them, but this is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing. Arrived. I discussed it with several experts today and confirmed that no such phenomenon has ever occurred in the world."

"So, apart from those umbilical cords, is there anything else found?" Zhang Yan asked closely.

"It's nothing, just that the patients are a little malnourished."

After asking a few more questions and confirming that he could not get any more clues from Director Liu, Zhang Yan couldn't help but feel strange as he watched Director Liu walk into the ward and examine several patients.

From beginning to end, this case reveals incomprehensible mysteries.

Speaking of which, a similarly bizarre case also occurred in Donghai. The body was artificially broken into dozens of pieces. The police searched for half a month before searching all corners of the park. However, the head was never found. What is even more terrifying is that in the stomach of the deceased, hair and nails of another person were found, as well as half-digested human flesh.

This case has been going on for more than ten years. So far, let alone the murderer, the police have not even figured out the identity of the deceased and another possible deceased.

Nowadays, this case is simply worse, especially the large number of dead and the bizarre way of death. The meeting of city bureau leaders last night did not end until 8 o'clock this morning, and then the province urgently sent people down. The secretary participated in the whole process of solving the case and gave a golden 48 hours to solve the case, which made everyone involved in the case feel a lot of pressure.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan thought he should call Lao Chen, who was still searching, and ask if any other missing persons had been found. At the same time, he should also send someone to check on the mine.

He always felt that there might be an important breakthrough.

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