Hardcore crisis

Chapter 522 Erasure

No longer hesitating, Judas immediately made up his mind and shouted: "A hundredfold increase!"

As soon as he roared out, he suddenly stepped back and shouted: "Andre, let's go!"

While Andre was repulsing Lu Yuan and sending him flying, Thomas, who had taken the others away, was instantly replaced with Judas, and then appeared to replace Andre.

Just for a moment.

Lu Yuan, who had been disturbed by Andre, returned again. Seeing that only Peter, the leader of the twelve apostles, was left, he didn't care. He wrapped his arms around him and seemed to be saying an insignificant word: "Multidirectional Pulse Asia" Atomic beam!”

Incandescent lamps are hundreds of times brighter than candles.

The surface brightness of the sun is tens of thousands of times that of incandescent lamps.

The brightness of ordinary lasers is one billion times greater than the brightness of the sun's surface!

However, the light that erupted from Lu Yuan's hands was brighter and stronger than the laser, as if it simulated the moment of the Big Bang in this moment!

Countless subatomic beams burst out from Lu Yuan's hands, directly blocking the sky and covering everything in front of him. No matter what was in front of him was the desert, the earth, or the air, without any surprise, they vaporized and disappeared in an instant. trace.

Peter, who dared not escape, seemed unable to take any so-called resistive measures, and was submerged in the subatomic beam.

The ominous premonition in the hearts of the twelve apostles was correct. If they stayed here and continued to fight Lu Yuan, then under Lu Yuan's blow, no matter how they resisted, they would be instantly vaporized into particles, and there would be no second outcome.


Lu Yuan let go of his hands.

The attack lasted only ten seconds, but the thousands of square kilometers of desert in front of it were completely transformed into a hellish sea of ​​molten water, and the sky was completely replaced by burning air. In this environment, humans can only Just one breath and you will be burned directly to death by steam at thousands of degrees Celsius.

Even if the armored vehicle stays here, it still cannot withstand the invasion of lava at tens of thousands of degrees Celsius.

This kind of power is already equivalent to the concentrated explosion of hundreds of hydrogen bombs. Every place covered is quite at the center of the nuclear explosion, completely vaporized and evaporated by hundreds of millions of temperatures.

This is hell!

"Are you a little more serious?"

Lu Yuan crossed his hands and thought about another question. He had almost figured out the combat power of these apostles. They were indeed very strong, but that was it. The one who was a little troublesome was the apostle with the ability to replace space. Catching him was a bit difficult.


Lu Yuan, who has infinite life, is definitely lacking in one thing now.

That's patience.

There are really few things in this world that can arouse his interest. Fighting with these apostles is undoubtedly a precious and "interesting" thing.

"Run away, run away, the farther you run away the more interesting it will be."

Lu Yuan slowly lowered his head.

But soon, he couldn't help but raise his gaze in surprise, focusing on the shadow in front of him.


Not dead?

Lu Yuan was surprised at first, then narrowed his eyes.

Peter, who has never made a move, is this his ability?

The figure was followed by a rapidly growing black screen, which soon covered up Peter's figure. Only a circular black screen could be seen expanding rapidly.

The blackest material made by humans is a material called Vantablack. Vantablack is made of carbon nanotubes tightly arranged in bundles, making it impossible for light to be reflected back at all.

However, the black curtain in front of Peter was not only so dark that light could not be reflected, but also seemed to have some kind of strange attraction, sucking in the surrounding light so hard that the light around Peter was distorted.

"That is?"

Black hole?

No, no, if it was a black hole, a black hole of this size lasted for more than ten seconds, which was enough to finish the earth, and Lu Yuan did not feel a strong suction.

So, what is this?

Lu Yuan's mind moved and he quickly shifted his position, trying to see Peter clearly behind the curtain from another angle.

But no matter how he moved, what he saw was always a circular black screen, and it was impossible to see Peter clearly behind him.

Wait, that's not a flat circular screen, it's a sphere!

The reason why it looks like a two-dimensional plane no matter how it moves is because it can absorb all the light. Without reflection, it will only have a two-dimensional plane shape no matter how it is viewed from any angle.

"It's still expanding?"

Not finding Peter's figure, and discovering that the black ball had expanded to more than ten meters in diameter, Lu Yuan thought, and the singularity force field unfolded invisible, quickly extending towards the black ball, trying to push it away.

However, the omnipotent singularity force field seemed to have touched the invisible space, sweeping through and touching nothing.

"Is this your final response?"

Lu Yuan raised his head and looked around. At some point, similar black balls appeared densely around him one by one, and soon covered his range of movement.

Silently, black balls appeared on the ground covered with molten magma. The molten magma, which is enough to melt any man-made object, had no resistance to these expanding black balls. Instead of being sucked in, it was like It was as if it had been erased by the black ball, which reminded Lu Yuan unconsciously of how he used an eraser to erase unused lines when drawing on a computer.

Looking at the endlessly expanding black balls, Lu Yuan's face darkened, Peter, are you planning to destroy the earth?

No...it turns out that was your plan.

These black balls are in a strange situation and are numerous in number, but they are not necessarily a threat to Lu Yuan. Not to mention the particle reorganization and teleportation, it is not difficult for him to fly out of the gap at super high speed.

But Peter knew that he could not ignore these and allow these black balls to expand like this, waiting for the earth to be destroyed.

So, are there limits to these black balls, or is Peter really planning to do this?

Once the earth is destroyed, it is impossible for Peter and the Twelve Apostles to survive. Would they really rather die together?

Lu Yuan didn't believe it.

If the Twelve Apostles really had this determination, there would be no need for them to escape first. That is to say, they knew the danger of this move, but they also understood that they could survive as long as they escaped first. Otherwise, if they were going to die no matter what, how could they survive? It's better to wait here to show your determination.

So there are only two possibilities.

One is that this ability has limitations, and the second is that Peter is gambling. Gambling can make Lu Yuan helpless and make him afraid.

There was no destructive momentum like earthquakes and mountains shaking, and the places covered by the black balls disappeared silently. Just as Lu Yuan was thinking about it, the entire land was covered by the erosion of the black balls.


Lu Yuan shook his head slightly, looked at the many black balls approaching, and said softly: "Sky Circle!"

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