Hardcore crisis

Chapter 35 Traces

The accuracy of this holographic map is definitely not 100%. It is already amazing to have an accuracy of 90%. With such a huge amount of calculations, only Sonny's room temperature quantum computer can calculate and simulate it so quickly.

"Hmm, is the minimum delay 140ms?"

Although the transmission distance through airborne radio is 5KM, it is still far from meeting the usage requirements. In this case, unless it is replaced with a large antenna and a high-power transmitter, it is impossible to continue to increase the transmission distance. However, the urban environment is complex, and high-power transmitters still have shortcomings. In comparison, it is better to use the ubiquitous cellular 4G network in the city, use the high-speed network broadband of the 4G network to carry data transmission, and then transmit the remote control data Come to the warehouse.

"How about it, okay?"

Looking up at Sonny, Lu Yuan said, "This requires you to operate a few seconds in advance. If there is an emergency, you may not have time to react."

"Sir, I think it's okay."

As Sonny answered, at the same time, on the computer screen next to him, rows of codes flowed like waves. Through the official DJIMobileSDK, Sonny was quickly tailoring a mobile APP for Lu Yuan according to Lu Yuan's request, so that Lu Yuan could Ability to control drones using mobile phones.

While Sonny was busy, Lu Yuan took out an Inspire1Pro drone, squatted down and began to find the infrared thermal imaging camera, preparing to mount it on the drone and transmit the measured data to into the gimbal system of the drone, and then transferred out to the receiving end.

In this way, the drone can not only transmit the daytime environment normally, but also detect the temperature range from -20°C to +350°C. It has to be said that the software that comes with various instruments nowadays is very powerful. Even if the hardware is up to standard, it is still useless without software to match it.

There is no need for Lu Yuan to debug it. The infrared thermal imaging camera comes with 3 temperature measurement points, 3 square areas, isotherms and automatic hot and cold spot tracking. As long as you edit a small program, you can automatically scan and track abnormalities. Warm.

"Sir, okay, it has been automatically pushed and downloaded to your mobile terminal for installation..."

Lu Yuan didn't need to worry about it. In less than a minute, an APP that required a team of hundreds of people to improve for several years was completed and pushed to Lu Yuan's mobile phone.

This is the power of artificial intelligence combined with quantum computers. Quantum computers alone without artificial intelligence cannot achieve such a magical scene. No matter how powerful the current computer performance is, without human operation, the computer can only sit there in vain. What? Nothing can be done.

Opening the APP and checking the interface, Lu Yuan nodded, thinking it was pretty good. As for the specific functions, he had to wait until the drone was finished.

Even though the working efficiency after the operation was a hundred times that of ordinary people, it still took Lu Yuan more than ten minutes to completely set up the drone.

First, turn on the power of the remote control, then start the drone and enter the APP, and connect it to the camera on the drone. You can immediately see the video stream on the drone on your phone.


The four wings of the drone rotated and suddenly took off into the air. Under Lu Yuan's control, it quickly floated to the highest point in the room without moving.

The APP compiled by Sonny provides a completely humanized operation interface. Lu Yuan can outline the flight route on the map by simply drawing on the screen with his finger. The entire operation process is extremely smooth, without any pause.

He controlled the drone to slowly fly out of the warehouse, and then outlined a three-kilometer flight route. Lu Yuan followed him out of the room, raised his head and stared at the drone as it quickly took off and gradually turned into a black spot and disappeared into the depths of the sky.

"Not bad, if you give me more time..."

Lu Yuan thought about it for a while. If he was given another month, he could make drastic changes in the drone.

This change refers to the transformation from civilian drones to military drones, allowing the drones to use stronger jet engines, redesign the body, etc., and then equip them with weapons...

After trying the drone all over and finding that there was no problem, I started to solve another problem.

How to find traces of T1000?

It's really ironic to say that Lu Yuan definitely didn't want to encounter the T1000 before he was fully prepared, but after being fully prepared, he wanted to easily find its traces.

"Well, how do we find it?"

Lu Yuan pondered for a moment, and an idea came to his mind. He immediately sat in front of the computer and said to Sonny next to him: "Sonny, can you help me hack into this system?"

The system he is referring to is the urban Skynet surveillance system. With the development of science and technology, surveillance cameras have been installed on main arteries and streets in most cities in the country to monitor road safety and urban security. If If you can hack into this system, the search for traces of T1000 may be greatly improved.

But it's easy to say, but not easy to do.

The Skynet monitoring system uses an internal network and is not directly connected to the Internet. If you want to hack in, you can only start from the information monitoring center of the city traffic police system. If you let Lu Yuan do it himself, look for loopholes in the firewall of the monitoring center. , I’m afraid it’s not easy, but if it were Sonny, it would be too easy.

In Sonny's opinion, human networks are full of basic loopholes. Just for the loopholes of major mainstream browsers, it can analyze and scan hundreds of loopholes in an instant. By using its loophole protocols, it can successfully bypass the IE defense mechanism and hack remotely. Access any computer connected to the Internet and gain access to it without anyone noticing.

Sure enough, after specifying the target, Sonny's electronic eye flashed a few times and hacked into the information monitoring center. He then invaded the Skynet monitoring internal network and followed the clues to find the server room of the entire system.

The Skynet surveillance system works 24 hours a day at a high load. All monitored video data will be stored in the storage hard drive. If no case is called, it will usually be automatically erased and overwritten after three months. Fortunately, this happened yesterday, so there is no need to worry about time constraints.

"Tune out all the surveillance cameras from Lingyun Road to Zhongping East Road..."

Lu Yuan was looking at the computer, holding a pencil in his left hand, and drawing on the A4 white paper without looking. After a few moments, the outlines of a middle-aged man and a young man appeared on the white paper.

"These are the two people who changed T1000. Sonny, help me find their traces."

Although Sonny is fast, it is limited by the physical speed limit of optical fiber, and it can only download surveillance videos at a certain speed. These surveillance video data are very large. There are 147 surveillance cameras in the entire street area that needs to be called. If calculated from last night to now, there are a total of 183,309 minutes of surveillance video. Directly output as JPG graphics in seconds, which is 10,998,540 pictures. picture.

Skynet surveillance is just a simple surveillance video, without facial recognition software, which is not too advanced. However, after such a huge amount of data entered Sonny's electronic brain, a full 10,998,540 pictures were combined with the upper-level fuzzy video image processing system. The interference of motion, noise, and neon light at night is instantly clear. In less than a few seconds, all suspicious pictures are extracted and output as videos in MP4 format for playback on the computer.

"Well, he's really not dead."

Lu Yuan watched from beginning to end. Although he and the T1000 were exposed in the Skynet system, this was all due to Sonny's terrifying data processing capabilities. From a human perspective, there was nothing he could do. Donghai City The Skynet system is still imperfect. There are many blind spots in monitoring, making it impossible to track in real time, and the manual processing in the later stage is also quite troublesome.

Of course, these are not the main point. The main point is that ten minutes after the car accident, three hundred meters away from the scene of the car accident, the young man transformed by T1000 was once again exposed to surveillance without incident.

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