Hardcore crisis

Chapter 521 Despair

Lu Yuan connected the index fingers of his hands and clasped his thumbs together. The invisible force field forcibly compressed the atoms and particles in the air, and a faint and dazzling light was formed in the palm of his hands.


The words from Lu Yuan rang in everyone's minds through the telepathic link, and Andre couldn't help but yell.

The unprecedented sense of crisis and the omen of death were even stronger than when the meteorite landed in the air before. No matter how calm Peter was, he couldn't help but change his expression.

It is no longer time to make reservations.

Although the twelve apostles were all quite strong, their defenses were not very strong. Peter had a hunch that if he didn't take action, he might not be able to withstand the second attack from Executivesword.

So at this time...

Peter said solemnly: "You guys help me buy some time, Judas, it's time for you to take action."

Everyone was stunned at first, and then felt a little uneasy, but no one would object at this time. The pressure from Executivesword was really too strong, so strong that it even made them feel a little desperate.

Since he wanted to buy time for Peter, Jacob immediately flew out with the strong wind all over his body, facing the direction of Lu Yuan. First, he attacked Lu Yuan with several tornadoes that were as thick as electric drills, trying to interfere with his attack.

Without any delay, Andre stretched out his hand to suck back the dying Tattay, who was recovering from his original state. Then, the "life extension" ability from Ximen assisted Tattay, who was dripping with blood all over his body, to resuscitate. Just after completing his recovery, Darta roared and transformed into the size of a giant again, but this time he did not fall directly to the ground. Instead, Andre used repulsion to control the giant Darta to float into the air and quickly approach. Lu Yuan.

Jacob was not to be outdone. With the help of Andre, he controlled the blazing flames to approach from the other side, intending to attack behind Lu Yuan.

They didn't have much hope of actually hurting Lu Yuan, but as long as they interfered with his attack and slowed him down for a moment, it would be considered a success.

The light in his hand was gradually forming. Seeing that many apostles were surrounding him, Lu Yuan made a move with his left hand. Jacob, who was rushing towards him, was cut off by the invisible force field several hundred meters away.

"Extend your life!"

Ximen watched the battlefield closely and used his abilities without hesitation.

As soon as he was cut off by the invisible force field, the support from the west gate immediately made time seem to go back. In just a blink of an eye, Jacob was completely restored to his original state.

Several tornadoes had already struck in front of Lu Yuan, slamming into the defensive circle formed by the singularity force field.


Even though each tornado is strong enough to tear apart a hundred-story building, it still fails under the defense of the singularity force field. It is better to say that it is not ineffective, but that its intensity is still unable to break through the defense strength of the defense circle. .

The fire dragon that followed the tornado also came from behind Lu Yuan, but was knocked away by Lu Yuan with a casual wave of his hand, and was instantly scattered in the sky.


With the help of Andre, the giant Tatai had just arrived outside Lu Yuan's singularity force field. He waved his fists from bottom to top and hit the invisible defense circle at once.

Great sound!

For a moment, it was as if no sound was produced.

But the air tremors that followed instantly caused the giant Tatta's arms to explode from his fists. Countless pieces of flesh, flesh and bones flew everywhere, but they were unable to withstand the ripples that spread throughout the world. The giant Tatta was knocked back.

This scene was really shocking. The thousand-meter-tall giant Tatsuta was taller and larger than any other building in human history. However, when he smashed his fists against a tiny human figure, he was killed instead. The shock flew out, and the strong contrast and incongruity were incredible.

Stay alive!

The giant Tatta was hit hard again, and his injuries were serious. However, Ximen behind him was well prepared and quickly recovered as before with a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh? This kind of ability..."

Lu Yuan glanced at him in the distance, and after noticing the activation of his abilities several times, he immediately knew that one of the twelve apostles had the ability to revive others.

This ability is a bit scary. In just a few seconds, it can make a seriously injured apostle recover in a few strokes. Its influence on the battlefield is extremely huge.

"No, we can't interfere and interrupt him..." Ximen breathed heavily, sweating profusely.


Seeing the light in the hands of the figure in the sky getting stronger and stronger, Andre gritted his teeth, fought with all his strength, and raised his hands crazily.


With no time to pay attention to Peter and Judas, Andre's eyes were bloodshot, and blood was flowing out of his nostrils and ears, but he still continued to release the power of his body.


The earth, which was originally in a state of disarray and torn with countless cracks, could not even preserve its final shape this time, and everything was suspended in violation of the laws of nature!

The planet's gravity seemed to no longer exist at this moment... No, it seemed to have changed in the opposite direction. Countless gravels shot into the sky quickly, and even the mountains collapsed precariously, and then floated upwards. .

Andre, with all his strength, he actually wanted to tear out a piece of the earth and expel it into the vacuum of space!


Lu Yuan, who originally used the singularity force field to resist the earth's gravity and form an intermediate balance point to be suspended in the air, immediately felt that the balance point was suddenly broken, and an extremely strong repulsive force pushed him away from the earth.

"This guy……"

It was not a simple planetary gravity, but a repulsive force comparable to a hundred times the earth's gravity. Even if Lu Yuan was not paying attention for a moment, he was severely repulsed and flew thousands of meters away before he regained his stability.

"How long will it take? I can't hold it anymore, Executivesword is coming back soon!"

Seeing Lu Yuan's figure gradually coming back again, Andre felt a deep sense of fear and despair. Little did he know that the human world twenty-five years ago and the same Holy Arrow adaptors in another parallel time and space were also so desperate. Yu too.

"Oh, a tenfold increase!"

The last apostle Judas, who had his hands on Peter's back and had never made a move from beginning to end, finally made a move.

His power can only be used once a day, and Judas will never use his power unless absolutely necessary.

But now, he can't use it even if he doesn't want to.

"If you can still bear it, give me a hundredfold increase!"

Peter's teeth vibrated, and blood slowly seeped out from the root of his teeth.

"hundred times?"

Judas was even more shocked than Peter. A tenfold increase was already unbearable for ordinary apostles, let alone a hundredfold?

Bearing a hundred times the original power, with Peter's special abilities, does he really intend to destroy the earth?

Judas didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't want to think about it. Facing Executivesword, a terrifying BOSS, if he hesitated, he would be dead.

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