Hardcore crisis

Chapter 457 Treaty on the Total Destruction of Nuclear Weapons

The original idea of ​​world federalism seems beautiful, but in fact it is extremely difficult to realize. It is basically equivalent to an unrealistic fantasy. If we had not encountered such a crisis this time, we would not even think about it, let alone discuss it. would like.

But now...

From the fall of the White House to the destruction of Washington, D.C., to half of the U.S. Pacific Third Fleet going into space and half of it being ruthlessly destroyed, that mysterious existence cannot even be killed by nuclear weapons...

Let alone the United States, after obtaining detailed intelligence, other countries could not sit still. In terms of power alone, that mysterious existence was even more terrifying than strategic nuclear weapons. According to the previous and later analyses, the other country was completely able to eliminate it. The power of a super-large city, in the face of such a being that even nuclear weapons cannot kill, human beings feel a frightening sense of coercion for the first time.

While the G20 global summit was held in London, the Review Conference of the Treaty on the Comprehensive Destruction of Nuclear Weapons was also held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Compared with the slow process of the global summit, the Review Conference at the United Nations Headquarters progressed very quickly. After arduous consultations, the 187 parties to the treaty reached a consensus on issues related to nuclear disarmament and adopted the resolution of the conference by consensus. Final document.

Originally, the United States advocated further reductions in strategic nuclear weapons, increasing the transparency of nuclear weapons states' reporting of nuclear arsenal information, and reducing the number of nuclear warheads in combat readiness. It also suggested that once nuclear weapons were comprehensively reduced, humanity might truly lose its only means of counterattack.

However, what the Americans did not expect was that on the second day of the Review Conference, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs unilaterally stated at a press conference that China actively advocates the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. This is China's consistent position, and at the same time emphasized that, The country with the largest nuclear arsenal has special and priority responsibilities for nuclear disarmament. It should shoulder the responsibility and take the lead in substantive, comprehensive and complete nuclear disarmament!

This is undoubtedly a stab in the back of Americans.

China's statement was endorsed and echoed by Russia, while Britain's attitude was uncertain. France simply agreed with China's statement, and Britain also voted in favor. It is no wonder that Britain voted against the United States this time. It is really the fact that the US military's nuclear strike failed, hundreds of Tomahawk missiles were destroyed by the other side, and its own Third Fleet was also destroyed, frightened the British upper class. broken.

To put it bluntly, with the current decline of the British Empire, Britain is not sure that it can deal with the United States' Third Fleet. However, such a powerful Third Fleet fell into the hands of that man in an instant. That is to say The UK wouldn't be much better off.

The tragic situation after the Washington incident even frightened the British royal family, the Prime Minister and other high-ranking officials. They hid in the nuclear bunker to work and did not dare to come out, for fear that the man would do the same to London.

For those who can’t even be killed by nuclear weapons, what use is the so-called missile defense system?

Under the oppression of the shadow hanging over mankind around the world, the Review Conference of the Treaty on the Comprehensive Destruction of Nuclear Weapons was unanimously adopted by all participating countries three days later. In this situation, the United States has nothing to do. On the one hand, they are the country that has been hardest hit. On the other hand, the humanoid mobile natural disaster is probably still in North America. Under such a threat, they do not dare to oppose it alone. .

Of course, passing the review does not mean that nuclear weapons can be completely eliminated. In the eyes of some countries, this is just a delaying technique. As long as the specific intelligence and weaknesses of the other party are found, the United States will definitely be the first to do so. Tear up this treaty.

January 26th.

The United Nations Disarmament Commission passed the resolution on the abolition of nuclear weapons submitted by Japan. The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and the five major strategic nuclear powers jointly issued a statement, "solemnly committing" to launch a project to completely eliminate nuclear weapons, and it is expected to complete the global nuclear weapons program within the next five years. National nuclear weapons destruction project.

Unlike the meeting 16 years ago, although the five major powers agreed on the ultimate goal of completely eliminating nuclear weapons, they did not declare a timetable for achieving the goal. After this meeting, the five permanent members of the Security Council emphasized in an unprecedentedly firm tone that they firmly agreed with the goal of the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, agreed to sign a disarmament and nuclear disarmament goal under strict supervision by the international community, and gave specific details for the first time. Implementation schedule and task list.

London International Exhibition and Convention Center.

Banning stood at the side corner of the rostrum with his hands tense. From his position, he could just scan everyone in the conference room.

After the fourth closed-door summit meeting in the morning, there were statements from leaders of various countries in the afternoon. The conference venue was filled with officials and journalists from various countries. The situation was very complicated, and the security requirements had been raised several levels.

Banning looked at a colleague across from him.

That was the special security personnel of the British MI6. Compared with Banning's tense hands, the security personnel looked nervous and uneasy, as if the ants on the hot pot were still restrained. As if he was about to draw a gun and shoot.

Banning understood what the other party was nervous about.

He shook his head slightly. There was no use being nervous. Facing that man, even if he was extremely vigilant and did the highest level of security work, it would be useless. As long as that man really wants to come, then even if a group army is deployed here, it may not change the outcome.

So it's enough for them to just be the same as usual.

However, compared to Banning who had faced him in person and already recognized the gap, the other party only understood some of the man's situation from intelligence, and could never understand the powerlessness and despair that Banning had experienced.

When he thought of this, Banning felt physically weak. Why would that kind of existence appear in reality? This is reality. There is such an unknown existence that does not conform to the rules of reality and human common sense.

How could this not cause him pain?

Especially after the fact that the nuclear strike three days ago was ineffective, even those Wall Street elites who clamored to kill the opponent lost their voices and began to exert various influences to promote the convening of the conference.

Do they really think that man's purpose is really that simple?

Who is he? Why do these things?

Are they the same as those crazy environmentalists?

After Banning had been thinking to no avail for a long time, a voice suddenly came from the headset.


Banning's body trembled, and his voice was slightly frightened: "He's here?"

[PS: First of all, I would like to thank the book owner of Jinlou Pavilion for the reward; secondly, I would like to sigh again. Last week I wrote about comprehensive nuclear disarmament. Today I will continue the story of yesterday's meeting. As a result, I saw on today's news broadcast, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying emphasized at a regular press conference today (23rd) that China has always advocated the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. Is this a coincidence? Well, it's all coincidence. 】(To be continued ~^~)

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