Hardcore crisis

Chapter 458 Arrival

Just outside the International Conference Center, a large number of demonstrations gathered outside. How could this major event, which is related to the global political situation and the future of great changes in global human society, not attract attention.

According to preliminary statistics, the number of people watching the live broadcast alone is close to 1.5 billion, and the number of people indirectly following the news exceeds 5 billion. The number of people outside the International Conference Center directly blocked several nearby streets. , the entire city of London's traffic is in a state of basic paralysis. Except for necessary services, major companies have given their employees ten days of holiday.

When Banning hurriedly led the team out, he happened to see the man who gave him constant nightmares at night slowly fell from the sky. The noisy demonstrations around him stopped abruptly. Originally, he could only indirectly understand the inside story from TV. The crowd who even thought this was just a lie concocted by the Americans looked up at the figure in shock at this moment.

Until the figure actually descended from the sky to the ground, no one spoke.

Banning understands the people's thoughts very well. No matter who it is, they will not immediately accept it completely when they see this scene. The shock and fear in their hearts will definitely linger in their hearts.

However, this is indeed the fact. Whether you accept it or not, the fact is so cruelly placed in front of you. If you don't want to accept it, you have to accept it, especially as security personnel.

what to do?

What to do when he comes?

Although there had been emergency plans for this before, it was only when this emergency happened that Banning realized that all the plans he had made before were so useless and in vain. As soon as he saw this figure , it is difficult to believe that emergency plans will have an effect.

"Huh... make preparations immediately... huh?"

Banning's eyes suddenly changed, and he saw that several people were also stunned and shocked because of the surrounding police, so he took the opportunity to break through the police's protective circle, ran towards the figure at high speed, and shouted loudly: "This It's all an American conspiracy. This person is a fake, this person must be a fake..."

Banning never thought that his reaction would be so fast. He didn't even have time to think. His body instinctively pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger without hesitation at the vital parts of the three people.

"Bang bang bang..."

Several flowers of blood spattered from the chests and thighs of the three people. They suddenly fell to the ground, twitched, and then lost their lives.

At this time, the surrounding police officers did not react, but the men brought by Banning rushed forward, taking out their guns and pointing them at the three corpses on the ground.


Banning gasped sharply, with large drops of sweat on his forehead, nervously watching the figure's reaction.

The figure remained motionless, seemingly not paying attention to the people rushing over.

Banning naturally wouldn't think that those few people alone could hurt this terrible man, but the United States had launched a nuclear strike on him before, and suffered an almost unbearable retaliation. If these people angered this man , and what unforeseen consequences will there be?

Luckily he moved quickly enough and hopefully didn't make the man angry.

However, Banning thought that his handling was fast, timely and correct, but it caused uproar and anger from the surrounding people. Even the Scotland Yard policemen did not expect such a thing to happen, and they all looked back in shock. ……American?

Did the Americans directly kill local citizens in London?

"What is he doing?"

"Oh my God, he just shot me!"

"Why do you do this?"

"Mair, that's my brother, get out of here and let me pass..."

The pressure on the policemen holding explosion-proof shields suddenly increased by more than ten times. There were already live broadcasts from major media around the world. When that figure fell from the sky, this kind of big news had surpassed the conference in the conference room. All the shots They all aimed at this side in unison, and before they even rushed over to conduct an interview, they saw this astonishing scene.

There have been incidents in the past where the police violently expelled demonstrators, resulting in injuries and deaths of demonstrators. But no matter how violent the deportation is, there is no reason to directly use live ammunition to kill, and it still happens in front of the live cameras of media around the world!

Undoubtedly, as soon as the big news started, there was a climax that made the reporters excited. The surrounding people roared and violently attacked the police with anti-riot shields. It seemed that in a few seconds, the protective circle here would completely collapse. .

"Urgent action was taken immediately, urgent action was taken immediately, there was a riot outside the convention center, again, urgent action was taken immediately."

Realizing that something was wrong, Banning yelled loudly into the headset, and at the same time hurriedly walked down the stairs, came to a stop a few meters away from the figure, and said with difficulty: "Mr. E, Mr. E, please go in first."

Banning no longer wants to imagine what the purpose of his coming here is. The current situation is complex and changeable, and fierce riots and conflicts may occur at any time. In order to avoid angering this man and causing more irreparable consequences, he is sent to the conference center quickly. is the correct approach.

People from the British Military Intelligence Bureau also rushed over. Compared to the Scottish police who were equally angry with the people, the people from the Military Intelligence Bureau were much calmer and cold-blooded. They all took out their guns and protected the surroundings to prevent anyone from approaching this man.

Banning didn't even need to take a second look at their actions to know that the British Military Intelligence personnel would not hesitate to shoot anyone who dared to approach.

But Banning's words didn't make the man feel any strange at all, and he didn't move forward. Instead, he turned his head slightly, as if he was looking outside.

What does his action mean?

No one dares to be careless. Every move and even every word of this man has been analyzed by various groups composed of thousands of psychological experts and behavioral doctors around the world, striving to find out the state of this man's psychological activities.

Therefore, the man's facial movement immediately attracted Banning's attention.

He opened his mouth and wanted to continue to say something when he heard screams and exclamations from the rioting crowd. The crowd dispersed to both sides. A loaded truck roared towards him, regardless of the crowds on the street. The crowd was full, allowing those who hit it head-on to be crushed to death by tires.

not good!

Banning was shocked, and the policemen surrounding him also moved to both sides in fear. No one dared to face the collision of such a heavy truck, and even the Secret Service security agents around Banning could only look at him. He pointed his gun at the truck and tried to shoot to stop the truck.

Obviously it can't be done.

The bullets from the pistol were of no use to a truck traveling at 60 miles per hour. The tires stained with blood rushed up with a roar. Several police officers were unable to get out of the way and were knocked away with screams.

"Mr. E, hurry up..."

Banning shouted, and suddenly realized that the man in front of him really needed to be avoided?

His guess became a reality the next moment.

The truck that collided was as if it had hit an invisible glass wall. The front of the truck exploded with a loud bang. The strong impact caused the entire body of the truck to be squeezed forward. The broken glass and metal fragments flew in all directions, but the impact never stopped. Cannot fly outside a transparent circle.


Is there a bomb up there?

Before Banning could fully recover from the truck in front of him, he saw the truck turn into a ball of high-temperature flames amidst the violent explosion.

Such a close distance means that once this truck explodes, more than two hundred people will die here on the spot. There will be no second outcome of being spared, but...

Obviously the flames of the explosion were so close that the distance between the two would not exceed ten meters. However, the truck seemed to be trapped in a transparent bubble. The flames spread turbulently in all directions and could not break through the transparent layer. line of defense, the scene is so magical that it is truly rare to see in a lifetime.

Not only Banning was alone, but the surrounding Secret Service agents, the security personnel of the Military Intelligence Bureau, the police of Scotland Yard, the demonstrators, and the reporters on the live broadcast all stood there in a daze, watching the efforts to break through the chaos. The blast of flames was trapped in a small area from beginning to end. He couldn't help but be stunned and his eyes were straight.

The explosion came and went quickly. In just a few breaths, the flames and shock waves of the explosion dissipated one after another. What was left on the scene was only a useless car with no visible appearance, and a black burning car with a circle as a line. Burnt ground.

(To be continued ~^~)

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