Hardcore crisis

Chapter 36 Lockdown

Soon, based on the monitored T1000 video, a track of its walking path was marked on the map.

"This is the picture taken 14 minutes ago..."

"Hey, has your appearance changed?"

Lu Yuan screamed in surprise. The way it appeared again on the screen was obviously different from before.

"There is a 94.56% probability that the appearance has changed."

Sonny slowly turned his head, "I checked, and this is the identity of everyone after it changed its appearance."

Following Sonny's words, pieces of identity information and photos began to quickly appear on the screen.

"Is this...the police?"

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect it.

"This is the picture taken 8 minutes ago..."

The T1000, which had changed its appearance on the screen, was wearing a police uniform and walking into the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and was captured by the Skynet system next to the Public Security Bureau.

"Well, I understand."

Lu Yuan was silent for a while and then said: "It seems that this uninvited friend also wants to find my identity information. He wants to confuse the time and era of this world."

Not only is he looking for it, T1000 is also trying to find out Lu Yuan's identity. Needless to say, by infiltrating the public security bureau as a police officer, one could indeed find out Lu Yuan's identity from the national identity information database.

There wasn't much time left for him. Looking at the time, there were still four hours before eight o'clock in the evening. Lu Yuan raised his head: "Sonny, can you finish it in four hours?"

"No problem." Sonny nodded. It had already begun to learn human actions, such as nodding, which is only a unique action of humans to impose a tone, and it also learned it in a good way.

"Okay, I have a long night and a lot of dreams, so let's finish this matter tonight."

Lu Yuan was not prepared to delay the matter for a long time. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, etc., the further we go, the more uncontrollable variables will exist. The sooner we can solve the matter, the more we can control the variables to a certain level. within the range.

Let Sonny modify it alone, while Lu Yuan went to the other side of the warehouse, opened the computer, inserted the USB flash drive, and prepared to take out the cluster autonomous micro-robot.

Quietly watching the movie whose plot had completely changed, when she saw the protagonist Dell insisting on entering the laboratory, the heroine had no choice but to let him follow her to watch the NS-5 destroying process.

"I've already said, this is nothing to see. Is there anything that worries you?"

Susan said angrily.

"But I have to watch, otherwise I can't feel reassured."

Dale shrugged his shoulders and chose to ignore Susan's ridicule.

"What are you worried about? Are you worried that NS-5 will come to your house at night?"

"If you think that's what I'm worried about, then so be it."

Looking at NS-5 lying quietly on the restraint bed, Dell was a little puzzled and a little uneasy. He still didn't understand what the information NS-5 gave him meant.

"I mean, don't you think something is wrong?"

The behavior of the NS-5 was so strange that Dell, who was the most paranoid, could not let it go. Even though the NS-5 was about to be destroyed, the worry still lingered in his heart. The only way to completely eliminate the doubts in his heart was to completely eliminate the doubts in his heart. Really get to the root of all problems.

"I don't feel anything is wrong, I just feel your overthinking. NS-5 is perfectly normal. There is nothing wrong with it. But just because of your overthinking, we still have to reset its system and arrange for it to enter Decommissioning procedures…”


After a few operations, the swarm autonomous micro-robots filled with blue particles were injected into the injection tube. Susan grasped it skillfully with her hands and turned around and said: "Detective, you are definitely the one I have over the years, whether in reality or in the news. The most heart-warming person I have ever met...Oh my god!"

Before Susan could finish her words, the injection-embedded tube in her hand disappeared out of thin air. The strange scene made her scream.

"Oh my God!" Dale next to him could also see clearly. The injection embedded tube in Susan's hand was still in her hand one second, but it was completely gone without blinking her eyes the next second. There is no trace, not even the process.


Time stood still, and Lu Yuan was not in the mood to watch the hero and heroine's confusion. He grabbed the injection-embedded tube that fell from the air and turned off the player.

The most important swarm autonomous micro-robot was successfully obtained. It took almost three hours. Lu Yuan carefully placed the injection embedded tube on the box lid, turned around and came outside, "Sonny, are you done?"

"Sir, the modification has been completed."

"How about the T1000?"

"According to the surveillance 5 minutes ago, it arrived near Fuyuan Road..."

"Fuyuan Road?"

For Lu Yuan, this road was extremely familiar, just because this road was where he rented a house before. Unexpectedly, the T1000 moved really quickly and found the place where he used to live so quickly. It is conceivable that if you were an ordinary person, even if you escaped the pursuit of T1000 in the early stage, you would obviously not be able to escape for long.

Without further ado, Lu Yuan said no more, picked up the 92FS on the table, clicked it and loaded it.

This was just in case. He really didn't want to use this gun in the city. Once the gun was used, the situation would be completely different, and he was not sure he could escape the police investigation.

Together with Sonny, he moved four drones into the car, not all of them were placed in the trunk, but two of them were placed on the roof of the car. After special modifications, many fixings were added to the roof, turning it into a platform that can facilitate the take-off and landing of drones. In this operation, everything must be carried out automatically. The normal control of civilian drones taking off and landing is too time-consuming.

Unfortunately, although these four drones are already DJI's top products, they are still in the civilian range and cannot be compared with military use in terms of stability. Moreover, due to the lithium battery technology used, the battery life is only about 25 minutes. It limits the scope of use.

Putting on the Bluetooth headset and casually crushing the half-smoked cigarette, Lu Yuan opened the door and sat in the driver's seat, "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Sonny."

"Yes, sir."

"Sonny, actually I think we can be friends, right?"


Sonny blinked: "Aren't we now?"

"Well, you learned the winking trick very well."

Waving his hand, Lu Yuan looked at the gradually darkening sky, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Donghai City.

It is everyone's responsibility to abide by traffic regulations. After entering the highway, Lu Yuan sat upright and drove the entire SUV smoothly with an impeccable driving posture. It was not until an hour later that he completely entered the city.

"Sir, it entered No. 117 Gaoqiao Road three minutes ago..."

A rough area was outlined. Lu Yuan casually glanced at the monitor in the middle of the car. He turned his right hand and the car turned. There were about three streets from here to Gaoqiao Road. He had to reduce his speed. Within the city limits, The traffic flow has obviously increased several times, and the speed limit has reached 30 yards.

More than ten minutes later, they finally arrived at Gaoqiao Road in the traffic flow, but Sonny was unable to provide further information. The T1000 entered the monitoring blind spot and was no longer monitored by the Skynet system.


The red light of the drone lit up, the power was turned on, and the buttons fixed around it were unfolded. Under the rapidly rotating four wings, the drone on the roof suddenly detached from the car body and flew towards the sky.

Suddenly, a drone flew into the sky, immediately attracting the attention of some passers-by. However, before they could look around, the drone flew about fifty meters into the air and was out of their sight, as long as it did not expose the street lights. Under the cover of night, it is difficult to detect a drone flying slowly in the sky about fifty meters away.

However, looking down from a high altitude, the street lights on both sides are extremely bright. After the 4K resolution camera is zoomed in, the faces of passers-by are clearly visible. A huge amount of data continuously enters the receiving end in the car. After compression, it is then transmitted to a warehouse dozens of kilometers away via the 4G network. After Sonny's analysis and investigation, he can find the T1000 in the blind spot of the monitoring.

Reducing the speed of the car again, Lu Yuan held the steering wheel and lightly stepped on the accelerator. He also scanned both sides with his eyes, hoping to find traces of the T1000 as soon as possible.


The map on the monitor suddenly expanded, and a red dot flashed continuously, less than 150 meters in front of him.

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