Hardcore crisis

Chapter 32 Road Murder


The sightseeing elevator arrived at the first floor. Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Lu Yuan jumped from the top. He was embarrassed and didn't care whether the T1000 behind him was chasing him. He pushed the crowd aside and ran outside. Taking advantage of this hard-earned opportunity, Lu Yuan endured the sound of violent breathing and finally squeezed the crowd out of the gate and stumbled outside the square.

Looking back, he saw that the young man had not caught up with him, but after experiencing the scene just now, how could Lu Yuan feel at ease? Who knows who T1000 had transformed into and caught up with him.

I was about to continue running forward, but a taxi happened to stop and someone paid the bill and got out. Outside Wanda Plaza, it is impossible to wait for five or six minutes to take a taxi. If you are unlucky, it is common to wait for more than ten minutes. You happen to meet someone getting off the car in front of you, and you also What a stroke of luck.

"Master, go to Lingyun Road."

He quickly got into the car. Lu Yuan's panic made the driver cast a curious look, "Brother, are you so anxious because your girlfriend is chasing you?"

"Drive quickly!"

Without saying anything else, Lu Yuan took out two hundred coins from his wallet and said, "The sooner the better, they're all yours."

No more nonsense, the driver wisely shut his mouth, stepped on the accelerator and drove out. Lingyun Road was not far from here, and there was a fool who paid two hundred for the toll. Why not drive quickly?

The charm of money is so great. Instead of talking nonsense with the driver for a long time, the power of taking out the money is obviously more powerful and decisive.

Driven by the two hundred tolls, no matter how much he felt that Lu Yuan was being taken advantage of, he had to earn the money first. Within a few minutes, after turning several turns in a row, Lingyun Road was ahead. Lu Yuan looked back several times. He was dripping with sweat and covered in mud. It looked so messy. Although the driver made two hundred yuan, he couldn't help but wonder in his heart. Looking at the panic, he might not be able to take the ride. A fugitive?

A guess is just a guess after all. Even if he is a fugitive, he has to earn the money first.

"Okay, right here."


The car came to a sudden stop.

Keep the change, please.

Lu Yuan casually handed the two hundred yuan to the driver, opened the door and got out of the car, and breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Just five meters away from him, his SUV was parked quietly where it was, unchanged from before he left. What he had to do now was to get in the car and leave, avoiding the T1000's pursuit. The series of things that happened in just one hour really almost gave him a nervous breakdown.

He could ignore the neurasthenia, but if it continued for so many times, he really doubted how long he could escape?

That damn T1000…

Well, he felt that he had done a good job. Before taking NZT, as an ordinary person, he was able to escape alone for an hour. Didn't he see that the governor and his companions who were not weak in combat in the movie also almost escaped during their escape? Will it be killed? The combat power of T1000 is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After taking out the key, opening the door and getting in the car, Lu Yuan nervously groped under the seat, and after a while he found transparent pills contained in a small plastic bag. Fortunately, for the sake of caution, he hid one pill in the car as a precaution, otherwise he would not be able to get rid of the T1000 immediately.


After swallowing NZT in one gulp, Lu Yuan pressed down on the accelerator and drove forward without waiting for the drug to take effect.

He must return to the warehouse immediately. What happened tonight was beyond his expectation. The USB flash drive that he thought was a great opportunity would have such a terrible accident... No, was it an accident? Or is it an inevitable event?

Thinking of Sonny's unexpected appearance, Lu Yuan's mind was in confusion. He held the steering wheel with his right hand and reached into his pants pocket with his left hand to take out the USB flash drive and looked at it. The USB flash drive, which had long since cooled down, returned to its original state, making everything look like, T1000 is just an illusion.

The violently beating heart began to calm down, the panic was suppressed, and the chaotic thoughts in my mind were quickly sorted out, like boiling hot water, suddenly being eroded and cooled by liquid nitrogen. One second, the eyes were still uneasy, and the next second they were ripples. After disappearing, the street lights reflected in Lu Yuan's dark eyes were already calm...

The old saying that comes with good fortune and misfortune is true since ancient times. It seems to be a pie in the sky, but little did you know that there is poison hidden in the pie. The first bite is delicious, but the rest is delicious. A life-threatening poison.

Lu Yuan still doesn't know the reason why the USB flash drive mutated. To put it most clearly, can only he ingest items from that USB flash drive, or can everyone else access it in the same way?

Too many doubts hung over the USB flash drive. He had previously placed too much emphasis on the benefits brought by the USB flash drive, and was paralyzed by the benefits brought by the USB flash drive. He did not think deeply about whether there was a threat later.


The car had already driven out of two streets and headed towards the Third Ring Road outside Donghai City. When it rushed through an intersection, a car cut in and followed closely behind two parking spaces.

"Catching up so quickly?"

With the potential of NZT to stimulate the brain, Lu Yuan no longer felt panicked and uneasy, but was instead a little surprised. He wasn't surprised that the T1000 could catch up, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, and he still underestimated its ability.

You can't conflict with it here, otherwise you will be the one who suffers.

Even in the state of taking medicine, Lu Yuan was very afraid of this kind of robot. If he could avoid fighting, he would not fight. It was best to get rid of it. That would be the most perfect ending.

Before that...

Lu Yuan fumbled for the remote control and pressed it casually. The license plates on the back and front of the car suddenly flipped and turned into another license plate. When selling gold jewelry, in order to be cautious, he simply added such a mechanism to the car's license plate and handled it carefully. As long as he was not caught drunk by the traffic police, ordinary people would really have no idea of ​​discovering the mystery.

At critical moments, this license plate can play a big role.

The T1000, which was following closely behind, seemed to have little patience. As soon as it caught Lu Yuan's trace, it changed lanes to overtake, directly crossing the double solid line, without any intention of obeying traffic regulations.

Lu Yuan glanced at the rearview mirror, sneered, stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the car suddenly shot up from the speed limit of 60 yards to 90 yards. On this motorized lane with a limit of 60 yards, suddenly increasing the speed to 90 yards is definitely a life-threatening behavior, especially when there are many vehicles passing by. The sudden acceleration without any warning is very likely to cause a car accident.

But the SUV was very stable under Lu Yuan's hands, more stable than ever before. There were countless lights coming and going in the entire lane, but none of them could escape his sight, or in other words, his calculations.

His extraordinary calculation power and reaction power allowed him to be 99% sure to shuttle through the numerous traffic flows without any accidents, and he kept the remaining 10% out of fear of being proud.

The premise for this to be unsurprising is that there is no outside interference. When the T1000 drove a Mazda and changed lanes and drove up, its crazy behavior seemed to have drunk ten pounds of wine. The faces of the surrounding drivers all changed drastically, and they hurriedly avoided the car as much as possible. Mazda.


The SUV shook, and the butt of the car was pushed by the Mazda. The T1000 had already caught up with the car. At its speed, it would be able to keep pace with the SUV in a few seconds.

Lu Yuan remained calm and motionless, as if Mazda, who was catching up, didn't take it to heart.

He maintained a speed of 90 yards, and with the Mazda chasing him at a speed of over 100 kilometers per hour, he was actually parallel to the SUV in a few blinks.

It's now!

Lu Yuan suddenly stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel left. At the critical moment, the front of the car suddenly hit the rear of the Mazda.


The collision was timed just right. The Mazda immediately lost its balance, swerved and twisted rapidly, and spun uncontrollably. The car behind it couldn't avoid it and crashed into it with a roar.

Boom boom!

Several cars collided with each other, and the cars behind them immediately rear-ended each other. The loud noise was so heart-shaking.

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